ArmA Warfare/1.1/Issues – Talk

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Switching sides will result in screen blanking

BIS forum


The bugs section of this page is being drowned out by the wishes section and with the page being called issues... What about moving all of the wishes to a dedicated Warfare wish list page? --MSG Trit 02:10, 25 June 2008 (CEST)

I've chosen the word "issue" but not being an english native it's maybe the wrong one. As I know, in IT it's used for both bugs and request feature, as briefly described here.
About the wishes being more than bugs, you are right. I suppose there are more bugs than described here. However, I'll prefer to have dedicate pages for each dev chosen wishes/bugs with design and/or implementation details. In the meantime, keeping whishes and bugs together should help to see if an issue is a bug (it should work as documentation/help says, but it doesn't) or a wish (should work like I want, but it doesn't). alef 11:45, 25 June 2008 (CEST)


Non player controlled AI in AA pods

AI in pods should be

  • in "Open fire" engage rule (or "Engage at will"?)
  • combat mode "Danger"
  • doing a "Scan horizon"

and maybe done for both AA and AT. alef 11:56, 25 June 2008 (CEST)