Alef/MP testenv – User
TODO: add the whole set of test scenarios and paths.
- 3 ArmA (-server, -connect, -connect)
- how to resize the -window in ArmA (alt, sysmenu, left+right keys)
- link some xfire videos
- don't use cygwin here. Find a tail -f / less +F solution to follo arma.rpt for native windows.
@echo off setlocal rem set BETA=beta\ rem The line below has a TAB and TWO spaces for /F "tokens=3* delims= " %%A in ('reg query "HKLM\Software\Bohemia Interactive Studio\ArmA" /v MAIN') do @set _arma=%%A CALL :main "%_arma%" endlocal GOTO :eof :main %~d1 cd %~f1 start %BETA%arma.exe -window -nopause -nosplash -mod=%BETA%;@mod -host -nocdkey -world=intro start %BETA%arma.exe -window -nopause -nosplash -mod=%BETA%;@mod -connect=localhost -world=intro
How to run 2 ArmAs on the same PC
A fast way to setup MP missions is to run two ArmA games on the same computer. Let's call the first Editor and the second Client
- Editor run the mission editor, selected by clicking on Multiplayer -> New -> Edit/New
- Client can now join it selecting Multiplayer -> LAN or Remote wiht IP or localhost
- It will see Editor in edit mode.
- As Editor clicks on Preview to run the mission, a PBO named __cur_mp.pbo is created for Client to be downloaded.
does*Both now enter the usual lobby and choose the slot they want
- They play the mission, and when they leave back to the lobby, they can choose:
- to run it again
- to go back
- Editor, in this case, returns in the the mission editor
- Client, in this case, returns to the Wait for host screen.
In order to avoid to click through the menus, you can choose to start the two ArmA by command line:
For Editor
\ArmA\arma.exe -host
For Client
\ArmA\arma.exe -connect=localhost
I would suggest adding
-window -nosplash -nopause
to speed up things and run safe from alt-tabbing.
You can start the games at the same time, for instance using a .cmd like this:
start \ArmA\arma.exe -window -nopause -host start \ArmA\arma.exe -window -nopause -connect=localhost
All of this above should works if ArmA does not check for duplicated CD keys.
There is an option in server.cfg called kickduplicate, which if set to 0 allows the same CD key to join a MP game. The problem is that server.cfg, or better, the file you provide with -config, is only read if you run ArmA with -server or the dedicated arma_server.exe or server on Linux.
Because this check is done online at gamespy, if you drop your internet connection, the check isn't done. But this could be a problem, because while editing or testing, you usually want to search some forums or other online resources.
- disconnect your PC from the Internet, or
- use my plugin nocdkey