Development setup
This site focuses on getting your work ingame, as well as all aspects of addon,
pbos as a subset, development.
- Correct setup to use binarize to track down errors and improve the quality.
- Best addon design for easy recognition, updating and quality.
- Dev setup to work with least time and resource effort.
Related topics
- Minimal Addons Setup
- PBO naming thoughts
- Good design - separate an addon in multiple PBOs
- Formatted A2 configs and all-in-one config as part of the CMB git repository.
Unpacking A1/A2
For non simple addons you have references to BI configs, textures or proxies.
More specially the BI namespace CA.
Binarze is trying to locate these references during the optimization process.
In other words without these files available binarize is unable to do its job properly.
The models referenced by other models or wrp files can be both MLOD or ODOL format.
Virtual partition P
We will create a virtual partition P: to map your arma folder.
This is required by the BI toolset and allows easy access to the arma folder.
It is recommended to create a link on your desktop or quicklaunch bar to P.
As a sidenote, at the same time you should create one central folder with
all your arma related tools in it. Map this one to T.
Are two arma installations necessary
The BI tools create by default a separate folder/location called ArmAWork.
This may or may not be needed.
- Two separate folder/locations to keep your play-install clean.
- Duplication of files may be needed for two separate.
Possible to avoid with Junctions, if both are on the same HDD. - Both play and dev combined in one folder avoids messing around.
You only need to keep your folder structure well designed.
You can ensure that only PBOs, and NO unpacked data, are loaded via
Done via ArmA: Startup Parameters.
Create P drive
1. Create a file called mapGameFolderToP.bat.
2. Add the line and adapt the path your arma folder:
subst p: "D:\Games\arma"
3. Move the file to the autostart location. IE (XP32b):
C:\Documents and Settings\YourUserAccount\Start Menu\Programs\Startup or C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
Extract files from the PBOs
There are several PBO tools out there to do the job.
Personally I recommend you ExtractPbo.exe made by mikero
as part of the PBOdll suite.
.\ExtractPbo.exe -a -d -y .\pathToArmA\arma\addons\PboFileName.pbo
Do this for each PBO in .\arma\addons and all PBOs in .\arma\dta.
Move the files in the appropriate place:
The folders of the unpacked PBOs should be moved to .\arma to look like:
.\arma\ca\config.cpp .\arma\ca\ca\* .\arma\ca\a10\* ...
For the dta PBOs:
.\arma\bin .\arma\core ...
Addon development
Use namespaces
In OFP the engine rebuild the file-folder structure in the memory from the
folder naming of the addons: .\ofp\addons\MyAddon.pbo
Results in the path in the memory: MyAddon\*.
A1/A2 support namespace or also called (pbo)prefix.
It is not required to use it, yet it is BAD practice not to use it!
The namespace is defined in a file called $PBOPREFIX$.
The $PBOPREFIX$ site directly in your addons location: .\myAddon\$PBOPREFIX$.
The $PBOPREFIX$ is basically a text file with no file extension.
It allows you to name your pbo independent from the future in memory structure:
PBO location and name: .\arma\myMod\addons\myTag_PboName_2009_06_02.pbo.
$PBOPREFIX$: x\myMod\addons\myPboName
- Different pbo to memory naming.
- Use version/date tag for the pbo and have same inner namespace without it for every release.
- Define your own home via the prefix: myMod\.. instead of just myAddon,
or worse to use the BI CA namespace - NEVER do this! - Avoid addon (model/texture/sound) path conflicts with your own namespace.
In addition it allows you to utilize it for a few design and development tricks: