CfgMagazines Config Reference
CfgAmmo, cfgMagazines, cfgWeapons and cfgVehicles are root classes defined in the engine's config.bin.
These classes can be subsequently added to by addons inherit in the game or provided by oem.
CfgAmmo defines the missile characterstics for ammunition held in a cfgMagazine which, in turn, is used by a cfgWeapon, which, in turn, is selected for use in a (series of) cfgVehicles. The same ammunition can be, and generally is, used by multiple magazines. The same magazine, can be, and generally is, used by multiple weapons. And so on.
'Default' values are shown in the legend. They come from the derived class CA_Magazine rather than the true default{} since almost everything derives from this class. Nearly all values are identical to their ofp equivalent.
Note that engines will accept integer values (or math strings) where a float would normally be expected.
TokenNames marked ArmA were introduced from Xbox Elite and beyond.
Arma Enhancement
Arma introduced a new root class, cfgMagazines.
The magazines it declares are selected for use by specific cfgWeapons
Any given magazine can (obviously) only hold a specific cfgAmmo class.
In contrast, OFP uses a rather tedious construct in it's cfgWeapons class to distinguish between weapon and magazine paramaters.
The major alterations here are:
OFP ARMA ammo= moved to cfgMagazines displayNameMagazine= moved to cfgMagazines and renamed DisplayName (of course) magazines[] = {"this"};magazines[] = {}; magazineType= moved to cfgMagazines and renamed Type maxLeadSpeed= moved to cfgMagazines scopeWeapon= renamed scope scopeMagazine= moved to cfgMagazines and renamed scope shortNameMagazine= moved to cfgMagazines and renamed descriptionShort?
unlike it's cfgAmmo and cfgWeapon cousins: all bets are off. There is, a default class (the substance of this document), but it, and all other classes in cfgMagazines are deleteable/erasable/modifiable.
Caution should be excercised about 'expected' default values when inheriting. ANY added pbo can alter them substantially beofre your very eyes.
Unlike OFP, you cannot have the same cfgMagazines.ClassName
If you specify a rifle, and it's magazine with the same classname, the in-game gear selection dialog get's mightily confused. It's a noisy, awful display to begin with. Don't, make it worse.
Alphabetic Order
StringName of the cfgAmmo class which this magazine holds
ammo=B_30mm_HE; //eg
class InventoryPlacements{}
class Library
class Library { libTextDesc = ""; };
Integer: the amount of ammo this magazine holds
String: The descriptive Name of the ammunition
descriptionShort=$STR_SN_MAVERICK; descriptionShort="Beretta Ammo";
String: The descriptive Name of the magzine. In ofp, this was called DisplayNameMagazine.
Integer: Starting speed of missile ==maxLeadSpeed = 23; Integer:
String: The mag model identical to ofp
String: picture shown in gear for this mag. See cfgAmmo for warnings about picture paths
Integer: values
private protected public
Ofp name was ScopeMagazine selectionFireAnim="zasleh"== String:
Integer: OFP name was MagazineType See cfgWeapons for the CHANGES between ofp and arma for this value
Integer: Formerly known as ValueMagzine in ofp
additonal values
because just about anything can be added to these classes it is not overly useful to attempt to define most of them of them. Fro whatver reason, and unlike other root classes, the engine doesn't need these tokens declared in default{}