Quick camo selection definition guide

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This guide describes a process to easily create camo selections for models to allow reskinning even for a large amount of assets.


  1. This is not a beginners guide. Please refer to related information section at the end to learn the basics.
  2. This is not about creating textures.
  3. This is not about explaining tools usage.
  4. This is not explaining config basics.
  5. This does not (yet) include the definition of selections for materials.

What are camo selections

Camo selections are term to describe named selections to be used to apply different textures to a model. This can be done by either means of config or scripting.


Brief summary:

  1. Save the two bio.2s scripts on this page to your .\ObjectBuilder\O2Scripts folder.
  2. Get the list all textures assigned to a model (for the main components).
  3. Prepare batch file with selectionName to textureName mapping for the model.
  4. Run the batch file.
  5. Add the new selectionNames in the sections[] in cfgModels of the model.cfg.
  6. Set the selectionName-textureName pair in hiddenSelections[] and hiddenSelectionsTextures[] in the config.cpp.
  7. Binarize the models with the updated model.cfg.

Get texture list

Requirement: You need the paid subscriber versions of mikero's tools. Namely dep3d.

DeP3d [-options..] AnyFolder | Anyfile[.p3d] | any list | "comma,separated,list"
-FL[nn] list files (see readme)

Sample calls:

DeP3d.exe -P -FL p:\namespace\path\modelName.p3d
DeP3d.exe -P -FL p:\namespace\path\ >> TextureListForPath.txt


  • Get the textures assigned to the model via ObjectBuilder or some other tool.
  • Use a hex/text editor and search for paa.

Update model


cd /D "c:\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 3 Tools\ObjectBuilder\"

O2Script.exe -a O2Scripts\NamedSelectionCreate.bio2s p:\namespace\path\modelName.p3d selectionName namespace\path\textureName.paa


NamedSelectionCreate.bio2s (create a text file, paste the following content, save as the said filename with bio2s as extension and move to the O2Scripts folder of ObjectBuilder)

#include "std\lodNames.inc"

_createNewSelection =
	private ["_obj","_selName","_sel"];

	_obj = _this select 0;
	_selName = _this select 1;
	_sel = _this select 2;

	if (_obj checkSelectionName _selName) then
		//new selection already exists
		//ToDo: handle that if needed
		_obj save _sel as _selName;

_getTexOrMatName =
	_obj = _this@0;
	_fi = _this@1;
	_isMat = _this@2;

		getMaterial (_obj face _x)
		getTexture (_obj face _x)

_getProxyFaces =
	private ["_obj","_faces","_face","_proxySel"];
	_obj = _this;

	_faces = [];
		if (_x @ [0,6]=="proxy:") then
			_proxySel = _obj loadSelection _x;
			_face = (getSelectedFaces _proxySel) @ 0;
			_faces set [count _faces,_face];
	} forEach getSelections _obj;


_faceIndicesByTexture =
	_obj = _this@0;
	_texName = _this@1;
	_texIsMat = _this@2;

	_proxyFaces = _obj call _getProxyFaces;

	_faceIndices = [];
	_obj forEachFace [{[_obj,_x,_texIsMat] call _getTexOrMatName == _texName},
		if(!(_x in _proxyFaces))then
			_faceIndices set [count _faceIndices,_x];


_selectByFaceIndices =
	private ["_obj","_faceIndices","_sel"];
	_obj = _this@0;
	_facesIndices = _this@1;

	_sel = newSelection _obj;
	_sel selectFaces _facesIndices;
	selectPointsFromFaces _sel

_selectionByTexture =
	_obj = _this@0;
	_texName = _this@1;
	_texIsMat = _this@2;

	_faceIndices = [_obj,_texName,_texIsMat] call _faceIndicesByTexture;
	[_obj,_faceIndices] call _selectByFaceIndices

_createNewSelectionByTexture =

	_obj = _this select 0;
	_selName = _this select 1;
	_texName = _this select 2;
	_texIsMat = _this select 3;

	_sel = [_obj,_texName,_texIsMat] call _selectionByTexture;
	[_obj,_selName,_sel] call _createNewSelection;

_sourcePath = this@0;
_targetPath = _sourcePath;

if ((count this) == 2) then {_targetPath = this@1;};

_selectionName = this@1;
_textureName = this@2;

_p3d = newLODObject;
_p3d loadP3D _sourcePath;

_LODs = getObjects _p3d;
_resolutions = getResolutions _p3d;

console<<"_sourcePath: "<<_sourcePath<<eoln;
console<<"_selectionName: "<<_selectionName<<eoln;
console<<"_textureName: "<<_textureName<<eoln;

for "_i" from 0 to (count _p3d-1) do
	_currentLOD = _LODs @ _i;
	_currentResolution = _resolutions @ _i;

	if (IS_LOD_RESOLUTION(_currentResolution)) then
		[_currentLOD,_selectionName,_textureName,false] call _createNewSelectionByTexture;

save (_p3d as _targetPath);


You need to add the new named selectionNames to the sections[] in cfgModels:

class CfgModels
	class ParentClass;
	class ModelName: ParentClass
		sectionsInherit = "ParentClass";
		sections[] = {"NewCamoSelection_1","NewCamoSelection_2"};

See also: ArmA: Howto Model Config - CfgModels explanations - sections


See also: CfgVehicles_Config_Reference#hiddenSelections

IMPORTANT: Define the correct loading order via requiredAddons in the cfgPatches header to make sure your definition overwrites potential other definitions.

Create named selections overview

If a model already has named selections defined, you can use this batch script to list them/log them to file.


// Adjust path
cd /D "c:\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 3 Tools\ObjectBuilder\"

O2Script.exe -a O2Scripts\NamedSelectionsOverview.bio2s p:\namespace\path\modelName.p3d >> NamedSelectionsOverview.txt


Sample output:

_sourcePath: p:\namespace\path\modelName.p3d
_currentResolution: 1
_selectionName: name1
_textures: namespace\path\textureName4711.paa
_selectionName: name2
_textures: namespace\path\textureName4712.paa

NamedSelectionsOverview.bio2s (create a text file, paste the following content, save as the said filename with bio2s as extension and move to the O2Scripts folder of ObjectBuilder)

#include "std\lodNames.inc"

_createOverviewForCurrentLOD =

	_object = _this select 0;

		_selectionName = _x;

		_textures = [];
		_selection = _object loadSelection _selectionName;
		_selectedFaces = getSelectedFaces _selection;

			_face = _x;

			_texture = getTexture (_object face _face);
			if (!(_texture in _textures)) then

				_textures set [count _textures,_texture];
		} forEach _selectedFaces;

		console<<"_selectionName: "<<_selectionName<<eoln;

			_texture = _x;
			if (_texture != "") then
				console<<"_textures: "<<_texture<<eoln;
		} forEach _textures;
	} forEach (getSelections _object);

_sourcePath = this@0;

_p3d = newLODObject;
_p3d loadP3D _sourcePath;

_LODs = getObjects _p3d;
_resolutions = getResolutions _p3d;


for "_i" from 0 to ((count _p3d) - 1) do
	_currentLOD = _LODs @ _i;
	_currentResolution = _resolutions @ _i;

	if (IS_LOD_RESOLUTION(_currentResolution)) then
		console<<"_currentResolution: "<<str _currentResolution<<eoln;

		[_currentLOD] call _createOverviewForCurrentLOD;


  • T_D
  • mikero

Related information

