Mission Save File – Operation Flashpoint: Elite
The Directory Tree
The directory tree looks something like this.
UDATA Default directory for all games. 434d005a The game title folder. BD22517280DF A generated number representing the user save. ... More user saves A160043E221B A generated number representing another user save
OFP:Elite will automatically generate a number representing the mission save, you have no control over this, it just happens.
OFP:Elite doesn't mind normal names, such as MyMissionName.
Contents of user created save
Within subfolder 434d500a, there should be the following files:
TitleImage.xbx //Image File TitleMeta.xbx //TitleName=Operation Flashpoint: Elite SaveImage.xbx //Image File A subfolder named with an obscure name like "BD22517280DF"
Within subfolder of the mission save, the following files should exist:
SaveMeta.xbx saveimage.xbx header.bin mission.par
The savemeta.xbx file is a simple text file with details of the mission name and the profile name used to create the mission save.
The header.bin file contains information about the mission owner (user profile), the type of mission (Multi Player vs Single Player), the mission name, and the template used to create the mission.
This file is also rAP'd and signed by the OFP: Elite engine.
In order to allow you to play a PC mission on OFP: Elite, it is the templates option that you need to modify and point to your mission save folder.
The mission.par file is the meat of the mission. The file is much like the PC version of the mission.sqm file, it contains the details of the units placed in the editor, any waypoints the user has created, along with the time, date, weather settings.
This file has some special properties, the file is rAP'd and signed by the OFP: Elite engine.
Action Replay Notes
Keep in mind when preparing your mission for the Action Replay application these points.
- 1. All files must be zipped up into a single archive to be recognized by the AR (the name of the ZIP archive seems inconsequential).
- 2. The first sub folder within this archive should be named "UDATA"