Virtual Battlespace: Australians in Vietnam – Talk

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Revision as of 16:57, 3 August 2006 by Hoz (talk | contribs) (comment)
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Also what you think what should be definatly here on this Biki and what not! --SniperAndy 13:47, 2 August 2006 (CEST)
A nice external links section for the bottom would be nice, also wasn't this game also built with cooperation of Aus DOD? Maybe you should include that too. hoz 15:18, 2 August 2006 (CEST)
I did a little bit of editing, and added some links in the copy of the article.
I don't know much about the historical background of this, so I hope I didn't mess anything up, Andy...
You can compare edited versions with the 'history' tab at the top. --Kronzky 17:40, 2 August 2006 (CEST)
Hoz, I'm still new to this Biki editing thing. So any help is appriciated on this. Not sure about the external links and if they are relevant or welcome. Don't know if BI/BIA want to have the military sites linked here. I doubt it...
Kronzky, I've seen your edits. Nice. I will have to look more into this. And I'm aware of the history, thanks. --SniperAndy 16:36, 3 August 2006 (CEST)
I've added some sections and some wiki links. One thing you might want to include is some information about how this product is going to be affordable, and also its lacking many features like MP this is important I think and should be included. hoz 16:57, 3 August 2006 (CEST)