Synide – User talk
The following is temporary...
This is my init.sqf file I use in all my missions. It correctly identifies in what context the init.sqf file is being run.
Things to note...
If you are there at mission launch from that point on your 'Context'
will always be 'MP_CLIENT' and will stay as such even when you respawn.
If you are an 'MP_CLIENT' then you 'disconnect' from a continuing mission
and select a new playable character or the same playable character you will
become a 'JIP_CLIENT'.
If you join an inprogress mission you will be a 'JIP_CLIENT' from that
point till the mission ends.
if (isServer) then
if (isnull player) then {Context = "mp_server";}else{Context = "sp_server";};
if (isnull player) then {Context = "jip_client";}else{Context = "mp_client";};
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "scripts\common\init.sqf";
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers format["scripts\%1\init.sqf",Context];
Things to note about the above for MP only.
- If you are there at mission launch from that point on your 'Context' will always be 'MP_CLIENT' and will stay as such even when you respawn.
- If you are an 'MP_CLIENT' then you 'disconnect' from the continuing mission and select a new playable character you will become a 'JIP_CLIENT'.
- If you join an inprogress mission you will be a 'JIP_CLIENT' from that point till the mission ends.
Animation Stuff...
- OFP2_ManSkeleton (has 75 Bones)
- neck
- neck1
- head
- lbrow
- mbrow
- rbrow
- lmouth
- mmouth
- rmouth
- eyelids (10)
- llip
- head
- neck1
- weapon
- launcher
- camera
- spine
- spine1
- spine2
- spine3
- pelvis
- leftshoulder (20)
- leftarm
- leftarmroll
- leftforearm
- leftforearmroll
- lefthand
- lefthandring
- lefthandring1
- lefthandring2
- lefthandring3
- lefthandpinky1 (30)
- lefthandpinky2
- lefthandpinky3
- lefthandmiddle1
- lefthandmiddle2
- lefthandmiddle3
- lefthandindex1
- lefthandindex2
- lefthandindex3
- lefthandthumb1
- lefthandthumb2 (40)
- lefthandthumb3
- rightshoulder
- rightarm
- rightarmroll
- rightforearm
- rightforearmroll
- righthand
- righthandring
- righthandring1
- righthandring2 (50)
- righthandring3
- righthandpinky1
- righthandpinky2
- righthandpinky3
- righthandmiddle1
- righthandmiddle2
- righthandmiddle3
- righthandindex1
- righthandindex2
- righthandindex3 (60)
- righthandthumb1
- righthandthumb2
- righthandthumb3
- leftupleg
- leftuplegroll
- leftleg
- leftlegroll
- leftfoot
- lefttoebase
- rightupleg (70)
- rightuplegroll
- rightleg
- rightlegroll
- rightfoot
- righttoebase (75)
- neck