Doolittle/Sandbox – User
Ah, scripting. Here's some fun stuff:
myfunc = {objnull};
_unit = ["foo"] call myfunk;
if (isnull _unit) then {hint "wow!"};
You won't see "wow". The error is it should be spelled myfunc... but it's hard to catch because, since myfunk is not defined, _unit is not defined, so isnull on a not defined var doesn't even work. So it's hard to track what went wrong here.
More interesting stuff about private. I never got private. Why is it needed? This was interesting:
myfunc = {
_temp = [1,2,3];
myglobal = _temp;
call myfunc;
player sidechat str myglobal;
myglobal comes out empty. But if you put private ["_temp"] then it is filled with values. Like the engine knows it's a temp var and so copies it over. Otherwise it doesn't think it's temp (without private) so it doesn't bother to copy, but then the value gets dropped from memory anyways.