Hypoxic125/Sandbox – User

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Creating a custom loading bar involves utilizing two images. A background image (typically desaturated) and a foreground image (full color).

Key things to establish before you develop your own loading bar:

  • Where will your control be defined
  • In what direction will the loading bar flow in

Required Images

Background Image - Desaturated
Foreground Image - Full Color

You will need to have two images:

  • Background Image: Desaturated
  • Foreground Image: Full Color

These images will need to be converted from .png to .paa using TexView2

Building The Config

Define Pixel Grid Macros

#define pixelScale          0.5
#define GRID_X              safezoneX
#define GRID_Y              safezoneY
#define GRID_W              (pixelW * pixelGridNoUIScale * pixelScale)
#define GRID_H              (pixelH * pixelGridNoUIScale * pixelScale)
#define CENTER_X            ((getResolution select 2) * 0.5 * pixelW)
#define CENTER_Y            ((getResolution select 3) * 0.5 * pixelH)

Define Image Positions

#define IMAGE_X    0
#define IMAGE_Y    0
// IMAGE_W and IMAGE_H need to follow the aspect ratio of your image. This is for a 2:1 image.
#define IMAGE_W    50
#define IMAGE_H    25

Create Config

Import Base Classes

<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">

  1. define pixelScale 0.5
  2. define GRID_X safezoneX
  3. define GRID_Y safezoneY
  4. define GRID_W (pixelW * pixelGridNoUIScale * pixelScale)
  5. define GRID_H (pixelH * pixelGridNoUIScale * pixelScale)
  6. define CENTER_X ((getResolution select 2) * 0.5 * pixelW)
  7. define CENTER_Y ((getResolution select 3) * 0.5 * pixelH)
  1. define IMAGE_X 0
  2. define IMAGE_Y 0

// IMAGE_W and IMAGE_H need to follow the aspect ratio of your image. This is for a 2:1 image.

  1. define IMAGE_W 50
  2. define IMAGE_H 25

class TAG_MyDisplay { idd = -1; onLoad = "uiNamespace setVariable ['TAG_MyDisplay', _this select 0]"; onUnload = "uiNamespace setVariable ['TAG_MyDisplay', nil]";

class Controls { class BackgroundCtrl: RscPicture { idc = -1; x = IMAGE_X * GRID_W; y = IMAGE_Y * GRID_H; w = IMAGE_W * GRID_W; h = IMAGE_H * GRID_H; onLoad = "uiNamespace setVariable ['TAG_BackgroundCtrl', _this select 0]"; onUnload = "uiNamespace setVariable ['TAG_BackgroundCtrl', nil]"; text = "pathTo\BackgroundImg.paa"; }; class ForegroundCtrlGroup: RscControlsGroupNoScrollBars {

   		idc = -1;
   		x = IMAGE_X * GRID_W;
   		y = IMAGE_Y * GRID_H;
   		w = IMAGE_W * GRID_W;
   		h = IMAGE_H * GRID_H;

onLoad = "uiNamespace setVariable ['TAG_ForegroundCtrlGroup', _this select 0]"; onUnload = "uiNamespace setVariable ['TAG_ForegroundCtrlGroup', nil]";

   		class controls {
       		class ForegroundCtrl: RscPicture {
           		idc = -1;
           		x = 0 * GRID_W;
           		y = 0 * GRID_H;
           		w = IMAGE_W * GRID_W;
           		h = IMAGE_H * GRID_H;
           		onLoad = "uiNamespace setVariable ['TAG_ForegroundCtrl', _this select 0]";
           		text = "pathTo\ForegroundImg.paa";

}; }; };