Config Parser
Parser commands/macros
Allows you to assign values to variables. These variables can then be used to in other calculations, or output via the __EVAL macro.
__EXEC (_x = .345);
__EXEC (_y = _y + 1);
__EXEC (_str = format["name: %1",_name])
__EXEC terminates at the first closed parenthesis ")" it encounters, so expressions like the following will cause an error:
__EXEC (_val = (_arr select 0)*10); // ILLEGAL!
With this macro expressions can be evaluated, including previously assigned internal variables.
y = __EVAL (_y);
text = __EVAL (_str1 + _str2);
Unlike the __EXEC command, __EVAL can contain other parentheses, making more complex, and even conditional operations possible:
x = __EVAL (if (_idx>5) then {0} else {.5});
Be aware though, that if these evaluations are used in a mission's description.ext, that at that point the mission information is not available yet (i.e. the mission objects have not been created yet). (At least in VBS2 this is the case.)