Scripting Commands Take On – Category
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Scripting commands available in Take On Helicopters.
1. The data is extracted with the help of supportInfo and CBA.
[supportInfo ""] call cba_fnc_debug
2. It seems all 3d editor commands have been removed. Speculation: They have been merged into the engine for ArmA III.
3. Many new commands have at the end Rtd. Speculation: It could short for rtdynamics. They are the developers of rotorlib - the library used for the TakOH FM.
Version 82161
b:CONTROL addeditorobject ARRAY b:CONTROL addmenu ARRAY b:CONTROL addmenuitem ARRAY b:CONTROL allow3dmode BOOL b:CONTROL allowfileoperations BOOL b:CONTROL createmenu SCALAR b:CONTROL deleteeditorobject STRING b:CONTROL drawlink ARRAY b:CONTROL editobject STRING b:CONTROL editorseteventhandler ARRAY b:CONTROL evalobjectargument ARRAY b:CONTROL execeditorscript ARRAY b:CONTROL findeditorobject ANY b:CONTROL findeditorobject ARRAY b:CONTROL geteditorobjectscope STRING b:CONTROL getobjectargument ARRAY b:CONTROL getobjectchildren STRING b:CONTROL getobjectproxy STRING b:CONTROL getvariable STRING b:CONTROL inserteditorobject ARRAY b:CONTROL listobjects STRING b:CONTROL loadoverlay CONFIG b:CONTROL lookatpos ARRAY b:CONTROL moveobjecttoend STRING b:CONTROL newoverlay CONFIG b:CONTROL nmenuitems SCALAR,STRING b:CONTROL ondoubleclick STRING b:CONTROL onshownewobject STRING b:CONTROL removedrawicon ARRAY b:CONTROL removedrawlinks ARRAY b:CONTROL removemenuitem SCALAR b:CONTROL removemenuitem STRING b:CONTROL selecteditorobject STRING b:CONTROL setdrawicon ARRAY b:CONTROL seteditormode STRING b:CONTROL seteditorobjectscope ARRAY b:CONTROL setobjectarguments ARRAY b:CONTROL setobjectproxy ARRAY b:CONTROL setvariable ARRAY b:CONTROL setvisibleiftreecollapsed ARRAY b:CONTROL show3dicons BOOL b:CONTROL showlegend BOOL b:CONTROL showneweditorobject ARRAY b:CONTROL updatedrawicon ARRAY b:CONTROL updatemenuitem ARRAY u:clearoverlay CONTROL u:closeoverlay CONTROL u:collapseobjecttree CONTROL u:commitoverlay CONTROL u:geteditorcamera CONTROL u:geteditormode CONTROL u:importallgroups CONTROL u:isrealtime CONTROL u:isshowing3dicons CONTROL u:nextmenuitemindex CONTROL u:restarteditorcamera CONTROL u:saveoverlay CONTROL u:selectededitorobjects CONTROL u:updateobjecttree CONTROL
b:ARRAY ropeAttachTo OBJECT b:OBJECT assignAsCargo ARRAY b:OBJECT customRadio ARRAY b:OBJECT enableAutostartUpRtd BOOL b:OBJECT enableAutoTrimRtd BOOL b:OBJECT enableCoPilot BOOL b:OBJECT getHitPointDamage STRING b:OBJECT ropeDettach OBJECT b:OBJECT setActualCollectiveRtd SCALAR b:OBJECT setApuRtd ARRAY b:OBJECT setBatterychargeRtd SCALAR b:OBJECT setBatteryRtd BOOL b:OBJECT setBrakesRtd ARRAY b:OBJECT setCustomWeightRtd SCALAR b:OBJECT setEngineRPMRtd ARRAY b:OBJECT setHitpointDamage ARRAY b:OBJECT setRotorBrakeRtd SCALAR b:OBJECT setStarterRtd ARRAY b:OBJECT setThrottleRtd ARRAY b:OBJECT setWantedRPMRtd ARRAY b:OBJECT setWingforceScaleRtd ARRAY b:SCALAR radioChannelAdd ARRAY b:SCALAR radioChannelRemove ARRAY b:SCALAR radioChannelSetCallsign STRING b:SCALAR radioChannelSetLabel STRING b:SCALAR setForceGeneratorRtd ARRAY b:SCALAR setWindforce SCALAR b:STRING setPipeffect ARRAY n:airDensitycurveRtd n:clearForcesRtd n:localCoordinateSystemCenterRtd n:profileNamespace n:saveProfileNamespace n:systemOfUnits n:windRtd u:actionName STRING u:addForceGeneratorRtd ARRAY u:airDensityRtd SCALAR u:ambientRoadCreate ARRAY u:batteryChargeRtd OBJECT u:className LOCATION u:collectiveRtd OBJECT u:enginesIsOnRtd OBJECT u:enginesRPMRtd OBJECT u:forceAtPositionRtd ARRAY u:forceGeneratorRtd SCALAR u:getEngineTargetRpmRtd OBJECT u:getRotorBrakeRtd OBJECT u:getShadowDistance ANY u:getTrimOffsetRtd OBJECT u:getWingsPositionRtd OBJECT u:hasAPURtd OBJECT u:isAPUOnRtd OBJECT u:isAutoStartupEnabledRtd OBJECT u:isAutoTrimOnRtd OBJECT u:isBatteryOnRtd OBJECT u:isCoPilotEnabled OBJECT u:isObjectRtd OBJECT u:isSimulatedRtd OBJECT u:isStarterOnRtd OBJECT u:isTouchingGround OBJECT u:lineIntersects ARRAY u:lineIntersectsWith ARRAY u:makeAirborne OBJECT u:numberOfEnginesRtd OBJECT u:radioChannelCreate ARRAY u:ropeCreate ARRAY u:ropeCut ARRAY u:ropeDestroy ARRAY u:ropes OBJECT u:ropeUnwind ARRAY u:rotorsForcesRtd OBJECT u:rotorsRpmRtd OBJECT u:setDefaultHazeDistance SCALAR u:setDesiredLuminanceCoef SCALAR u:setDetailMapBlendPars ARRAY u:setHazeDistCoef SCALAR u:setHazeFogCoef SCALAR u:setHDRLuminancErectCoef SCALAR u:setObjectViewDistance ARRAY u:setObjectViewDistance SCALAR u:setSatNormalMapBlendPars ARRAY u:setShadowDistance SCALAR u:setSystemOfUnits SCALAR u:stopEngineRtd OBJECT u:throttleRtd OBJECT u:velocityModelSpace OBJECT u:weightRtd OBJECT u:wingsforcesRtd OBJECT
See CMB repository.
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