DeRap Version 1.xx by Mikero.
See ReadMeGeneral and fixes
- DeRap is the dual dos/windows app.
- DeRapDos is supplied as a speed-freak dos only version.
DeRap is aware of all binarised text files (known internally as raP) for all engine types and all extensions. Flashpoint , Xbox, Arma, Arrowhead, rvmat, bisurf,. etc etc
All binary types will be converted into standard text class statements. With a
- define to declare what engine-target *this* text must have been made for.
Drag n drop any file onto the gui, or use it's browse
Plain Jane text is shown in the window. It can be saved
anywhere that gives you a thrill, or cut 'n pasted into whatever might give you
a thrill.
Be aware that to
protect you from real nasty surprises, the default output is renamed to .txt.
This to save you the embarrassment of overwriting the original file
Rename the output suit your circumstance.
Command line
DeRap [-options] whateverFileOrFolder [whereverFileOrFolder]
-n noisy
-s silent (default)
-t do NOT use tabbed output (use space)
-P do not pause
-Q test if file is in fact rapified.
syntax: derap -Q nameOfFile
note a israp.bat is supplied to achieve same
Input file versus input folder
DeRap will search the specified folder and all subfolders for rapified
The actual names of the files in the folders are immaterial. DeRap will
examine all of them for mime-type rap. Those that aren't rapped are ignored.
Hopefully obvious: if a destination is specified, it clearly must be a
folder. DeRap will make that folder if not present (and all subsequent
subfolders if any)
Output file or folder
GOLDEN RULE: *.bin is ALWAYS output as *.cpp irrespective of destination.
if no destination is specified:
output is to same folder as source AND output name appended
with .txt
When a destination is specified:
if a folder is specified (with or without trailing \)
output name == input name
if a folder\file is specified
output name == folder\file name
A check however is made that source and destination are not the same thru
inadvertence (eg specifying same destination folder), if so
output is appended with .txt
No Pause
normally the exe will pause before exiting so that the user can 'see' the
in a dos bat application this is not always wanted or desired (the bat file can
or should do the pausing instead)