BIS fnc addStackedEventHandler – Talk
Not being able to override default engine behavior was really bumming me out, so I took a look at BIS_fnc_executeStackedEventHandler. By adding 2 variables, I was able to make the function perform as intended (as I see it). Please push this fix to the next hotfix, BIS!
Author: Nelson Duarte
Edit by: Dread (in bold)
This function executes the stacked items, should not be called independently
_this select 0: STRING - The onXxx event handler
True if executed code returns true
False if executed code returns anything else
private ["_event"];
_event = [_this, 0, "", [""]] call BIS_fnc_param;
//Mission namespace id
private "_namespaceId";
_namespaceId = "BIS_stackedEventHandlers_";
//Mission namespace event
private "_namespaceEvent";
_namespaceEvent = _namespaceId + _event;
//The data
private "_data";
_data = missionNameSpace getVariable [_namespaceEvent, []];
//Add 2 new variables and define
private ["_return","_trash"];
_return = false;
_trash = false;
//Process data
//Data item parameters
private ["_code", "_arguments"];
_code = [_x, 2, "", [{}, ""]] call BIS_fnc_param;
_arguments = [_x, 3, []] call BIS_fnc_param;
if (typeName _code != typeName "") then {
//Execute code
_trash = _arguments call _code; //call can return, why waste?
} else {
//Execute function
_trash = _arguments call (call compile _code); //not really sure what's happening here. 2 calls?
if (typeName _trash == "BOOL") then
if (_trash) then
_return = true;
} forEach _data;
Can't get this post formatted correctly. I'm just going to leave it like it is. - DreadedEntity
- According to this post the intention of these functions is for community/official content compatibility, thus the need for consistent functionality - I don't think you'll see them change this (although its easy enough for you to implement yourself for a specific need).
- In addition, your code will only return the bool of the last iterated _data. Perhaps this should be run through the forums first --Strangepete (talk) 03:46, 9 December 2014 (CET)
- Infact, further down that page is an example of how returning true can break functionality; KK's reply points out that executeStackedEventHandlers used to return true by default, which broke onMapSingleClick for players.
- "In addition, your code will only return the bool of the last iterated _data." This is incorrect. My edit functions as intended. I think you mixed up _trash and _return. _trash is redefined on every iteration. _return can only be redefined if _trash = true, and it can only be redefined to true. It's basically a one-way road. Then the function ends with _return, which is false by default.
- Although, returning true in any of your SEH's will force the entire statement to return true. Which most likely will cause problems with compatibility. I knew, but I hadn't really considered quite what that meant, you're right, this edit will probably never been seen anywhere other than this page. But what else are we supposed to do? I read that the community has been fighting for SEH's for years. I consider this BIS's failure to add a real way to stack EH's, although Duarte's functions are quite clever in my opinion. Don't consider my edit to be acceptance, I'm still unhappy with how any true returns will override all default behavior for that particular event, but with the current system, it is completely impossible to get it any better. I'm still thinking though...maybe I'll have a breakthrough. - DreadedEntity