CfgLights – Arma 3

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Here is a template with some descriptions:

class CfgLights
   color[] = {0,0,1,1};		// Array of RGBA
   diffuse[] = {0,0,1,1};		// Array of RGBA. Purpose unknown
   ambient[] = {0,0.25,1,0.5};		// Array of RGBA
   intensity = 25;			// Finite number between 0 and 1e10
   brightness = 0.1;			// Only used if intensity isn't set. Also deprecated. intensity = (brightness*50)^2
   class Attenuation {
       start = 1;			// distance with 100% intensity, falloff starts here
       constant = 1;			// constant attenuation coef
       linear = 1;			// linear attenuation coef
       quadratic = 1;			// quadratic attenuation coef
       hardLimitStart = 1e20*0.7;	// max distance hard limit start (start of fading of intensity to 0) in meter – default is (1e20 * 0.7)
       hardLimitEnd = 1e20;		// max distance hard limit end (end of fading of intensity to 0) in meter – default is 1e20
   dayLight = 1;			// boolean (0/1). Is light shown during daylight.
   useFlare = 1;			// boolean (0/1). Is light having a flare effect
   flareSize = 1;			// Default is 1
   flareMaxDistance = 600;		// Default is 600
   position[] = {0,0,1};		// Position. Purpose unkown. Maybe some offset from the source.
   shape = "";				// String. Purpose unknown.