Startup Parameters Config File
The config file can be used to put startup parameters in, instead of specifying them at a shortcut/commandline.
.par file does not (and will not) support some low level parameters, namely:
- -cpuCount
- -malloc
- -exthreads
- -maxMem=
- -profiles= (confirmed on Arma 3 version 1.66.139586, options does not work from parameter file)
The reason is those need to be initialized before any file operations are done.
Pre build 86060
Inside game folder
Depending on game:
- ArmA2.par
- ArmA2OA.par
- TakeOnH.par
class Arg { startupParameter="-startupParameter" startupParameter2="-startupParameter2=value1;value2" };
class Arg { nosplash="-nosplash"; skipIntro="-skipIntro"; world="-world=none"; mod="-mod=Expansion;Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\Expansion;@cwr2"; };
Post build 86060
Location can be defined with -par=parameterFileName startup parameter. If file extension is .par the formatting described previously is required. With any other extension (like .txt) a plain text is assumed, with one command line option per line. In both cases the file is preprocessed before parsing, allowing C++ style comments and #define-s to be used.
-par won't work being passed by cmd as variable to quotes
correct .cmd|.bat
setsetlocal enableDelayedExpansion enableExtensions set v=!v! "-profiles=!cd!\acc" set v=!v! "-par=D:\pa\startupParameters.txt" start "" "D:\pa\arma3.exe" !v! &rem need start for closing cmd window; timeout /t 1 &rem need for keeping game window (starting from logo) foreground after cmd window close;
The file should be named "something.txt" using the .TXT extension, and not use the ".PAR" file extension. The ".PAR" file extension is apparently no longer read correctly on a dedicated server. The file can be located either inside or outside of the game folder for organizational purposes. Whitespace is ignored.
-startupParameter -startupParameter2=value1;value2 MissionFileToOpenInTheEditor
-nosplash -skipIntro -world=none -mod=Expansion;Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\Expansion;@cwr2 "c:\arma2\Users\USERNAME\missions\MissionName.Desert_E\mission.sqm"
note: (not sure that this quoted line will work (most won't), but patches with spaces without the quotes, and quoted -mod's patches will);