Command Group: GUI Control - Menu – Category

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Revision as of 11:49, 17 October 2020 by R3vo (talk | contribs)
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Commands to manipulate Menu / CT_MENU_STRIP, CT_MENU, CT_CONTEXT_MENU controls. Template:DoLater Example for Eden Editor

// Create main folder
private _ctrlMenuStrip = findDisplay 313 displayCtrl 120;
private _indexMain = _ctrlMenuStrip menuAdd [[], "Custom Tools"];
// Create first subentry which is not checkable but has an action
private _indexUncheckable = _ctrlMenuStrip menuAdd [[_indexMain],"This entry can not be checked"];
_ctrlMenuStrip menuSetAction [[_indexMain,_indexUncheckable], "systemChat 'Hello World!'"];
// Create second subentry which is checkable and has an action
private _indexCheckable = _ctrlMenuStrip menuAdd [[_indexMain],"This entry is checkable"];
_ctrlMenuStrip menuSetAction [[_indexMain,_indexCheckable], "systemChat 'Hello World!'"];
_ctrlMenuStrip menuSetCheck [[_indexMain,_indexCheckable], true];
// Create third subentry which shows an image and has an action
private _indexPicture = _ctrlMenuStrip menuAdd [[_indexMain],"This entry has a picture"];
_ctrlMenuStrip menuSetAction [[_indexMain,_indexPicture], "systemChat 'Hello World!'"];
_ctrlMenuStrip menuSetPicture [[_indexMain,_indexPicture],"\a3\modules_f\data\iconunlock_ca.paa"];
// Create a fourth entry which will destroy itself once clicked
private _indexDelete = _ctrlMenuStrip menuAdd [[_indexMain],"This entry will be deleted once clicked"];
_ctrlMenuStrip menuSetAction [[_indexMain,_indexDelete], "findDisplay 313 displayCtrl 120 menuDelete (menuHover (findDisplay 313 displayCtrl 120)); systemChat 'Entry gone!'"];
// Create a fifth entry which will return its data once clicked
private _indexData = _ctrlMenuStrip menuAdd [[_indexMain],"This entry will print its data to system chat when clicked"];
_ctrlMenuStrip menuSetData [[_indexMain,_indexData], "[objNull,'Some String',true]"];
_ctrlMenuStrip menuSetAction [[_indexMain,_indexData], "systemChat (findDisplay 313 displayCtrl 120 menuData (menuHover (findDisplay 313 displayCtrl 120)));"];
To remove the custom menu, just restart Eden Editor.