Campaign Description.ext

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Two types of description.ext file exist in the flashpoint world

  1. Mission Descriptions.
  2. Campaign Descriptions.
They have nothing in common with each other

If you are looking for the nitty gritty of description.ext in missions, you are in the wrong place.


Compared to the effort of creating any single mission, the effort to house them in a campaign is trivial. This document is intensely detailed. Most of it you dont need to successfully write excellent campaigns. Here's what you need to know:

MyGreatCampaign/ folder contains everything to do with your campaign.
MyGreatCampaign/ lives inside the ~/Campaigns directory of ofp. (or one of it's mods)
There are no other gotcha's, no other 'places' where you have to modify ofp to play MyGreatCampaign.
 The sequence of missions is defined in the description.ext file in this folder.
  A MissionS/ folder, within MyGreatCampaign/ folder contains all the mission folders.
  All of of your individual missions go into this MissionS/ folder.
  There are no files in this MissionS/ folder, only individual mission folders.
  Each 'mission' is in it's own, arbitrarily named directory, within this MissionS/ directory
   The content of any mission folder is an exact copy of what they were, played as single missions. 
   No changes
   No alterations
   No additions

MyGreatCampaign/ directory contains only a few ( but identical in intent) files that single mission folders have:

Overview (html and jpeg)

As a convenience, other files might exist in this folder. Their purpose is to provide a global radio, global sounds, global language definitions. They are no different in content or purpose than those in any mission folder and are not covered here. If you put them in, it's because you want to refer to a common set of radio messages for many missions. A common way of saying "get down", in six languages.

A campaign folder does not contain a mission.sqm. There is no 'mission'., there are Missions/

The Glue

Description.ext in the MyGreatCampaign/ directory is the glue that sequences which mission to play next. It does contain other niceties such as rewards and faces, but sequencing is it's essential purpose.

Like mission.sqm, like config.cpp, description.ext is a TokenClass file.

The organisation of a description.ext is as follows;

 chapter1    {missions...};
 chapter2    {missions...};
 chapterlast {missions...};

Only one campaign class exists. The name of this class is fixed as 'campaign'

At least one chapter exists. Most campaigns only have one chapter.

Many missions might exist (in each chapter)

All missions from all chapters are in the unitary Missions/ directory.

The order of chapters and missions are unimportant!

There is NO default behaviour where chapter 1 will "fall thru" to the next chapter. Each and every chapter and each and every mission must be specifically targeted.

The names given to the chapters and missions are arbitrary, but generally reflect the name of the associated mission folders

Campaign Class Fundamentals

Campaign class basics

The campaign class is a container. It contains chapters, which contain missions.

The chapter and mission classes within the campaign class rely on inheritance. The intent of inheritance is to provide fall thru behavior. Ie, what to do when nothing's specifically been said to do. It is specifically geared to end a chapter or a complete mission, or allow a cut scene to do it's thing (not do anything player wise). Thus, the very first class declared goes something like this

class NoEndings 
 lost = ; 
 end1 = ; 
 end2 = ; 
 end3 = ; 
 end4 = ; 
 end5 = ; 
 end6 = ; 

Chapters, the overall campaign itself, some missions, have nothing further to do (other than exit completely, or exit the chapter). Chapters, missions, the campaign itself will inherit this class (when programmed to do so). This saves you specifically declaring all possible outcomes for each mission, when only a few are needed.

Typically, in single player campaigns, you aint gonna die forever. You will live to fight the mission again. Thus

class MissionDefault : NoEndings
 lives = -1; 

The name MissionDefault and all names for all classes are arbitrary, "MissionDefault" is an accepted de-facto standard name for missions to inherit. Left to itself, simply inheriting the mission default means you will exit the game at end of mission/chapter. Indeed the last chapter (if any) last mission, does exactly this. But, almost all classes that 'inherit' MissionDefault will modify some or most of those mission defaults. The intent is to stop tedious typing for every mission.

class Mission123 : MissionDefault
// some body text

What happens here is that this mission (and almost all missions do this) inherit defaults for anything not specifically over-ridden in the body text. For a clearer understanding, not only will the mission obtain lives = -1, but also grab ending defaults.

class Campaign

the campaign class is a containing class. It 'contains' all of the chapters making up the campaign!.

this class (which must be called 'Campaign') declares the title of this campaign and which chapter to Start.

  name = "My Great Campaign";
  firstBattle = Chapter1;
  class chapter1 {.....};
  class chapter2 {.....};
      and so on...

class ChapterN

Chapters are a containing class. Their intent is to compartmentalize the various missions you have into some semblance of sanity. One such example would be to put all Everon missions in one chapter, all Nogova missions in another.

At least one chapter must exist in a campaign. It need be the only one, and it can contain all missions, should you wish it that way. The name of any chapter class is arbitrary one such example would be NogovaChapter

name = "Chapter I - Battles For Spaghetti Island";
cutscene = MyGreatCutscene.Noe; // a cutscene is optinal
class mission1{....};
class mission2{...};
 and so on...

Note that a cutscene is no different to any other 'mission'. It is a mission folder like any other.

class MissionX

Most mission folders (in the missions directory) have a corresponding mission classes. The name of each mission class should closely correspond to the name of each mission folder to preserve your sanity. Those missions folders not declared as mission classes are cutscenes.

Mission folders that are not declared anywhere in description.ext have no ill effect, they are simply ignored.

The mission class The Chapter class

The campaign class

Declare a MissionDefault class as above

Next decide to use either a single chapter, or, multiple chapters in your campaign. Multiple chapters have the 'benefit' of easier-to-handle cutscenes, a potentially nicer fade in and out between chapters, but dont matter muchly. Very few, if any, user inspired campaigns have multiple chapters.

Single Chapter Campaign

A single chapter campaign looks as follows

class Campaign
   name = "My Great Campaign";
   firstBattle = Chapter1;    // might be the only chapter
   class Chapter1 : NoEndings
     name = "Chapter1 Fighting for Everon";
     cutscene = AGreatCutscene.Eden;    // if any
     firstMission = FirstMission;
     class FirstMission: MissionDefault
       // ending commands
     class MissionN: MissionDefault
       // ending commands
     class LastMission: MissionDefault
       // NO ending commands
   }; // end of this chapter
};    // end of this campaign

when chapter1 ends, the game ends via : NoEndings

There are no over-rides provided for endings in chapter one, hence when the chapter ends, the campaign ends.

Throughout, unless endings 1 to 6 and loose are declared for each and every chapter and mission, when the time comes for ofp to go look for them, it will crash. This is, the primary use of inheritance.

MultiChapter Campaign

A multi chapter campaign looks as follows

class Campaign
   name = "My Great Campaign";
   firstBattle = Chapter1;    
   class Chapter1 : NoEndings
       end1 = NextChapter;
       end2 = NextChapter;
       end3 = NextChapter;
       end4 = NextChapter;
       end5 = NextChapter;
       end5 = NextChapter;
       loose= NextChapter;
       ... missions etc
   class NextChapter : NoEndings
       end1 = LastChapter ;
       ...... missions etc
   class LastChapter : NoEndings
       // no endings provided
       missions etc

The difference is that each chapter (except the last) defines another chapter to go to. Like missions, over-riding all endings (1..6) make no difference if they aren't used. The inheritance therefore of : NoEndings is superfluous but hopefully makes the above clearer in content.

The order of Chapters (the top to bottom definition of them) is not important. Chapter one can jump to 3 to 2 to 7 to 5.

Nor is the name of the chapter class important, other than

end1= MustGotoThisChapterClassName;

It is, as simple as that.