Startup Parameters Config File
The config file can be used to put startup parameters in, instead of specifying them at a shortcut/commandline.
.par file does not (and will not) support some low level parameters, namely:
- -cpuCount
- -malloc
- -exthreads
- -maxMem=
- -profiles= (confirmed on Arma 3 version 1.66.139586, options does not work from parameter file)
The reason is those need to be initialized before any file operations are done.
-par startup parameter lets to specify the file.
Pre build 86060
Inside game folder
Depending on game:
- ArmA2.par
- ArmA2OA.par
- TakeOnH.par
class Arg { startupParameter="-startupParameter" startupParameter2="-startupParameter2=value1;value2" };
class Arg { nosplash="-nosplash"; skipIntro="-skipIntro"; world="-world=none"; mod="-mod=Expansion;Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\Expansion;@cwr2"; };
Post build 86060
Location can be defined with -par=parameterFileName startup parameter. If file extension is .par the formatting described previously is required. With any other extension (like .txt) a plain text is assumed, with one command line option per line. In both cases the file is preprocessed before parsing, allowing C++ style comments and #define-s to be used.
-par won't work being passed by cmd as variable to quotes
correct .cmd|.bat
setsetlocal enableDelayedExpansion enableExtensions set v=!v! "-profiles=!cd!\acc" set v=!v! "-par=D:\pa\startupParameters.txt" start "" "D:\pa\arma3.exe" !v! &rem need "start" for closing cmd window; timeout /t 1 &rem need for keeping game window (starting from logo) foreground after cmd window close;
The file should be named "something.txt" using the .TXT extension, and not use the ".PAR" file extension. The ".PAR" file extension is apparently no longer read correctly on a dedicated server. The file can be located either inside or outside of the game folder for organizational purposes. Whitespace is ignored.
-startupParameter -startupParameter2=value1;value2 MissionFileToOpenInTheEditor
-nosplash -skipIntro -world=none -mod=Expansion;Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\Expansion;@cwr2 "c:\arma2\Users\USERNAME\missions\MissionName.Desert_E\mission.sqm"
note: (not sure that this quoted line will work (most won't), but patches with spaces without the quotes, and quoted -mod's patches will);