Command Group: Strings - Regular Expression – Category

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For a detailed explanation of what a Regular Expression (Regex) is , please visit wikipedia.

The following page allows to pre-test regular expressions:

In order to adjust the behaviour of the regex commands, certain flags can be set when using them. Flags are specified at the end of the pattern and start with /. Flags need to be lowercase. If there are any non-flag characters in the flags they will be ignored and considered part of the pattern itself. "I'm a coOkIe clicker" regexMatch ".*cookie.*/gio"// Flag g, i and o are set

Flag Description (short) Description (detailed)
g Global Only relevant for regexReplace and regexFind. Missing global flag sets format_first_only flag (source) and only replaces first occurrence with regexReplace and only returns first element with regexFind
i Case insensitive -
n noSubs
« When performing matches, all marked sub-expressions (expr) are treated as non-marking sub-expressions (?:expr). No matches are stored in the supplied std::regex_match structure and mark_count() is zero » – c++ reference (source)
o Optimize Optimize pattern, pattern creation is slower, but will execute more efficiently (source)
If no flags are specified, the default flags are set to g and i. It is valid to specify / to indicate no flags, first match only, case sensitive.

Pages in category "Command Group: Strings - Regular Expression"

The following 3 pages are in this category, out of 3 total.