Server Hosting – Arma Reforger

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Revision as of 21:24, 18 May 2022 by Poslovitch (talk | contribs) (→‎adminPassword: use {{Controls}} for formatting of the keybindings)
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Server Hosting is the fact of hosting a game instance accessible over the network to other players.

Player-Hosted Server

Also known as Listen Server, a Player-Hosted Server is a server with a local client that plays on it too.

Arma Reforger does not allow for Player-Hosted Server as of v0.9.5.

Dedicated Server

A Dedicated Server is a server without any game instance launched; it purely processes game information and network synchronisation.


Protocol Port Description
UDP 2001 Game port
UDP 50000..65000 Steam communication ports
UDP 17777 Steam Query protocol used to provide Steam with server status (amount of players, scenario name, etc)

Startup Parameters


The Server exe uses the -config startup parameter to target the configuration file. As of 0.9.5 it can only load json files from relative /Configs/ directory.

ArmaReforgerServer.exe -config "Configs\Campaign_SWCoast.json"

See Startup Parameters - Hosting and the Configuration section below for more information example.


Below Arma Reforger:Startup Parameters are optional but may prove useful upon some cases:

  • logFPS - allows to log server's FPS every x milliseconds
  • logLevel - sets the log detail level
  • maxFPS - sets a maximum FPS limit for the server - saving performance in some cases
  • listScenarios - logs available scenario {{|.conf}} file paths on startup

Configuration File

Arma Reforger uses JSON configuration format to run. A configuration file looks like this:

	"dedicatedServerId": "",
	"region": "EU",
	"gameHostBindAddress": "",
	"gameHostBindPort": 2001,
	"gameHostRegisterBindAddress": "",
	"gameHostRegisterPort": 2001,
	"adminPassword": "changeme",
	"game": {
		"name": "Server Name - Mission Name",
		"password": "",
		"scenarioId": "{ECC61978EDCC2B5A}Missions/23_Campaign.conf",
		"playerCountLimit": 32,
		"autoJoinable": false,
		"visible": true,
		"gameProperties": {
			"serverMaxViewDistance": 2500,
			"serverMinGrassDistance": 50,
			"networkViewDistance": 1000,
			"disableThirdPerson": true,
			"fastValidation": true,
			"battlEye": true,
			"missionHeader": {
				"m_iPlayerCount": 40,
				"m_eEditableGameFlags": 6,
				"m_eDefaultGameFlags": 6,
				"other": "values"
		"mods": [
				"modId": "abcd3995-b1d9-473d-aa11-0836c0a595ad",
				"name": "WeaponSwitching",
				"version": "1.0.1"
				"modId": "efgh3995-b1d9-473d-aa11-0836c0a595ad",
				"name": "Explosive Goats beta",
				"version": "0.5.42"

Values are strings, unless mentioned otherwise.


Used by the "Favourite" system. If not provided, the backend will provide a new ID and save it to the config file. It is recommended to server administrators to store this ID safe to ensure to keep their playerbase in case of a server migration or a config accident.

Common ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 values:
Code Country
DE Germany
CN China
CZ Czech Republic
FR France
GB United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
RU Russian Federation
JP Japan
AU Australia

ID / name of region - it is needed when the server registers the launched game in the Lobby. ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code can be used in this field. Usual Nitrado values:

  • "EU-FFM"
  • "US-LA"
  • "US-MI"

IP for client connection.

IPv6 is not supported by Arma Reforger v0.9.5.

number value, range 1..65535, default: 2001


IP for backend registration

IPv6 is not supported by Arma Reforger v0.9.5.

number value, range 1..65535, default: 2001

Port for backend registration


Defines the server's admin password, allows a server administrator to login and control the server, to access this either open the chat input box by pressing C in the lobby or Enter ↵ in-game followed by: #login [the admin password]


Define the server's settings - see the game section below.

Only one scenario can be defined - Arma Reforger does not allow for mission rotation as of v0.9.5.



length 0..100 characters


length 0..x characters

Password required to join the server.


The scenario's .conf file path is defined here. See the listScenarios startup parameter to list available scenarios and obtain their .conf file path.


number value, range 1..9999

Add a suffix to the server's name, if more servers hosted by script (typically in data centers) - e.g "Server Name - 56"


number value, range 1..256, default: 127

Set the maximum amount of players on the server.


bool value, default: false

Set if the session can be selected through the auto join feature.


bool value, default: true

Set the visibility of the server in the Server Browser.


Define the scenario's settings - see the gameProperties section below.


The list of mods required by the client. They will automatically be downloaded and activated on join.



number value, range 500..10000, default: 1600


number value, range 0 / 50..150, default: 0

Minimum grass distance in meters. If set to 0 no distance is forced upon clients.


number value, range 500.5000, default: 500

Maximum network streaming range of replicated entities.


bool value

true to enable BattlEye, false to disable it.


bool value, default: false

Force clients to use the first-person view.


This property overwrites the scenario's SCR_MissionHeaderCampaign.


	"dedicatedServerId": "",
	"region": "",
	"gameHostBindAddress": "",
	"gameHostBindPort": 0,
	"gameHostRegisterBindAddress": "",
	"gameHostRegisterPort": 0,
	"game": {
		"name": "",
		"password": "",
		"scenarioId": "",
		"playerCountLimit": 0,
		"visible": true,
		"gameProperties": {
			"serverMaxViewDistance": 0,
			"serverMinGrassDistance": 0,
			"networkViewDistance": 0,
			"disableThirdPerson": false,
			"fastValidation": true,
			"battlEye": true
		"mods": []

Linux Setup

The game server will by default use Docker container's IP for server browser registration and client connection which will cause failure during client connection attempt.

To avoid it use:

  • Run the "ipconfig" command in cmd to list the local IPs
  • "IP Connect" option in the server browser and insert one of the server's local IPs
  • Custom server config (.json file) with "gameHostRegisterBindAddress" and "gameHostRegisterPort" parameters set to one of the local IP:Port combinations


-config "./My_Config.json"


  1. Install latest Docker download link
    1. Enable Hyper-V in Windows if it is not already
    2. Assign HW resources in Docker/Settings/Resources/Advanced:
      1. CPU: 4 cores
      2. Memory: 6 GB
  2. Download Ubuntu 18.04 image via batch or powershell cmd: docker pull ubuntu:18.04
  3. Run Ubuntu image
    1. mount volume with server data
    2. expose client connection UDP port
    3. Example: docker container run -t -d -p 2001:2001/udp -v D:\server_data\linux_packed:/home/packed --name ubuntu_test ubuntu:18.04
  4. Connect to bash console: docker exec -it ubuntu_test /bin/bash
  5. Install necessary SW
    1. libcurl4 - required by server app
    2. net-tools - for debug purposes (enables ifconfig etc)
    3. Installation:
      1. apt-get update
      2. apt-get install libcurl4
      3. apt-get install net-tools
      4. apt-get install libssl1.1
  6. Create folder for logs, e.g: mkdir /home/profile
  7. Set TRACY_NO_INVARIANT_CHECK environment variable to 1 in order to avoid Tracy Profiler initialization failure: export TRACY_NO_INVARIANT_CHECK=1
  8. Run server
    1. server executable needs proper execution/access rights:
      1. cd server_root_folder
      2. chmod +x ArmaReforgerServer
    2. Example: ./ArmaReforgerServer -gproj ./addons/data/ArmaReforger.gproj -config Configs/ServerConfig/Campaign.json -backendlog -nothrow -profile /home/profile