Scripting: Performance – Arma Reforger

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Performance is an important aspect of scripting, as poor performance can tank the whole gaming experience, if not the game itself.

  • What is tanking performances
    • Crazy requests
    • Memory saturation
    • Redundant code operations
  • How to benchmark/identify what slows down things
    • What is acceptable?
    • What is not?

Performance Enemies

Many if not all of the usual performance issues can see some of these questions asked:

  • is it needed?
  • is it needed there?
  • is it needed that much?
  • is it needed immediately?
  • is it needed that frequently?

and the respective solutions to positive replies to these questions would be:

  • don't do it: quite straightforward, can mean to remove the code or to replace it with a simpler code
  • don't do it there: the concerned class might be dealing with responsibilities that are out of its scope
  • don't do it that much: the structure can be rethought in order to have fewer operations to be executed
  • don't do it in one frame: the calculation can be spread over multiple frames and result delayed and cached
  • don't do it that frequently: the code can be set to run every X seconds, result being delayed and cached until the next iteration

Not Needed


Partially unneeded calculation is done.


  • Remove the unneeded code
  • Split the code to only do needed processing in each case



A calculation/storage is done on every instance whereas calculation could be centralised.


Move the responsibility and the data to a dedicated class (S from SOLID, Single Responsibility Principle).


Original Optimised

class PerformanceExample : IEntity { protected ref array<ref PotentialTarget> m_aObjects = { /* ... */ }; // big list of objects

protected array<ref PotentialTarget> GetTargets() { array<ref PotentialTarget> result = {}; foreach (PotentialTarget object : m_aObjects) { if (object.IsEnemyTo(this.GetFaction())) { result.Insert(object); } } return result; } } </syntaxhighlight>


class EnemyManager { protected ref map<Faction, ref array<ref PotentialTarget>> m_mTargetMap;

void EnemyManager(array<ref PotentialTarget> potentialTargets) { m_mTargetMap = new map<Faction, ref array<ref PotentialTarget>>();

array<ref PotentialTarget> factionTargets; foreach (Faction faction : Faction.GetAllFactions()) { factionTargets = {}; foreach (PotentialTarget potentialTarget : potentialTargets) { if (potentialTarget.IsEnemyTo(faction)) { factionTargets.Insert(potentialTarget); } } m_mTargetMap.Set(faction, factionTargets); } }

array<ref PotentialTarget> GetTargets(Faction faction) { return m_mTargetMap.Get(faction); } }

class PerformanceExample : IEntity { protected ref m_EnemyManager;

void PerformanceExample(notnull EnemyManager enemyManager) { m_EnemyManager = enemyManager; }

protected array<ref PotentialTarget> GetTargets() { return m_EnemyManager.GetTargets(this.GetFaction()); } } </syntaxhighlight>



A big array of data is processed at once. Going through all the data is not needed.


Stop as soon as an acceptable result has been obtained.


Original Optimised

class PerformanceExample : IEntity { protected ref array<ref AliveOrNotObject> m_aObjects = { /* ... */ }; // big list of objects

protected int GetNumberOfAliveObjects() { int result = 0; foreach (AliveOrNotObject object : m_aObjects) { if (object.IsAlive()) result++; } return result; }

bool IsAnObjectAlive() { return GetNumberOfAliveObjects() > 0; // heavy: goes through all objects to know if -one- is alive } } </syntaxhighlight>


class PerformanceExample : IEntity { protected ref array<ref AliveOrNotObject> m_aObjects = { /* ... */ }; // big list of objects

bool IsAnObjectAlive() { foreach (AliveOrNotObject object : m_aObjects) { if (object.IsAlive()) return true; // stops on the first occurence } return false; // goes through all instances to reach false - less likely } } </syntaxhighlight>



A big array of data is processed at once. The calculation itself is not the issue, the amount of items is.
A heavy calculation is done, and only one such operation should happen per frame.


Spread the calculation over multiple frames.

Example 1

Array size issue:

Original Optimised

class PerformanceExample : IEntity { protected ref array<ref AliveOrNotObject> m_aObjects = { /* ... */ }; // big list of objects

void EOnInit(IEntity owner) { G etGame().GetCallqueue().CallLater(PrintResult, 250, true); }

int GetNumberOfAliveObjects() { int result = 0; foreach (AliveOrNotObject object : m_aObjects) { if (object.IsAlive()) result++; } return result; }

void PrintResult() { Print("Alive objects = " + GetNumberOfAliveObjects()); } } </syntaxhighlight>


class PerformanceExample : IEntity { protected ref array<ref AliveOrNotObject> m_aObjects = { /* ... */ }; // big list of objects protected ref array<ref AliveOrNotObject> m_aObjectsToBeProcessed = {}; protected bool m_bIsCalculating; protected int m_iTempResult; protected int m_iAliveCountBuffer;

void EOnInit(IEntity owner) { Calculate(); GetGame().GetCallqueue().CallLater(PrintResult, 250, true); }

void EOnFrame(IEntity owner, float timeSlice) { if (m_bIsCalculating) { Calculate(); }

// other frame things // ... }

void Calculate() { if (m_aObjectsToBeProcessed.Count() < 1) { m_bIsCalculating = true; m_iTempResult = 0; m_aObjectsToBeProcessed.Copy(m_aObjects); }

// max 10k items slice for (int i = 0, int maxCount = Math.Min(m_aObjectsToBeProcessed.Count(), 10000); i < maxCount; i++) { AliveOrNotObject object = m_aObjectsToBeProcessed[0]; // always @ index 0 // for we remove the first item later if (object.IsAlive()) { m_iTempResult++; } m_aObjectsToBeProcessed.Remove(0); }

if (m_aObjectsToBeProcessed.Count() < 1) { m_iAliveCountBuffer = m_iTempResult; GetGame().GetCallqueue().CallLater(Calculate, 1000); // restart calculation in 1 second m_bIsCalculating = false; } }

int GetNumberOfAliveObjects() { return m_iAliveCountBuffer; }

void PrintResult() { Print("Alive objects = " + GetNumberOfAliveObjects()); } } </syntaxhighlight>

Example 2

Heavy calculation issue:

Original Optimised

class PerformanceExample : IEntity { protected ref array<ref Player> m_aPlayers = { /* ... */ }; protected ref map<ref Player, bool> m_mCastResult; protected BaseWorld world;

void PerformanceExample() { m_mCastResult = new map<ref Player, bool>(); world = GetGame().GetWorld(); }

void CheckLineOfSight() { float result; TraceParam traceParam; foreach (Player player : m_aPlayers) { traceParam = new TraceParam(); traceParam.Start = this.Position(); traceParam.End = player.Position(); result = world.TraceMove(traceParam, null); // a Trace is a very expensive method m_mCastResult.Set(player, result == 1); } } } </syntaxhighlight>


class PerformanceExample : IEntity { protected ref array<ref Player> m_aPlayers = { /* ... */ }; protected ref map<ref Player, bool> m_mCastResult; protected BaseWorld world; protected int m_iIndex = -1; protected bool m_bIsCalculating;

void PerformanceExample() { m_mCastResult = new map<ref Player, bool>(); world = GetGame().GetWorld(); }

void EOnFrame(IEntity owner, float timeSlice) { if (m_bIsCalculating) { CheckLineOfSight(); } }

void CheckLineOfSight() { m_iIndex++; m_bIsCalculating = m_iIndex < m_aPlayers.Count(); if (!m_bIsCalculating) { m_iIndex = -1; return; }

Player player = m_aPlayers[m_iIndex]; TraceParam traceParam = new TraceParam(); traceParam.Start = this.Position(); traceParam.End = player.Position(); float result = world.TraceMove(traceParam, null); // one Trace per frame m_mCastResult.Set(player, result == 1); } } </syntaxhighlight>

Immediate Calculation


A heavy operation is done frequently.


Do the heavy operation once, store its result in a member variable and accessible through a getter.


Original Optimised

class PerformanceExample : IEntity { protected ref array<ref AliveOrNotObject> m_aObjects = { /* ... */ }; // big list of objects

void EOnInit(IEntity owner) { GetGame().GetCallqueue().CallLater(PrintResult, 250, true); }

int GetNumberOfAliveObjects() { int result = 0; foreach (AliveOrNotObject object : m_aObjects) { if (object.IsAlive()) { result++; } } return result; }

void PrintResult() { Print("Alive objects = " + GetNumberOfAliveObjects()); } } </syntaxhighlight>


class PerformanceExample : IEntity { protected ref array<ref AliveOrNotObject> m_aObjects = { /* ... */ }; // big list of objects protected int m_iAliveCountBuffer;

void EOnInit(IEntity owner) { GetGame().GetCallqueue().CallLater(Calculate, 1000, true); // calculate only every second GetGame().GetCallqueue().CallLater(PrintResult, 250, true); // displays result every 1/4 second }

void Calculate() { int result = 0; foreach (AliveOrNotObject object : m_aObjects) { if (object.IsAlive()) { result++; } } m_iAliveCountBuffer = result; }

int GetNumberOfAliveObjects() { return m_iAliveCountBuffer; }

void PrintResult() { Print("Alive objects = " + GetNumberOfAliveObjects()); } } </syntaxhighlight>

Specific Issues

Big Foreach


Going through one big list of items in one operation.

Specific Solution

  • Use a smaller list by being more precise
  • Continue out of the scope if the item is not viable for the operation

High-Frequency Scripts


OnEachFrame calculations - are they needed?

Specific Solution

  • Less resource-hungry calls
  • Buffering/caching

High-Performance Request


Is a 10km raycast really needed?


  • Reconsider the need
  • Find a smarter solution


What Should be of Concern

  • Non time-critical operations that are made in the same frame
  • High RAM usage

What Should Not Be Of Concern

  • Normal operations that are required and that one cannot do without (yes, check if the player is alive before performing action, otherwise the feature breaks)
  • One-time required big operation (spawning a base = data loading, no can do anything about it)