CSLALUKI/Sandbox – User

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Populate buildings in a given area with enemies.


[entity_name, max_distance, player_side_defined, is_debugging] execVM "\csla_scripts\mission\CSLA_fn_populateHouses.sqf"


  • entity_name: Object - this object is used as the center of the radius
  • max_distance: Number - maximum distance from the entity in which buildings are filled with the enemy units
  • player_side_defined: Boolean - True to set the enemy side to the opposite as the player's side, False to keep it default (FIA)
Side selection is handled as follows:
  • If the third argument is TRUE, and the player plays on the WEST side, the enemies have the EAST side assigned, and vice versa
  • If the third argument is FALSE, the GUER/RESISTANCE side is used
  • is_debugging: Boolean - True to print debug messages during init, False to prevent displaying debug messages

Return value: Nothing


Example 1: Populate buildings in 500 meters radius around the player:

[player, 500, TRUE, FALSE] execVM "\csla_scripts\mission\CSLA_fn_populateHouses.sqf";

Example 2: Populate buildings in 250 meters radius around the "placedEntityInEden" object:

[placedEntityInEden, 250, FALSE, FALSE] execVM "\csla_scripts\mission\CSLA_fn_populateHouses.sqf";

Example 3: Use this in the Init field of the entity to populate buildings in 250 meters radius around the object:

[this, 250, FALSE, FALSE] execVM "\csla_scripts\mission\CSLA_fn_populateHouses.sqf";