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How to install Arma 3 Workshop items/Mods into other drive than the game itself


A Symlink can make this happened.

I, POLPOX take no responsibility of your consequence what you've done! I'm here just to introduce the way.

Step by step

  1. Locate the Workshop folder. We call this “Content Folder,” the folder 107410 (which has the entire Arma 3 related Wrokshop items) “Workshop Folder.”
    Usually C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content or if you have SteamLibrary in other drive, C:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\workshop\content.
    This is the folder of entire Workshop items are located. Note that, the !Workshop folder that located in the game folder is a fake folder, it contains nothing actually.
  2. Copy Workshop Folder to somewhere else you want to place the data. We call this new place “New Folder” in this guide. (e.g. D:\Arma3WorkshopFolder)
  3. Rename Workshop folder to make a temporary backup. (e.g. 107410_backup)
  4. Open Command Prompt in Administrator mode.
  5. Enter this command
    mklink /d TargetLocation NewFolder
    Replace TargetLocation with Content Folder\107410, NewFolder with New Folder you've just made.
    mklink /d "C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\107410" "D:\Arma3WorkshopFolder"
  6. Done! Make sure Arma 3 recognizes the items properly.
  7. If you don't need, remove the backup.