Custom Command Menu – Arma 2

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Arma 3
For Arma 3 specifics, see Arma 3: Communication Menu.

Custom command menus (like the standard one opened via the <0> key) can be created either inside a mission (via scripts) or via addons (to be used in *any* mission), or custom entries can be added to the existing command menu (which will then be shown in the "Communication" group).

Script Definition

A custom menu is defined via a global array, which contains the definitions for the menu entries.

It can have multiple sub-levels, and can be changed dynamically, by reconfiguring the values in the array.

Each menu (the main one, as well as each of the possible sub-menus) have to be defined in separate arrays. The naming is not limited, but in order to avoid possible conflicts with other global variables, they should start with a unique identifier (e.g. "MYMENU_menu1").

To display the custom menu, use the showCommandingMenu command:

showCommandingMenu "#USER:MY_MENU_communication";

To add the custom menu to the standard command menu, assign its definition array to BIS_MENU_GroupCommunication. It will then be available under the "Communications" entry in the regular command menu (press 0-8 to access it):

BIS_MENU_GroupCommunication = BIS_MENU_GroupCommunication + MY_MENU_communication;


First array element:

  • title: String - Label to be shown at bottom of menu (should not be empty, otherwise just a black block will be shown).
  • standard_cursor: Boolean - If set to true, then custom icons (as defined in menu entries below) will not be displayed.

Second and higher array elements. (Can be as many as needed - up to 10 will fit into menu frame. More than that can be displayed, but will drop out of frame.):

[label, key, submenu, type, script, visible, active, icon]
  • label: String - Displayed caption for menu selection
  • key: Array: Key-press that can activate selection. 0: no key, 1: <Escape>, 2...9: <F1>...<F10>, 10,11,12,...: Number 9,10,"-", and the rest of the keyboard (corresponding to DIK assignments) More than one key can be assigned, but only the first will be displayed in the menu.
  • submenu: String - User menu name string (eg "#USER:MY_SUBMENU_NAME" ), "" for script to execute. Must be global, and preceded by "#USER:".
  • type: Number
    • -1: separator line (any defined title text is ignored)
    • -2: no action (used for group headers, etc.)
    • -3: hides command menu
    • -4: goes up one level in the menu
    • -5: executes the defined script
  • script: Array: Always defined in the following syntax: [["expression",command]] Command to be executed on activation (if type==5 and submenu==""). No arguments are passed.
  • visible: Number - 1: menu entry is visible, 0: hidden. Can use system variables (see list Conditions).
  • active: Number - 1: menu entry is highlighted, 0: grayed out. Can use system variables (see list Conditions).
  • icon: String - Path to a custom cursor to show when selection is active. (Only OVERLAYS the already existing cursor, so for now not useful.) (optional)


// only show placement option if the cursor is on the ground, but NOT pointing at a unit or vehicle _placementCondition = "CursorOnGround * 1-CursorOnGroupMember * 1-CursorOnEmptyVehicle"; // main menu (contains some top-level actions ("Removal options") and calls to sub-menus (which are defined below) MY_MENU_communication = [ ["Custom Menu", true], ["Removal options", [0], "", -2, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"], // header text for removal options ["Remove all", [2], "", -5, [["expression", "['remove','all'] execVM 'place.sqf'"]], "1", "1"], // option is always shown ["Remove unit", [3], "", -5, [["expression", "['remove','unit'] execVM 'place.sqf'"]], "CursorOnGroupMember", "CursorOnGroupMember"], // only show option if cursor is on a group member ["Remove vehicle", [3], "", -5, [["expression", "['remove','vehicle'] execVM 'place.sqf'"]], "CursorOnEmptyVehicle", "CursorOnEmptyVehicle"], // only show option if cursor is on an empty vehicle ["(separator)", [3], "", -1, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"], // separator line ["Placement options", [0], "", -2, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"], // header text for placement options ["Place units", [4], "#USER:MY_MENU_placeUnit", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", _placementCondition], // option is always shown, but can only be selected if cursor condition is fulfilled ["Place vehicles", [5], "#USER:MY_MENU_placeVehicle", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", _placementCondition] ]; // sub-menu to create units MY_MENU_placeUnit = [ ["Unit placement", true], ["Type of unit to place", [0], "", -2, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"], ["Soldier", [2], "", -5, [["expression", "['place', 'unit', 'USMC_Soldier'] execVM 'place.sqf'"]], "1", _placementCondition], ["Machinegun", [3], "", -5, [["expression", "['place', 'unit', 'USMC_Soldier_AR'] execVM 'place.sqf'"]], "1", _placementCondition], ["Anti-Tank", [4], "", -5, [["expression", "['place', 'unit', 'USMC_Soldier_AT'] execVM 'place.sqf'"]], "1", _placementCondition] ]; // sub-menu to create vehicles MY_MENU_placeVehicle = [ ["Vehicle placement", true], ["Type of veh. to place", [0], "", -2, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"], ["Humvee Mk19", [2], "", -5, [["expression", "['place', 'vehicle', 'HMMWV_Mk19'] execVM 'place.sqf'"]], "1", _placementCondition], ["Humvee M2", [3], "", -5, [["expression", "['place', 'vehicle', 'HMMWV_M2'] execVM 'place.sqf'"]], "1", _placementCondition], ["Abrams", [4], "", -5, [["expression", "['place', 'vehicle', 'M1A2_TUSK_MG'] execVM 'place.sqf'"]], "1", _placementCondition] ]; // open the custom menu showCommandingMenu "#USER:MY_MENU_communication";

Config Definition

Custom menus can also be defined in an addon.

The definitions mirror those of the scripted syntax, but the "command" property (which corresponds to the "type" property for scripted definitions, where it is a number between -1 and -5) can also be a string in a config. In that case the command defined in this string will be executed upon opening the menu it is shown it. (If there are multiple menu entries with script commands, they will all be executed!)

The standard Arma 2 command menu is defined in RscGroupRootMenu.


// definition of main custom menu
class MY_CustomMenu			// this class name has to be used in the showCommandingMenu command
	title = "Custom Menu";	// custom label at the bottom of the menu
	access = 0;
	atomic = 0;
	vocabulary = "";
	contexsensitive = 1;

	// items in main menu
	class Items
		// selectable action (always visible & active)
		class RemoveAll
			title=" Remove all";				// visible label
			shortcuts[] = { 2 };				// keys assigned to action
			show = "1";							// visibility condition
			enable = "1";						// activation condition
			command = -5;						// type of entry (-5: executable action)
			eventHandler = "hint 'remove all'";	// action to be performed when selected
			speechId = 0;

		// action to bring up the submenu 'MY_CustomMenu_PlaceUnit'
		class PlaceUnit
			title=" Place unit";
			shortcuts[] = { 4 };
			show = "1";
			enable = "CursorOnGround * (1-CursorOnGroupMember) * (1-CursorOnEmptyVehicle)";
			menu = "MY_CustomMenu_PlaceUnit"; // this option opens a sub-menu defined elsewhere
			speechId = 0;


The condition string that controls whether a menu entry can be seen or selected can contain one or more of the keywords listed below.

Each of them is determined by the engine, and automatically assigned either a 1 (true) or 0 (false) value. It is NOT possible to use regular script commands in this condition string!

Keywords can be negated by subtracting them from 1 (e.g. "1-CursorOnGround" will only be true if the cursor is pointed at the sky), and combined by multiplying them (e.g. "CursorOnGround * IsCommander").

  • AmmoLow: Player's ammo is low (last magazine)
  • AreActions: Menu entry is an action (as opposed to a sub-menu, for example)
  • CanAnswer: Is able to reply to radio messages
  • CommandsToGunner: Can give orders to gunner
  • CommandsToPilot: Can give orders to driver/pilot
  • CursorOnEmptyVehicle: Cursor is pointed at an empty vehicle
  • CursorOnEnemy: Cursor is pointed at an *identified* enemy
  • CursorOnFriendly: Cursor is pointed at unit of same side
  • CursorOnGround: Cursor is pointed at ground
  • CursorOnGroupMember: Cursor is pointed at group member
  • CursorOnGroupMemberSelected: Cursor is pointed at selected group member
  • CursorOnHoldingFire: Cursor is pointed at group member that has been ordered to hold fire
  • CursorOnNeedFirstAID: A non-medic unit is selected, and the cursor is pointed at an unconscious unit
  • CursorOnNeedHeal: A medic is selected, and the cursor is pointed at a heavily injured (damage>=.45) or unconscious unit
  • CursorOnNotEmptySubgroups: Unit under cursor is in different subgroup than player
  • CursorOnVehicleCanGetIn: At least one of currently selected units isn't in vehicle under cursor
  • FormationDiamond: Group's formation is "DELTA" (diamond)
  • FormationLine: Group's formation is "LINE"
  • FuelLow: Player's vehicle is low on fuel
  • HasRadio: Player has radio actions available
  • IsAlone: No group members, or group members confirmed dead
  • IsAloneInVehicle: Only unit in vehicle
  • IsCommander: Vehicle commander (or driver if turret-less). If not in vehicle, then true for group leader.
  • IsLeader: Group leader (group must have members)
  • IsSelectedToAdd: Left or right control key is pressed
  • IsTeamSwitch: Team switching is enabled
  • Multiplayer: Multiplayer session in progess
  • NotEmpty: Group members have been selected
  • NotEmptyBlueTeam: Group members have been assigned to team Blue
  • NotEmptyCommanders: A unit commanding a vehicle is currently selected
  • NotEmptyGreenTeam: Group members have been assigned to team Green
  • NotEmptyInVehicle: Group members in a vehicle have been selected
  • NotEmptyMainTeam: Player commands subordinates
  • NotEmptyRedTeam: Group members have been assigned to team Red
  • NotEmptyYellowTeam: Group members have been assigned to team Yellow
  • NotEmptySoldiers: At least one of selected units isn't in vehicle (type of unit doesn't matter-can be soldier, civilian, or even animals)
  • NotEmptySubgroups: At least one of selected units is in different subgroup than main subgroup of its group (e.g. in a different vehicle than the player)
  • PlayableLeader: Leader of player group is a playable unit
  • PlayableSelected: Only one unit is selected and it is playable
  • PlayerOwnRadio: Player has radio actions available
  • PlayerVehicleCanGetIn: Player's vehicle have some free seats (even if locked)
  • SomeSelectedHaveTarget: At least one of the group members has a target assigned
  • SomeSelectedHoldingFire: At least one of the group members has been ordered to hold fire
  • VehicleCommander: Vehicle commander (or driver if turret-less). Only true if in vehicle.


Pointing at the ground Pointing at a unit Pointing at the sky

Removal options
1. Remove all

Placement options
3. Place units
4. Place vehicles

Removal options
1. Remove all
2. Remove unit

Placement options
4. Place units
5. Place vehicles

Removal options
1. Remove all

Placement options
3. Place units
4. Place vehicles

For the custom menu shown above the conditions for the upper part of the menu ("Removal options") are:

  • visibility: "CursorOnGroupMember" (only shown when cursor is on group member)
  • selection: "CursorOnGroupMember" (can only be selected when cursor is on group member)

For the lower part ("Placement options") the conditions are:

  • visibility: "1" (always visible)
  • selection: "CursorOnGround * 1-CursorOnGroupMember" (can only be selected when cursor on ground, and NOT on group member)

The results are as follows:

  • 1st case: Cursor is on the ground, but is not pointed at a group member, so the option to place a unit at that position is visible and can be selected.
  • 2nd case: Since the cursor is pointed at the group member, "CursorOnGroupMember" will return 1, and make the condition negative. Therefore, the option the create a unit at that location is disabled (even though it is still visible).
  • 3rd case: The cursor is pointed at the sky (CursorOnGround returns 0), so the removal options are hidden, and the placement options disabled.