Ceeeb/Sandbox\ArmA: Scripting - Getting Started – User talk

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I fixed some spelling up on the page because I'm learning scripting and have been reading this page. Praetorian

Have so much trouble learning scripting

Just to let whoever to know, I have been building web sites for about 10 years now and yet although I have read nearly every scripting tutorial that there is for OFP and ARMA, I cannot get anything to work. I know how to do triggers and set units and play around with all the existing parts of the game but I want to make game movies and missions and stuff like this and I simply can't get it right.

Can someone help possibly?

The error I keep getting when I use Ceebo's script called hello.sqs or hello.sqf is "Cannot find hello.sqs" ... no matter where I put it. I put this script EVERYWHERE but up my ass and it still won't work. LOL. Praetorian