Create a Config Class – Arma Reforger
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Creating a class used as .conf root is as easy as creating a standard class, with a few additions.
Let's create a class with the wanted properties, using the Resource Manager: Config Editor documentation:
class TAG_SuperConfig
[Attribute(defvalue: "DEFAULT VALUE", category: "Personal Details")]
string m_sName; // member variables are not protected as this class is considered a databag
// let's not clutter it with getters
[Attribute(defvalue: "100", params: "1 500", category: "Damage")]
int m_iTotalHealth;
bool m_bOtherValue; // other properties without [Attribute()] will be ignored by the .conf UI but are still accessible by script
Make It Root
The class exists, now to make it appear as an option in Resource Manager > Create > Config file; all it takes is this class decorator:
making the end result look like:
[BaseContainerProps(configRoot: true)]
class TAG_SuperConfig
[Attribute(defvalue: "DEFAULT VALUE", category: "Personal Details")]
string m_sName;
[Attribute(defvalue: "100", params: "1 500", category: "Damage")]
int m_iTotalHealth;
Now, the class can be used as config root.
Config File Creation
- In Resource Manager's Resource Browser, browse to the directory in which to create the config file; then click on the Create button and select the Config File option
- Enter the new file's name in the appearing dialog
- Look for the wanted "BaseContainerProp" class in the next dialog
- After clicking the classname once, the file is created from this model in the selected directory.
Double-click on it to open it and edit it.
See a broad SCR_ConfigExample class:
[BaseContainerProps(configRoot: true)]
class SCR_ConfigExample
// basic
[Attribute(defvalue: "1", desc: "This is a Bool value")]
bool m_bBoolValue;
[Attribute(defvalue: "-1", desc: "This is an Int value")]
int m_iIntValue;
[Attribute(defvalue: "0.5", desc: "This is a Float value")]
float m_fFloatValue;
[Attribute(defvalue: "-", desc: "This is a String value")]
string m_sStringValue;
[Attribute(defvalue: "0 1 0", desc: "This is a Vector value")]
vector m_vVectorValue;
[Attribute(defvalue: "1", uiwidget: UIWidgets.CheckBox, desc: "This is a Bool Array value")]
ref array<bool> m_aBoolArrayValue;
[Attribute(defvalue: "String default value", desc: "This is a String Array value")]
ref array<string> m_aStringArrayValue;
[Attribute(defvalue: "0.008 0.365 0 1", desc: "This is a Colour value")]
ref Color m_ColourValue;
// does not show up - no Attribute defined
int m_iIntValueNotShown;
// does not show up - no set<> UI exists
[Attribute(defvalue: "", desc: "This is a String Set value")]
ref set<string> m_SetValue;
// does not show up - no map<> UI exists
[Attribute(defvalue: "", desc: "This is an Int-String Map value")]
ref map<int, string> m_mMapValue;
// advanced
[Attribute(defvalue: "50", desc: "This is an Int value in a 0..100 range with steps of 5", params: "0 100 5")]
int m_iIntValueMinMax;
[Attribute(defvalue: "50", uiwidget: UIWidgets.Slider, desc: "This is an Int value using a 0..100 slider with steps of 5", params: "0 100 5")]
int m_iIntValueSlider;
[Attribute(defvalue: "1", uiwidget: UIWidgets.ComboBox, desc: "This is an Int value using a combobox", enums: { ParamEnum("Zero", "0"), ParamEnum("One", "1"), ParamEnum("Two", "2") })]
int m_iIntValueComboBox;
[Attribute(defvalue: "", uiwidget: UIWidgets.ResourcePickerThumbnail, desc: "This is an Image Resource value", params: "edds imageset")]
ResourceName m_sImageResourcePickerThumbnail;
[Attribute(defvalue: "", uiwidget: desc: "This is a ResourceName selection that only sees Prefabs (.et files)", params: "et")]
ResourceName m_sFilteredResourceName;
[Attribute(defvalue: "", uiwidget: desc: "This is a ResourceName selection that only sees Prefabs with the Vehicle parent class", params: "et class=Vehicle")]
ResourceName m_sFilteredResourceNameByClass;