Entity Lifecycle – Arma Reforger

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  • Frame: every drawing frame (frame as in FPS)
  • Fixed Frame: a fixed event happening 30 times per second
  • Physics Simulation Frame: a fixed event at 60 simulations per second (frequency defined in Workbench → Options → Game Project → Modules → Physics Settings → Ticks)


Note that some event methods are called only when:
  • such events were enabled through IEntity.SetEventMask()
  • some conditions are met (EOnPhysicsActive requires the entity to have valid and activated physics, etc)
Section Mode Method Description

WB Play

WB Edit Entity Component
Instantiation Checked Checked Constructor
Checked Checked Constructor
Checked Checked OnPostInit
Checked Checked EOnInit
Checked Checked EOnInit
Checked _WB_SetTransform
Checked _WB_SetTransform
Checked _WB_OnInit
Checked _WB_OnInit
Checked _WB_MakeVisible

Execution loop

(World Editor)

Checked _WB_AfterWorldUpdate
Checked _WB_AfterWorldUpdate
Simulation init Checked EOnActivate
Simulation loop Checked EOnFrame
Checked EOnFrame
Checked EOnDiag
Checked EOnDiag
Checked EOnFixedFrame if 1/30s passed since the last execution
Checked EOnFixedFrame if 1/30s passed since the last execution
Checked EOnSimulate
Checked EOnSimulate
Checked EOnPostSimulate
Checked EOnPostSimulate
Checked EOnPhysicsMove if 1/60s passed since the last execution - can be executed multiple times per frame
Checked EOnPhysicsMove if 1/60s passed since the last execution - can be executed multiple times per frame
Checked EOnPostFrame
Checked EOnPostFrame
Checked EOnPostFixedFrame If EOnFixedFrame executed this frame
Checked EOnFixedPostFrame If EOnFixedFrame executed this frame
Destruction Checked Checked OnDelete
Checked Checked Destructor Do NOT delete components in an entity's destructor - this can lead to nullpointer exceptions
Checked Checked Destructor Do NOT reference the parent entity in a component's destructor - the entity is already deleted by then

Example Code

The following code is to be placed in a .c file in the scripts/Game module.

#define _PRINT_EVENTS // this flag enables/disables all event prints // #define _WB_WORLD_UPDATES // this flag enables/disables Workbench's world updates-related event prints [EntityEditorProps(category: "Test", description: "Test entity")] class SCR_MyEntityClass : GenericEntityClass { } class SCR_MyEntity : GenericEntity { #ifdef _PRINT_EVENTS protected static const int DELETE_AFTER = 3000; //!< duration in ms after which the entity deletes itself - for log's sake protected void DeleteThis() { Print("DELETE THIS"); delete this; // delete this } protected void _Print(string input) { Print("ENT : " + input, LogLevel.NORMAL); } // IEntity events override void EOnTouch(IEntity owner, IEntity other, int touchTypesMask) { _Print("EOnTouch"); } override void EOnInit(IEntity owner) { _Print("EOnInit"); } override void EOnVisible(IEntity owner, int frameNumber) { _Print("EOnVisible"); } override void EOnFrame(IEntity owner, float timeSlice) { _Print("EOnFrame"); } override void EOnPostFrame(IEntity owner, float timeSlice) { _Print("EOnPostFrame"); } override void EOnAnimEvent(IEntity owner, int type, int slot) { _Print("EOnAnimEvent"); } override void EOnSimulate(IEntity owner, float timeSlice) { _Print("EOnSimulate"); } override void EOnPostSimulate(IEntity owner, float timeSlice) { _Print("EOnPostSimulate"); } override void EOnJointBreak(IEntity owner, IEntity other) { _Print("EOnJointBreak"); } override void EOnPhysicsMove(IEntity owner) { _Print("EOnPhysicsMove"); } override void EOnContact(IEntity owner, IEntity other, Contact contact) { _Print("EOnContact"); } override void EOnPhysicsActive(IEntity owner, bool activeState) { _Print("EOnPhysicsActive"); } override void EOnDiag(IEntity owner, float timeSlice) { _Print("EOnDiag"); } override void EOnFixedFrame(IEntity owner, float timeSlice) { _Print("EOnFixedFrame"); } override void EOnFixedPostFrame(IEntity owner, float timeSlice) { _Print("EOnFixedPostFrame"); } // GenericEntity events override void EOnActivate(IEntity owner) { Physics physics = GetPhysics(); if (physics) physics.SetActive(ActiveState.ALWAYS_ACTIVE); _Print("EOnActivate"); // delete after some time GetGame().GetCallqueue().CallLater(DeleteThis, DELETE_AFTER); } override void EOnDeactivate(IEntity owner) { _Print("EOnDeactivate"); } override IEntity _WB_GetEditableOwner() { _Print("_WB_GetEditableOwner"); return super._WB_GetEditableOwner(); } override void _WB_MakeVisible(IEntitySource src, bool visible) { _Print("_WB_MakeVisible"); } override void _WB_SetTransform(inout vector mat[4], IEntitySource src) { _Print("_WB_SetTransform"); } override void _WB_OnInit(inout vector mat[4], IEntitySource src) { _Print("_WB_OnInit"); } override bool _WB_CanDelete(IEntitySource src) { _Print("_WB_CanDelete"); return super._WB_CanDelete(src); } override bool _WB_CanRename(IEntitySource src) { _Print("_WB_CanRename"); return super._WB_CanRename(src); } override bool _WB_CanCopy(IEntitySource src) { _Print("_WB_CanCopy"); return super._WB_CanCopy(src); } override bool _WB_CanSelect(IEntitySource src) { _Print("_WB_CanSelect"); return super._WB_CanSelect(src); } override int _WB_GetAnchorCount(IEntitySource src) { _Print("_WB_GetAnchorCount"); return super._WB_GetAnchorCount(src); } override void _WB_GetAnchor(inout vector position, IEntitySource src, int index) { _Print("_WB_GetAnchor"); } override void _WB_OnAnchorSnapped(IEntitySource thisSrc, int thisAnchor, IEntitySource otherSrc, int otherAnchor, bool isReceiver) { _Print("_WB_OnAnchorSnapped"); } override bool _WB_CanAnchorSnap(IEntitySource thisSrc, int thisAnchor, IEntitySource otherSrc, int otherAnchor, bool isReceiver) { _Print("_WB_CanAnchorSnap"); return super._WB_CanAnchorSnap(thisSrc, thisAnchor, otherSrc, otherAnchor, isReceiver); } override void _WB_GetBoundBox(inout vector min, inout vector max, IEntitySource src) { _Print("_WB_GetBoundBox"); } override bool _WB_ShouldShowBoundBox(IEntitySource src) { _Print("_WB_ShouldShowBoundBox"); return super._WB_ShouldShowBoundBox(src); } override void _WB_SetExtraVisualiser(EntityVisualizerType type, IEntitySource src) { _Print("_WB_SetExtraVisualiser"); } override array<ref WB_UIMenuItem> _WB_GetContextMenuItems() { _Print("_WB_GetContextMenuItems"); return super._WB_GetContextMenuItems(); } override bool _WB_OnPhysSimulPlacementBegin(IEntitySource src) { _Print("_WB_OnPhysSimulPlacementBegin"); return super._WB_OnPhysSimulPlacementBegin(src); } override bool _WB_EnablePhysics(IEntitySource src, bool physics) { _Print("_WB_EnablePhysics"); return super._WB_EnablePhysics(src, physics); } override array<ref ParamEnum> _WB_GetUserEnums(string varName, IEntitySource src) { _Print("_WB_GetUserEnums"); return super._WB_GetUserEnums(varName, src); } override bool _WB_OnKeyChanged(BaseContainer src, string key, BaseContainerList ownerContainers, IEntity parent) { _Print("_WB_OnKeyChanged"); return super._WB_OnKeyChanged(src, key, ownerContainers, parent); } #ifdef _WB_WORLD_UPDATES override void _WB_AfterWorldUpdate(float timeSlice) { _Print("_WB_AfterWorldUpdate"); } #endif override void _WB_OnContextMenu(int id) { _Print("_WB_OnContextMenu"); } override void _WB_OnKeyDown(int keyCode) { _Print("_WB_OnKeyDown"); } override void _WB_OnCreate(IEntitySource src) { _Print("_WB_OnCreate"); } override void _WB_OnDelete(IEntitySource src) { _Print("_WB_OnDelete"); } override void _WB_OnRename(IEntitySource src, string oldName) { _Print("_WB_OnRename"); } void SCR_MyEntity(IEntitySource src, IEntity parent) { SetEventMask(EntityEvent.ALL); _Print("Constructor"); } void ~SCR_MyEntity() { _Print("Destructor"); } #endif } // // Component below // [ComponentEditorProps(category: "Test", description: "Test component")] class SCR_MyComponentClass : ScriptComponentClass { } class SCR_MyComponent : ScriptComponent // which itself inherits from GenericComponent { #ifdef _PRINT_EVENTS protected void _Print(string input) { Print("COMP: " + input, LogLevel.NORMAL); } // GenericComponent events override void _WB_SetTransform(IEntity owner, inout vector mat[4], IEntitySource src) { _Print("_WB_SetTransform"); } override void _WB_OnInit(IEntity owner, inout vector mat[4], IEntitySource src) { _Print("_WB_OnInit"); } override bool _WB_CanDelete(IEntity owner, IEntitySource src) { _Print("_WB_CanDelete"); return super._WB_CanDelete(owner, src); }; override bool _WB_CanRename(IEntity owner, IEntitySource src) { _Print("_WB_CanRename"); return super._WB_CanRename(owner, src); }; override bool _WB_CanCopy(IEntity owner, IEntitySource src) { _Print("_WB_CanCopy"); return super._WB_CanCopy(owner, src); }; override bool _WB_CanSelect(IEntity owner, IEntitySource src) { _Print("_WB_CanSelect"); return super._WB_CanSelect(owner, src); }; override void _WB_GetBoundBox(IEntity owner, inout vector min, inout vector max, IEntitySource src) { _Print("_WB_GetBoundBox"); } override void _WB_SetExtraVisualiser(IEntity owner, EntityVisualizerType type, IEntitySource src) { _Print("_WB_SetExtraVisualiser"); } override array<ref WB_UIMenuItem> _WB_GetContextMenuItems(IEntity owner) { _Print("_WB_GetContextMenuItems"); return super._WB_GetContextMenuItems(owner); } override bool _WB_OnPhysSimulPlacementBegin(IEntity owner, IEntitySource src) { _Print("_WB_OnPhysSimulPlacementBegin"); return super._WB_OnPhysSimulPlacementBegin(owner, src); }; override bool _WB_EnablePhysics(IEntity owner, IEntitySource src, bool physics) { _Print("_WB_EnablePhysics"); return super._WB_EnablePhysics(owner, src, physics); } override bool _WB_OnKeyChanged(IEntity owner, BaseContainer src, string key, BaseContainerList ownerContainers, IEntity parent) { _Print("_WB_OnKeyChanged"); return super._WB_OnKeyChanged(owner, src, key, ownerContainers, parent); } #ifdef _WB_WORLD_UPDATES override void _WB_AfterWorldUpdate(IEntity owner, float timeSlice) { _Print("_WB_AfterWorldUpdate"); } #endif override void _WB_OnContextMenu(IEntity owner, int id) { _Print("_WB_OnContextMenu"); } override void _WB_OnKeyDown(IEntity owner, int keyCode) { _Print("_WB_OnKeyDown"); } override void _WB_OnCreate(IEntity owner, IEntitySource src) { _Print("_WB_OnCreate"); } override void _WB_OnDelete(IEntity owner, IEntitySource src) { _Print("_WB_OnDelete"); } override void _WB_OnRename(IEntity owner, IEntitySource src, string oldName) { _Print("_WB_OnRename"); } override array<ref ParamEnum> _WB_GetUserEnums(string varName, IEntity owner, IEntityComponentSource src) { _Print("_WB_GetUserEnums"); return super._WB_GetUserEnums(varName, owner, src); } override void OnTransformResetImpl(TransformResetParams params) { _Print("OnTransformResetImpl"); }; // ScriptComponent events override void EOnTouch(IEntity owner, IEntity other, int touchTypesMask) { _Print("EOnTouch"); } override void EOnInit(IEntity owner) { _Print("EOnInit"); } override void EOnVisible(IEntity owner, int frameNumber) { _Print("EOnVisible"); } override void EOnFrame(IEntity owner, float timeSlice) { _Print("EOnFrame"); } override void EOnPostFrame(IEntity owner, float timeSlice) { _Print("EOnPostFrame"); } override void EOnAnimEvent(IEntity owner, int type, int slot) { _Print("EOnAnimEvent"); } override void EOnSimulate(IEntity owner, float timeSlice) { _Print("EOnSimulate"); } override void EOnPostSimulate(IEntity owner, float timeSlice) { _Print("EOnPostSimulate"); } override void EOnJointBreak(IEntity owner, IEntity other) { _Print("EOnJointBreak"); } override void EOnPhysicsMove(IEntity owner) { _Print("EOnPhysicsMove"); } override void EOnContact(IEntity owner, IEntity other, Contact contact) { _Print("EOnContact"); } override void EOnPhysicsActive(IEntity owner, bool activeState) { _Print("EOnPhysicsActive"); } override void EOnDiag(IEntity owner, float timeSlice) { _Print("EOnDiag"); } override void EOnFixedFrame(IEntity owner, float timeSlice) { _Print("EOnFixedFrame"); } override void EOnPostFixedFrame(IEntity owner, float timeSlice) { _Print("EOnPostFixedFrame"); } override void EOnActivate(IEntity owner) { _Print("EOnActivate"); } override void EOnDeactivate(IEntity owner) { _Print("EOnDeactivate"); } override void OnPostInit(IEntity owner) { _Print("OnPostInit"); } override void OnDelete(IEntity owner) { _Print("OnDelete"); } override void OnAddedToParent(IEntity child, IEntity parent) { _Print("OnAddedToParent"); } override void OnRemovedFromParent(IEntity child, IEntity parent) { _Print("OnRemovedFromParent"); } override void OnChildAdded(IEntity parent, IEntity child) { _Print("OnChildAdded"); } override void OnChildRemoved(IEntity parent, IEntity child) { _Print("OnChildRemoved"); } void SCR_MyComponent(IEntityComponentSource src, IEntity ent, IEntity parent) { SetEventMask(GetOwner(), EntityEvent.ALL); _Print("Constructor"); } void ~SCR_MyComponent() { _Print("Destructor"); } #endif }

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