Audio: Occlusion – Arma Reforger

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Red: Base Coverage for the (driver) compartment, defined in CompartmentManagerComponent.
Green: Additional coverage for the turret slot, and the compartments that are influenced by the slot. Defined in the SlotManagerComponent.

Occlusion inside vehicle cabins uses the Coverage System and is defined by the GCurrVehicleCoverage audio variable as an arbitrary float value.

  • Each compartment of a vehicle can be given a "base coverage" value, defined on the CompartmentManagerComponent.
  • Inside the SlotManagerComponent, using the "Slot Mappers" class, each Slot can be assigned a coverage value that will be added to the overall coverage as long as the slot is not destroyed (e.g windows can break, resulting in a lowering of the coverage value).
  • Therefore, the overall coverage for each vehicle department is the sum of the Base Coverage defined in the CompartmentManagerComponent and all additional slot coverage values defined in the SlotManagerComponent.

armaR-audio vehicle occlusion gcurrvehiclecoverage variable mix.png