Synide – User talk
The following is temporary...
This is my init.sqf file I use in all my missions. It correctly identifies in what context the init.sqf file is being run.
Things to note...
If you are there at mission launch from that point on your 'Context'
will always be 'MP_CLIENT' and will stay as such even when you respawn.
If you are an 'MP_CLIENT' then you 'disconnect' from a continuing mission
and select a new playable character or the same playable character you will
become a 'JIP_CLIENT'.
If you join an inprogress mission you will be a 'JIP_CLIENT' from that
point till the mission ends.
if (isServer) then
if (isnull player) then {Context = "mp_server";}else{Context = "sp_server";};
if (isnull player) then {Context = "jip_client";}else{Context = "mp_client";};
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "scripts\common\init.sqf";
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers format["scripts\%1\init.sqf",Context];
Things to note about the above for MP only.
- If you are there at mission launch from that point on your 'Context' will always be 'MP_CLIENT' and will stay as such even when you respawn.
- If you are an 'MP_CLIENT' then you 'disconnect' from the continuing mission and select a new playable character you will become a 'JIP_CLIENT'.
- If you join an inprogress mission you will be a 'JIP_CLIENT' from that point till the mission ends.
Specular map is a complex bitmap. Each color chanel has its own purpose. You should understand well the way of calculating pixel colors in scene before you paint those textures.
As written in value of each pixel is calculated with RVMAT values and engine lighting values.
Texture _SM has diffuse values in RED, specular in GREEN and, Specular power in BLUE chanel. _SMDI does not use RED chanel (better compression) GPU calculates those values automaticaly as Diffuse = 1 - Specular.
When you use specular map - diffuse, specular in RVMAT should be 1. Then paint B/W map with maximum specular and minimum specular values you imagine on surface. Than choose minimum (black) and maximum specular (white) values and change the bitmap levels to those values.
Specular Map info. from Armoured Sheep
Shadow Volume info from Armoured Sheep
Changes to model animation article
Hi and thanks for contributing to the How to animate a model article. You removed an essential part from the article stating how to create animations in the confic.cpp file. However, you didn't include any info on how to do it "properly", you just stated "outdated since tools released". Please add information on how to do this or roll back the article. Thanks TeRp
- TeRp, Did you read the part i removed? quote "However, this does not seems to work (I assume the model.cfg files will be put into the model p3d file during binarization). For now, you can add the cfgSkeletons and cfgModels class to your config.cpp which works like a charm."
- The above, is inaccurate since the release of the Binarize tool. It is not an essential part of the article. If it was i would not have removed it. It does not need to be 'replaced' with any additional text because the sentence before it is entirely sufficent.
- It reads... "According to the article about Model Config, the cfgSkeletons and cfgModels class should be part of a model.cfg file which is located in the addon pbo file."
- i find it hard to believe that you do not know that the sentence in your article indicating that the model.cfg method of detailing the skeleton & such is working since the release of the Binarize tool.
- Cheers, Sy. -- Sy 03:39, 18 November 2007 (CET)
As far as I know (which is fairly little), the model.cfg file is read by Binarize at binarization time and the information is incorporated in the model and/or config for it. There is no model.cfg file present in the pbo when it is packed, unless it is put there manually if you are packing manually, after binarization the model.cfg file has no further purpose.
Planck 14:57, 18 November 2007 (CET)
- Planck, known. There is a little cavet on the use of the Binarize tool, but it is not to do with the processing of a model.cfg and consequentially TeRp's article.
- Cheers, Sy
- PS. The little cavet is to do with Binarize not currently being able to process rvmat files into the odolv40 model... -- Sy 15:15, 18 November 2007 (CET)