Bimpas File Format

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bimpas files are associated with Xbox elite they were the precursor to ArmA's rvmat files

in both cases they define a series of textures for p3d models (and wrps)

The new, visitor 3 graphical editor tool refers to bimpas files as

  • rvmat surface materials
  • bimpas transition materials

rvmat files are a series of paas bimpas files are a series of rvmats


Ordinarily, these files, if binarised, are rapified in the normal xbox/arma manner

some files, possibly in error, contain substituted space characters for zeroes.

this is either an encryption, or, possibly a simple error


class Pass0 {

material = "ca\introofp\ps.rvmat";
texture = "ca\introofp\ps.paa";
tlAlpha = 1;
trAlpha = 1;
blAlpha = 1;
brAlpha = 1;


class Pass0 { material="LandText\az.rvmat"; texture="LandText\az.paa"; trAlpha=1.000000; }; class Pass1 { material="LandText\ba.rvmat"; texture="LandText\ba.paa"; blAlpha=1.000000; }; class Pass2 { material="LandText\_N.rvmat"; texture="LandText\_N.paa"; brAlpha=1.000000; }; class Pass3 { material="LandText\Dl.rvmat"; texture="LandText\Dl.paa"; tlAlpha=1.000000; };