AI FSM – Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead
Summary page to gather community knowledge about the exposed AI FSM and the modification possibilities.
What are they about
It seems they expose certain areas of the AI behavior outside the core engine. This means the community can modify some parts of the AI behavior this one. That said in the config space a lot of values permitted tweaking AI as well, yet on a different level.
The available FSM are about:
- Behavior while in formation.
- Behavior while in danger/from danger events.
TODO: Needs more research, testing and specific information.
What are they NOT about
- Micro AI
- Low(est) level AI behavior system
TODO: Clarify and add more details.
Where to find them
Where are they used
No reference.
class CAManBase: Man fsmDanger = "Ca\characters\scripts\danger.fsm";
class Civilian: CAManBase fsmFormation = "ca\characters\scripts\formationC.fsm";
class Civilian: CAManBase fsmDanger = "ca\characters\scripts\formationCDanger.fsm";
No reference. However it is the equivalent to the config definition of:
class CAManBase: Man fsmFormation = "Formation";
Formation itself is also defined, for unknown reasons, in the config space rather as FSM file.
class CfgFSMs - class Formation
How to edit them
Get the FSM_Editor part of the BI Tools 2 suite. It allows you to open, study and modify the FSM files.