CfgWeapons – Take On Helicopters Talk
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For export, use following code:
startloadingscreen [""]; _types = [ 0, "Default", 1, "Rifle", 2, "Handgun", 4096, "Item", 65536, "Mounted" ]; _cfg = configfile >> "cfgWeapons"; _cfgCount = count _cfg - 1; _export = ""; for "_c" from 0 to _cfgCount do { _class = _cfg select _c; if (isclass _class) then { _scope = getnumber (_class >> "scope"); _displayName = gettext (_class >> "displayName"); if (_scope > 0 && _displayName != "") then { _className = configname _class; _type = getnumber (_class >> "type"); _typeId = _types find _type; if (_typeId < 0) then {_typeId = 0}; _type = _types select (_typeId + 1); _magazines = getarray (_class >> "magazines"); _magazinesExport = ""; { _magazinesExport = _magazinesExport + format [" * ""%1"" ",_x]; } foreach _magazines; _export = _export + format [ "|- | ====%1==== | %2 | %3 | %4 ", _className, _displayName, _type, _magazinesExport ]; }; }; progressloadingscreen (_c / _cfgCount); }; copytoclipboard _export; endloadingscreen;