CfgDefaultKeysMapping – Take On Helicopters
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List of key actions
- action
- actionContext
- actionFreeLook
- aimDown
- aimHeadDown
- aimHeadLeft
- aimHeadRight
- aimHeadUp
- aimLeft
- aimRight
- aimUp
- airBankLeft
- airBankRight
- autoHover
- autoHoverCancel
- binocular
- buldBack
- buldDown
- buldForward
- buldFreeLook
- buldLeft
- buldLookDown
- buldLookLeft
- buldLookRight
- buldLookUp
- buldMagnetizePlanes
- buldMagnetizePoints
- buldMagnetizeYFixed
- buldMoveBack
- buldMoveForward
- buldMoveLeft
- buldMoveRight
- buldResetCamera
- buldRight
- buldSelect
- buldSelectionType
- buldSwitchCamera
- buldTerrainLower10cm
- buldTerrainLower1m
- buldTerrainLower50cm
- buldTerrainLower5m
- buldTerrainRaise10cm
- buldTerrainRaise1m
- buldTerrainRaise50cm
- buldTerrainRaise5m
- buldTerrainShowNode
- buldTextureInfo
- buldTurbo
- buldUp
- buldZoomIn
- buldZoomOut
- cancelAction
- carAimDown
- carAimLeft
- carAimRight
- carAimUp
- carBack
- carFastForward
- carForward
- carLeft
- carRight
- carSlowForward
- carWheelLeft
- carWheelRight
- chat
- cheat1
- cheat2
- commandBack
- commandFast
- commandForward
- commandLeft
- commandRight
- commandSlow
- commandWatch
- compass
- compassToggle
- crouch
- defaultAction
- diary
- DSInterface
- evasiveBack
- evasiveForward
- evasiveLeft
- evasiveRight
- fire
- flapsDown
- flapsUp
- forceCommandingMode
- freeHeadMove
- gear
- getOver
- handgun
- headlights
- heliAPUToggle
- heliBack
- heliBatteriesToggle
- heliCollectiveLower
- heliCollectiveRaise
- helicopterTrimOff
- helicopterTrimOn
- heliCyclicBack
- heliCyclicForward
- heliCyclicLeft
- heliCyclicRight
- heliDown
- heliEnginesToggle
- heliFastForward
- heliForward
- heliLeft
- heliManualFire
- heliRight
- HeliRopeAction
- heliRotorBrakeToggle
- heliRudderLeft
- heliRudderRight
- heliStarterToggle1
- heliStarterToggle2
- heliStarterToggle3
- heliThrottleDecrease1
- heliThrottleDecrease2
- heliThrottleDecrease3
- heliThrottleIncrease1
- heliThrottleIncrease2
- heliThrottleIncrease3
- HeliTrimBackward
- HeliTrimForward
- HeliTrimLeft
- HeliTrimRight
- HeliTrimRudderLeft
- HeliTrimRudderRight
- heliUp
- heliWheelsBrake
- help
- hideMap
- holdBreath
- ingamePause
- landGear
- landGearUp
- launchCM
- leanLeft
- leanLeftToggle
- leanRight
- leanRightToggle
- liteUnitInfoToggle
- lockTarget
- lockTargets
- lookAround
- lookAroundToggle
- lookCenter
- lookDown
- lookDownCont
- lookLeft
- lookLeftCont
- lookLeftDown
- lookLeftUp
- lookRight
- lookRightCont
- lookRightDown
- lookRightUp
- lookRollLeft
- lookRollLeftCont
- lookRollRight
- lookRollRightCont
- lookShiftBack
- lookShiftBackCont
- lookShiftCenter
- lookShiftDown
- lookShiftDownCont
- lookShiftForward
- lookShiftForwardCont
- lookShiftLeft
- lookShiftLeftCont
- lookShiftRight
- lookShiftRightCont
- lookShiftUp
- lookShiftUpCont
- lookUp
- lookUpCont
- menuBack
- menuSelect
- minimap
- minimapToggle
- moveBack
- moveDown
- moveFastForward
- moveForward
- moveLeft
- moveRight
- moveSlowForward
- moveUp
- networkPlayers
- networkStats
- nextAction
- nextChannel
- nextCM
- nightVision
- optics
- opticsMode
- personView
- prevAction
- prevChannel
- prone
- pushToTalk
- reloadMagazine
- revealTarget
- salute
- seagullBack
- seagullDown
- seagullFastForward
- seagullForward
- seagullUp
- selectAll
- showMap
- sitDown
- stand
- swapGunner
- switchCommand
- switchGunnerWeapon
- switchWeapon
- tacticalView
- teamSwitch
- teamSwitchNext
- teamSwitchPrev
- tempRaiseWeapon
- timeDec
- timeInc
- toggleRaiseWeapon
- toggleWeapons
- turbo
- turnIn
- turnLeft
- turnOut
- turnRight
- vehicleTurbo
- vehLockTargets
- voiceOverNet
- walk
- walkRunTemp
- walkRunToggle
- watch
- watchToggle
- zeroingDown
- zeroingUp
- zoomContIn
- zoomContOut
- zoomIn
- zoomInToggle
- zoomOut
- zoomOutToggle