Arma2P from mikero
version C see fixes.txt
Inspired by Dwarden scripts. To whom, all honor and glory.
extract rar packages to anywhere that gives you a thrill
latest copies of extractpbo convertp3d and depbodll are required
latest versions should always be retrieved from dev-heaven.
rem ***************************************************
rem ********** YOU MUST HAVE P: set *******************
rem -------------------------------------------------------------------
you also require xtractpbo auto-installer and depbo.dll from dev-heaven
Arma2p assumes you have correctly installed Bi's personal tools. You only have to do this once. Arma2p does NOT require personal tools to be RE installed.
Arma 2 P: does what it says it does. It will extract all official pbo's to the correct folders on your p: drive.
If you have placed unnoficial pbo's in official arma addon folders, it's your problem. Learn to use mods= properly.
a2p detects ALL official pbos from Arma2, Operation Arrowhead, Combined Operations, and ANY betas accompanying those packages whether from cd or Steam.
Any detected beta expansions are garanteed to over-extract onto the existing package(s).
Pbo over-extraction is a bit tricky because of the convoluted pathing bi use and the necessary (and utterly essential) correct mod = loading order required for a2+oa
Multiple instances of the same-name pbo abound as a result. Arma2p handles the fussy details of ensuring THE pbo to extract is the correct one. Reflecting YOUR pc's game.
Genuine paid-for PMC and BAF extensions are NOT extracted. Bis proprietary is respected. Shell pmc and shell baf ARE extracted. This means you can confidently use your p: drive with pmc/baf addons.
You are recommended to use this bat file on any subsequent patch or update from bi
Arma2P removes any relevent P:\folder before extractions begin. P:\ca P:\bin p:\langaugecore p:\core p:\ION_RTE p:\ION_RTE_dta Users P:\folders are NOT AFFECTED
binarised configs et al =======
- ALL* relevent rapified files (configs,missions,rvmats, bisurfs) are derapified back to humanly readable text. Essential.
Roads2,Roads_E and roads_pmc mlod p3d's are restored. The assumption is you have personal tools 2.5.1 or better installed
If they aren't mlods, it's up to you to put the proper ones from bi's personal tools armaworks folder in there. This is done on any install of personal tools
Note that ca\roads from arma1 is useless and removed unconditionally.
Note that subfolders of Roads2 reflect the current engine extraction (bridges and dams)
BINPBO and islands :this is unecesssary if you are using the pboPacker.exe (which replaces binPbo)
A wrp_Projects\ca\*\config.cpp is created
If you are working with islands, you require a copy of ca IN your projects folder. Dont blame me For WINXP arma2p creates P:\WRP_PROJECTS for your convenience. use it as a template for any of your new projects or copy the ca folder to your old ones if you are using win7 you can simply MKLINK and ignore above
personal tools 2.0 buldozer cannot handle type 49/50 odol p3d's. these were formerly converted by arma2p to type 58. This edition of arma2p provides a separate bat file, should you need to use it.
A minor quirk of bis's languagecore.pbo is also accounted for.
this file MUST reflect the engine it comes from. (oa/ca/a2) in order to compile configs, in general, correctly.
this clashes with buldozer which uses an earlier version. The net effect is viewing models or islands in oxygen/visitor will cause a 'missing blah'.
live with that annoyance, or, recopy personal tools config.cpp to bin. Choice is yours, caveat emptor