Side – Talk

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Revision as of 09:58, 6 October 2014 by Heeeere's johnny! (talk | contribs) (Added my name to the bottom of my discussion contribution)
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Please list which flags are associated with each side (according to BIS's missions). In OFP, west is \flags\usa.jpg, east is \flags\ussr.jpg, and guer is \flags\fia.jpg. In ArmA, west is \ca\misc\data\usa_vlajka.paa, east is \ca\misc\data\sever_vlajka.paa, guer is \ca\misc\data\jih_vlajka.paa??? --Doolittle 19:50, 21 June 2007 (CEST)

These are the faction flags from the ArmA 3 website:





But a question: FIA can't be "all sides" as Benargee implicated it with his last edits of this article, are they? I mean, how should that work? I haven't tested, but I'd bet FIA is independent.

--Heeeere's Johnny!