Module Framework – Arma 3 Talk

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I have been toiling over the module function for hours. I have created a test module following this article, and I can correctly get a custom module with arguments and description to display in the editor. I have packed the module into a PBO using ARMA 3 Tools, and placed that PBO into a very simple custom mod. The mod loads just fine, and I can place the module in the mission and have the mission execute without issue.

However, I run into an error when I try to actually attach a function to the module. No matter where I place the SQF or set the file property, I get the same "Script test\fn_moduleTest.sqf not found."

What is the file path relative to? The Arma 3 root? How do I correctly reference the function *within* my mod? The only way I can currently get this to work is to actually add the SQF file to the Arma 3 directory, outside of my PBO. This is obviously not a solution, so what am I missing? Is my PBO not being packed correctly perhaps?