CfgVehicles Plane class config reference – Arma 3
All config values related to Plane class configuration can be found here. Template:Cfg ref Template:Cfg ref
Graph array, defines the influence of the ailerons control surface depending on the current speed. Each position in the array is a percentage of maxSpeed. First value is 0% of maxSpeed, tenth value is 100% and so on. Notice you don't have to fill all the percentages, the last one will be taken as fixed value once there's no more values in front of it.
Array - Graph array of float values, related to maxSpeed
aileronCoef[] = {0,0.5,1,1.2,1.4,1.5,1.6}; // V-44 Blackfish
aileronCoef[] = {0.6,1,0.95,0.9,0.85,0.8,0.75}; // A-164 Wipeout
aileronCoef[] = {
0, // At 0 % of maxSpeed, this is the influence of the aileron
0.4, // 12.5 %
0.8, // 25 %
0.8, // 37.5 %
0.9, // 50 %
1.0, // 62.5 %
1.0, // 75 %
1.1, // 87.5 %
1.1, // 100 %
1.2, // 112.5 %
1.2, // 125 %
1.2, // 137.5 %
1.3 // 150 %
Coefficient of the player bank input (does not affect AI).
aileronControlsSensitivityCoef = 1; // V-44 Blackfish
aileronControlsSensitivityCoef = 3.6; // Caesar BTT
aileronControlsSensitivityCoef = 3; // A-164 Wipeout
Overall percentage of the ailerons influence. Lower values make bank slower, allowing to simulate heavier aircraft.
aileronSensitivity = 0; // No bank
aileronSensitivity = 0.5; // V-44 Blackfish
aileronSensitivity = 0.75; // A-164 Wipeout
aileronSensitivity = 0.85; // Caesar BTT
aileronSensitivity = 1; // Fast bank
Defines if the aircraft has airbrakes. Also linked to "SpeedBrake" animation source.
airBrake = 0; // No airbrakes
airBrake = 1; // Most aircrafts
Altitude value in meters at which the aircraft starts to progressively lose thrust influence until altNoForce is reached. Below this altitude, thrust influence is always at its maximum. Simulates effect of thinning air on engine performace.
altFullForce = 6000; // Caesar BTT
altFullForce = 2000; // V-44 Blackfish
altFullForce = 13636;// A-164 Wipeout
Altitude value in meters at which the aircraft loses its thrust influence completely. Below this altitude, thrust influence is progressively lost as soon as altFullForce is reached. Simulates effect of thinning air on engine performace.
altNoForce = 7500; // Caesar BTT
altNoForce = 7000; // V-44 Blackfish
altNoForce = 35000;// A-164 Wipeout
Mounting angle, used to indicate the difference between the chord line and velocity vector.
angleOfIndicence = 0.069; // Caesar BTT
angleOfIndicence = "3*3.1415/180"; // V-44 Blackfish
angleOfIndicence = 0.0523599; // A-164 Wipeout
Once the engine shut down, opens the cabin using "..." animation source.
cabinOpening = 1; // Caesar BTT or A-164 Wipeout
cabinOpening = 0; // V-44 Blackfish
Allows the cargo passengers to jump out even if the aircraft is moving. Not a plane-specific value, but it is important to allow parachute jumps.
cargoCanEject = 1; // Cargo can eject
cargoCanEject = 0; // Cargo cannot eject
Forces the plane to align itself more or less quickly with its velocity vector. This specific parameter restricts horizontal skidding when banking.
draconicForceXCoef = 7.4; // A-164 Wipeout
draconicForceXCoef = 7.5; // Caesar BTT
draconicForceXCoef = 15; // V-44 Blackfish
Forces the plane to align itself more or less quickly with its velocity vector. This specific parameter restricts vertical stall when pulling up.
draconicForceYCoef = 3; // A-164 Wipeout
draconicForceYCoef = 1; // Caesar BTT
draconicForceYCoef = 0.5; // V-44 Blackfish
Forces the plane to align itself more or less quickly with its velocity vector. This specific parameter restricts loss of speed in sharp turns.
draconicForceZCoef = 0.1; // A-164 Wipeout
draconicForceZCoef = 2.5; // Caesar BTT
draconicForceZCoef = 0.2; // V-44 Blackfish
Forces the plane to align itself more or less quickly with its velocity vector. This specific parameter rotates the aircraft horizontally, following the velocity vector right or left.
draconicTorqueXCoef = 1.2; // A-164 Wipeout
draconicTorqueXCoef = 0.15; // Caesar BTT
draconicTorqueXCoef = 20; // V-44 Blackfish
Forces the plane to align itself more or less quickly with its velocity vector. This specific parameter rotates the aircraft vertically, following the velocity vector up and down.
draconicTorqueYCoef = 3; // A-164 Wipeout
draconicTorqueYCoef = 1; // Caesar BTT
draconicTorqueYCoef = 4; // V-44 Blackfish
Defines the geometry LOD shapes on which the vehicle can roll without damage.
Array - Strings linked to the geometry LOD shapes
driveOnComponent[] = {"Gear_1_damper","Gear_2_damper","Gear_3_damper"}; // A-164 Wipeout
driveOnComponent[] = {"wheel_f","wheel_r","wheel_l"}; // Caesar BTT
driveOnComponent[] = {"Wheel_1_1","Wheel_1_2","Wheel_2_1","Wheel_2_2","Wheel_2_3","Wheel_3_1","Wheel_3_2","Wheel_3_3"}; // V-44 Blackfish
Defines the ejection speed and vector for all seats (driver, gunners and cargo).
Array - Values of velocity in m/s, [x,y,z]
ejectSpeed[] = {0,60,0}; // A-164 Wipeout, pilot is ejected upwards
ejectSpeed[] = {0,0,3}; // Caesar BTT, passengers are ejected frontwards (needs confirmation)
ejectSpeed[] = {0,-2,0}; // V-44 Blackfish, passengers are ejected downwards
Defines precise influence of the elevator input according to the current speed.
Array - Graph array of values, see aileronCoef
elevatorCoef[] = {0.6,0.9,0.5,0.4,0.35,0.3,0.3};// A-164 Wipeout
elevatorCoef[] = {0,1,1.2,1.4,1.5,1.6,1.6}; // V-44 Blackfish
Coefficient of the player pitch input (does not affect AI).
elevatorControlsSensitivityCoef = 4; // A-164 Wipeout
elevatorControlsSensitivityCoef = 2; // Caesar BTT
elevatorControlsSensitivityCoef = 3; // V-44 Blackfish
Overall percentage of the elevator influence. Lower values make pitch slower.
elevatorSensitivity = 1.9; // A-164 Wipeout
elevatorSensitivity = 0.3; // Caesar BTT
elevatorSensitivity = 0.5; // V-44 Blackfish
The lift properties (G) of the wing dependent of the actual speed of the aircraft. Each of the positions in the array corresponds to a relative speed expressed as a proportion of the maximum speed of the vehicle. The array of proportions is: fSpeed = maxI * speedRel; maxI = _envelope.Size() - 1; speedRel = speed * 0.8f / maxSpeed; Relates directly to angleOfIndicence and airplane's mass and can be used to simulate various wing sizes and camber.
Array - Graph array of values, see aileronCoef
envelope[] = {0.1,0.1,0.9,2.8,3.5,3.7,3.8,3.8,3.6,3.3,2.7}; // A-164 Wipeout
envelope[] = {0,0.15,1.05,1.8,2.8,3.3,3.5,3.2,2.6,2,1.5,1,0.5,0}; // Caesar BTT
envelope[] = {0,0.01,0.5,1.5,3.5,4.4,4.6,4.8,5,5.1,5.2,5.3,5.3,1}; // V-44 Blackfish
Defines if the aircraft has flaps. Uses "..." animation source.
flaps = 1; // Flaps
flaps = 0; // No flaps
Friction coefficient of flaps.
flapsFrictionCoef = 0.5; // A-164 Wipeout
flapsFrictionCoef = 0.4; // Caesar BTT
flapsFrictionCoef = 0.2; // V-44 Blackfish
Only if gearRetracting = 1;, defines the time in seconds it takes to extract the gear.
gearDownTime = 2; // Most aircrafts
Defines if the aircraft has retracting landing gear. Uses "..." animation source.
gearRetracting = 1; // A-164 Wipeout, retractable landing gear
gearRetracting = 0; // Caesar BTT, fixed landing gear
Only if gearRetracting = 1;, defines the time in seconds it takes to retract the gear. Float
gearUpTime = 3.33; // Most aircrafts
Advised landing angle of attack for AI, autopilot and ILS indicator.
landingAoa = 0.174533; // A-164 Wipeout
landingAoa = "rad 3"; // Caesar BTT
landingAoa = "1*3.1415/180"; // V-44 Blackfish
Advised landing speed for AI and autopilot.
landingSpeed = 195; // A-164 Wipeout
landingSpeed = 110; // Caesar BTT
landingSpeed = 230; // V-44 Blackfish
Defines if the lights are on the landing gear, thus only shining when the gear is down.
lightOnGear = 1; // A-164 Wipeout
lightOnGear = 0; // Caesar BTT
Maximum speed limit allowed for this aircraft.
maxSpeed = 706; // A-164 Wipeout
maxSpeed = 435; // Caesar BTT
maxSpeed = 550; // V-44 Blackfish
Defines precise influence of the rudder input according to the current speed.
Array - Graph array of floats, see aileronsCoef
rudderCoef[] = {0.6,1,1,0.9,0.8,0.7,0.6}; // A-164 Wipeout
rudderCoef[] = {0,0.4,1,1.4,1.8,2,2.2,2.3,2.4,2.5,2.5,2.5,2.6}; // V-44 Blackfish
Coefficient of the player roll (rudder) input (does not affect AI).
rudderControlsSensitivityCoef = 4; // A-164 Wipeout
rudderControlsSensitivityCoef = 2; // Caesar BTT
rudderControlsSensitivityCoef = 1.5;// V-44 Blackfish
Overall percentage of the rudder influence. Lower values slow roll down.
rudderInfluence = 0.01; // A-164 Wipeout
rudderInfluence = 0.3; // Caesar BTT
rudderInfluence = 0.9396;// V-44 Blackfish
String - Must be "airplaneX" for a plane
simulation = "airplanex";
Advised stall speed. Used with stallWarningTreshold in instruments and animation sources.
stallSpeed = 180; // V-44 Blackfish
Warning threshold for AI and instruments.
stallWarningTreshold = 0.2; // A-164 Wipeout
stallWarningTreshold = 0.2; // Caesar BTT
stallWarningTreshold = 0.5; // V-44 Blackfish
Precise thrust energy according to the current speed.
Array - Graph array of floats, see aileronsCoef
thrustCoef[] = {0.9,0.8,0.9,1.3,1.2,1.2,1.1,1,0.9,0.2,0.1,0,0}; // A-164 Wipeout
thrustCoef[] = {1.3,1.1,1.2,1.3,1.5,1.7,1.6,0.6,0.46,0.33,0.2,0.066,0,0,0,0}; // Caesar BTT
thrustCoef[] = {1.1,1.1,1,1,0.9,0.8,0.7,0.5,0.3,0,0,0,0}; // V-44 Blackfish
thrustCoef[] =
{ // fSpeed = maxI * speedRel; speedRel = speed / (maxSpeed * 1.5f); maxI = _thrustCoef.Size() - 1;
1.2, // At 0 % of maxSpeed, thrust energy will be 1.2
1.2, // 12.5 %
1.1, // 25 %
1.1, // 37.5 %
1.0, // 50 %
0.9, // 62.5 %
0.8, // 75 %
0.7, // 87.5 %
0.5, // 100 %
0.2, // 112.5 %
0.0, // 125 %
0.0, // 137.5 %
0 // 150 %
Type of VTOL : 0 - No VTOL capacity 1 - VTOL : default (0 speed) = -1.0 vectoring (nozzles/nacelles @ 0°) / autohover = 1.0 vectoring (nozzles/nacelles @ 90°) 2 - STOVL : default (0 speed)= -1.0 vectoring (nozzles/nacelles @ 0°) / autohover = 0.7 vectoring (nozzles/nacelles @ ~60°) 3 - VTOL, vectoring needed near ground default (0 speed) = 0.7 vectoring (nozzles/nacelles @ ~60°) / autohover = 1.0 vectoring (nozzles/nacelles @ 90°)
vtol = 0; // A-164 Wipeout, not a VTOL aircraft
vtol = 1; // F-35B, Vertical TakeOff and Landing
vtol = 2; // AV-8B Harrier, Short Takeoff/Vertical Landing
vtol = 3; // V-44 Blackfish, VTOL using a vectoring near the ground (to avoid blades collision with ground)
Once in hover flight, defines influence of pitch input.
VTOLPitchInfluence = 3; // V-44 Blackfish
Once in hover flight, defines influence of roll input.
VTOLRollInfluence = 11; // V-44 Blackfish
Once in hover flight, defines influence of yaw input. Float
VTOLYawInfluence = 9; // V-44 Blackfish
Once landed, defines the sensitivity of the rudder input to wheel steering.
wheelSteeringSensitivity = 1; // A-164 Wipeout
wheelSteeringSensitivity = 1.2;// Caesar BTT
wheelSteeringSensitivity = 0.5;// V-44 Blackfish