Server Side Scripting – ArmA: Armed Assault

From Bohemia Interactive Community
Revision as of 10:40, 8 June 2007 by Suma (talk | contribs) (Partly translated, removed commands which were not implemented)
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The server has a separate Virtual Machine (VM) running administration scripts. This VM is completely independent on the game scripting environment and is designed to automate some administration tasks related to player administration and cheat detection. The basic way how scripts are executed is via event handlers reacting to some typical events, server admin can also execute individual commands using a chat command #exec.

Event handlers are defined in server.cfg file.

The scripting language shares the core (overall structure and syntax, arithmetic operations, control structures) with the scripting used in the game. The are a few commands specific to Server Side Scripting:

příkaz popis
users list of users, each user is described as [id,name] array
ban id add given user id into the ban list
kick id kick off given user id from the server
level checkFile [id,name] check file signature test for file name on user id computer, level determines test depth
numberOfFiles id number of addons files used for given player

Following event handlers are executed:

událost popis parametry handleru
doubleIdDetected detekováni dva uživatelé se stejným id id uživatele
onUserConnected reakce na připojení uživatele id uživatele
onUserDisconnected reakce na odpojení uživatele id uživatele
onHackedData zjištěna manipulace s pbo soubory id uživatele, název souboru
onDifferentData zjištěn soubor odlišný od verze na serveru, s platným podpisem id uživatele, název souboru
onUnsignedData zjištěn soubor bez podpisu id uživatele, název souboru
regularCheck volána pro každého uživatele víceméně pravidelně, s náhodnou variací id uživatele, pořadové číslo testu