Basic Server Config File – Arma 2

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// These options are created by defalut, but play no important role to the server itself
// server.cfg
language = "English";
adapter = -1;
// comments are written with "//" in front of them.
3D_Performance = 0.000000;
Resolution_W = 0;
Resolution_H = 0;
Resolution_Bpp = 0;

// These options are important for performance tuning
hostname="[UNA] United Nations Army - Clan Server"; // The name of the server that shall be displayed in the public server list
password=""; // Password for joining, eg connecting to the server
passwordAdmin="warcry"; // Password to become server admin. When Youre in Arma MP and connected to the server, type '#login xyz'
reportingIP=""; // This is the default setting. If you change this, your server might not turn up in the public list. Leave empty for private servers
logFile="z_run/server_console.log"; // Tells arma-server where the logfile should go and what it should be called

MinBandwidth = 320000; //* Bandwidth the server is guaranteed to have (in bps). This value helps server to estimate bandwidth available. Increasing it to too optimistic values can increase lag and CPU load, as too many messages will be sent but discarded. Default: 131072
MaxBandwidth = 10000000000; //Bandwidth the server is guaranteed to never have. This value helps the server to estimate bandwidth available.

MaxMsgSend = 256; //* Maximum number of messages that can be sent in one simulation cycle. Increasing this value can decrease lag on high upload bandwidth servers. Default: 128
MaxSizeGuaranteed = 1024; //Maximum size of guaranteed packet in bytes (without headers). Small messages are packed to larger frames. Guaranteed messages are used for non-repetitive events like shooting. Default: 512
MaxSizeNonguaranteed = 64; //Maximum size of non-guaranteed packet in bytes (without headers). Non-guaranteed messages are used for repetitive updates like soldier or vehicle position. Increasing this value may improve bandwidth requirement, but it may increase lag. Default: 256

// WELCOME MESSAGE ("message of the day")
MinErrorToSend = 0.005; //Minimal error to send updates across network. Using a smaller value can make units observed by binoculars or sniper rifle to move smoother. Default: 0.01
// It can be several lines, separated by comma
// Empty messages "" will not be displayed at all but are only for increasing the interval
"", "", "",
"Welcome to the United Nations Army server.",
"Server Settings: Veteran, Crosshair=off, 3rdPerson=off, MapInfo=off, VoN=off, CustomFiles=200KByte, Voting=33%, PersistentMaps=on",
"We are recruiting players - Join us Now !",
"We use Mumble VoIP client to communicate when plaing ARMA",
"TS2 Server for recruits:"
motdInterval=5; // Time interval (in seconds) between each message
checkfiles[]={ // Checks if these files are equal to the servers files. If one or more is not, player will be kicked from server
maxPlayers=30; // Maximum amount of players. Civilians and watchers, beholder, bystanders and so on also count as player.
maxCustomFileSize=200000; // Maximum amount of Bytes allowed to each player for his custom files like face and music
Kickduplicate=1; // Each ArmA version has its onw ID. If kickduplicate is set to 1, a player will be kicked when he joins a server where another player with the same ID is playing.
verifySignatures=0; // Verifies the players files by checking them with the .bisign signatures. Works properly from 1.08 on
equalModRequired=0; // If set to 1, player has to use exactly the same -mod= startup parameter as the server.
voteMissionPlayers=1;  // Tells the server how many people must connect so that it displays the mission selection screen.
voteThreshold=0.33; // 33% or more players need to vote for something, for example an admin or a new map, to become effective
disableVoN=1; // If set to 1, Voice over Net will not be available
vonCodecQuality=0; // Quality from 1 to 10
persistent=1; // If 1, missions still run on even after the last player disconnected.
3rdPersonView=0; // Probably does not work here, should be set in the .armaprofile file of the server
difficulty="veteran"; // Probably does not work here, should be set in the .armaprofile file of the server
onUserConnected=""; // self-explaining
onUnsignedData="server globalChat format['Player %1 is using unsigned data.', (_this select 0)];"; // unsigned data detected
onHackedData=""; // tampering of the signature detected, see also verifySignatures above
// MISSIONS CYCLE (see below)
class Missions {

MaxCustomFileSize = 1600000; //Users with custom face or custom sound larger than this size are kicked when trying to connect.

===ArmA Demo Configuration===
When running the [[ArmA: Demo]] in server mode, there are 3 multi player missions included. The following example is for the missions included with the demo only.
class Missions
    class MPCTF_01    // name for the mission, can be anything
        template = M02CaptureTheFlag.SaraLite;
        cadetMode = 1;  // difficulty 0=veteran 1=cadet (not only AI, but radar, map etc)
    class MPCOOP_01  // name for the mission, can be anything
        template = M01Cooperative.SaraLite;
        cadetMode = 1;  // difficulty 0=veteran 1=cadet (not only AI, but radar, map etc)
    class MPCTI_01  // name for the mission, can be anything
        template = M03ConquerTheIsland.SaraLite;
        cadetMode = 1;  // difficulty 0=veteran 1=cadet (not only AI, but radar, map etc)

Revision as of 20:26, 9 December 2007


This article deals with the basic.cfg, the name means nothing, and can be called anything. The real name is determined by the -cfg command line option when launching the dedicated server.

In this configuration file you should configure your server's connectivity, mainly for performance tuning.

Performance Tuning Options

There are also some parameters that can be used to fine-tune network performance. You can add following entries to arma.cfg (the main Armed Assault configuration file)

   Maximum number of messages that can be sent in one simulation cycle.
   Increasing this value can decrease lag on high upload bandwidth servers.
   Default: 128

   Maximum size of guaranteed packet in bytes (without headers). Small messages
   are packed to larger frames. Guaranteed messages are used for non-repetitive
   events like shooting.
   Default: 512

   Maximum size of non-guaranteed packet in bytes (without headers).
   Non-guaranteed messages are used  for repetitive updates like soldier or
   vehicle position. Increasing this value may improve bandwidth requirement, 
   but it may increase lag.
   Default: 256

   Bandwidth the server is guaranteed to have (in bps). This value helps server
   to estimate bandwidth available. Increasing it to too optimistic values can
   increase lag and CPU load, as too many messages will be sent but discarded.
   Default: 131072

   Bandwidth the server is guaranteed to never have. This value helps the server
   to estimate bandwidth available.

   Minimal error to send updates across network. Using a smaller value can make
   units  observed by binoculars or sniper rifle to move smoother.
   Default: 0.01

   Users with custom face or custom sound larger than this size are kicked when
   trying to connect.
The greatest level of optimization can be achieved by setting the MaxMsgSend
and MinBandwidth parameters. For a server with 1024 kbps we recommend the
following values:
   MaxMsgSend = 256;
   MinBandwidth = 768000;

While connected to the dedicated server, you can use the admin command #monitor to monitor server resource usage. (You have to be logged in as or voted as game admin to do this.) The server never runs at more than 50 fps. When running slower, it always uses all available CPU processing power to maintain the smoothest possible gameplay. When running at less than 15 fps, you can consider the server overloaded – the mission currently played is probably too complex for given server. If you see the server is not using bandwidth that it could use, you can try increasing values MaxMsgSend and MinBandwidth.

Example Configuration File

// These options are created by defalut, but play no important role to the server itself
language = "English";
adapter = -1;
3D_Performance = 0.000000;
Resolution_W = 0;
Resolution_H = 0;
Resolution_Bpp = 0;

// These options are important for performance tuning

MinBandwidth = 320000;			//* Bandwidth the server is guaranteed to have (in bps). This value helps server to estimate bandwidth available. Increasing it to too optimistic values can increase lag and CPU load, as too many messages will be sent but discarded. Default: 131072
MaxBandwidth = 10000000000;		//Bandwidth the server is guaranteed to never have. This value helps the server to estimate bandwidth available.

MaxMsgSend = 256;			//* Maximum number of messages that can be sent in one simulation cycle. Increasing this value can decrease lag on high upload bandwidth servers. Default: 128
MaxSizeGuaranteed = 1024;		//Maximum size of guaranteed packet in bytes (without headers). Small messages are packed to larger frames. Guaranteed messages are used for non-repetitive events like shooting. Default: 512
MaxSizeNonguaranteed = 64;		//Maximum size of non-guaranteed packet in bytes (without headers). Non-guaranteed messages are used for repetitive updates like soldier or vehicle position. Increasing this value may improve bandwidth requirement, but it may increase lag. Default: 256

MinErrorToSend = 0.005;			//Minimal error to send updates across network. Using a smaller value can make units observed by binoculars or sniper rifle to move smoother. Default: 0.01

MaxCustomFileSize = 1600000;		//Users with custom face or custom sound larger than this size are kicked when trying to connect.