Scripting: Best Practices – Arma Reforger

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Getting Started

In the domain of development, any rule is a rule of thumb. If a rule states for example that it is better that a line of code doesn't go over 80 characters, it doesn't mean that any line must not go over 80 characters; sometimes, the situation needs it.

If the code has a good structure, do not change it to enforce a single arbitrary rule. If many of them are not implemented/not respected, changes should be applied; again, this is according to one's judgement.

With that being said, let's go!

Best Practices

Code Format

  • Reminder: chosen indentation for Enfusion is Allman style
  • Reminder: indentation is done with tabulations
  • Use empty space. Line return, spaces before and after brackets, if this improves readability, use it: space is free
  • One-lining (putting everything in one statement) memory improvement is most of the time not worth the headache it gives when trying to read it: don't overuse it
    • it also hinders debugger's usage, e.g in the event of an inlined if

Variable Format

  • Name variables and functions properly: code must be readable by a human being, e.g variables like u instead of uniform should not exist.
    • i is an accepted iteration variable name (e.g in for loops).
  • Prefix any public content (classes, global methods, global variables) with a Creator Tag in order to prevent conflicts with other mods.
  • Use the closest value type whenever possible; using auto for a known variable type makes code less clear.

Code Structuration


A series of development principles to follow in order to ensure an easy code maintenance and lifetime.



Don't Repeat Yourself. If within the same class, the same code or the same pattern is written in various places, write a protected method and use appropriate parameters.

Logical Simplifications

If the code has too many repetitions, make a common method as stated above.

If the code has too many levels, it is time to split it and rethink it.


Improvable Good
auto number = 42; Animal cutePet = new Dog();
int number = 42; Dog cutePet = new Dog();
// a method call is more expensive than a bool check if (obj.MustBeTreated() || m_bTreatAllObjects) Print(obj); if (obj.MustBeTreated() && m_bTreatAllObjects) Print(obj);
// cheap checks go first, expensive checks (method calls) go after if (m_bTreatAllObjects || obj.MustBeTreated()) Print(obj); if (m_bTreatAllObjects && obj.MustBeTreated()) Print(obj);
// many identical method calls if (obj.MustBeTreated() && obj.GetObject() != null) Print("Result: " + obj.GetObject().m_sValue1 + " " + obj.GetObject().m_sValue2);
// "bigger", non-repetitive code can be beneficial for performance and readability if (obj.MustBeTreated()) { SCR_Object subObj = obj.GetObject(); if (subObj) Print("Result: " + subObj.m_sValue1 + " " + subObj.m_sValue2); }
foreach (SCR_Object obj : list) { Method(obj); // one method call per iteration } void Method(SCR_Object obj) { if (!obj) return; Print(obj.m_sName + " has a value of " + obj.m_sValue); }
foreach (SCR_Object obj : list) // the least method calls, the better { if (!obj) continue; Print(obj.m_sName + " has a value of " + obj.m_sValue); }
for (int i = 0; i < list.Count(); i++) // list.Count() is called on every iteration { // ... }
for (int i = 0, count = list.Count(); i < count; i++) // only one list.Count() call { // ... }
for (int i, count = list.Count(); i < count; i++) { if (list[i]) // first Print(list[i]); // and second .Get(i) method calls }
foreach (SCR_Object obj : list) // foreach is faster for start-to-end iterating { if (obj) Print(obj); // no additional method call }
// declaring an 'obj' every loop generates a pointer release each time for (int i = 0, count = list.Count(); i < count; i++) { SCR_Object obj = list[i].m_Object; if (obj) Print(obj.m_sName); }
SCR_Object obj; // external declaration = only one release for (int i = 0, count = list.Count(); i < count; i++) { obj = list[i].m_Object; if (obj) Print(obj.m_sName); }
array<SCR_Object> toRemove = {}; foreach (SCR_Object obj : bigArray) { if (obj.m_bShouldBeRemoved) toRemove.Insert(obj); } foreach (SCR_Object obj : toRemove) { bigArray.RemoveItem(obj); }
for (int i = bigArray.Count() - 1; i >= 0; i--) // reverse iterating { if (bigArray[i].m_bShouldBeRemoved) bigArray.Remove(i); }
if (a) { if (b) { if (c) Method(true); else Method(false); } }
if (a && b) Method(c);
int i = 0; if (a) i++; if (b) i++; if (c) i++;
int i = 0; array<bool> conditions = { a, b, c }; foreach (bool condition : conditions) { if (condition) i++; }
Initialise(player1, 1); Initialise(player2, 2); Initialise(player3, 3); Initialise(player4, 4); Initialise(player5, 5); Initialise(player6, 6);
array<IEntity> list = { player1, player2, player3, player4, player5, player6 }; foreach (int i, item : list) { Initialise(item, i + 1); }

Code Comments

Code comments are surprisingly not a must-have for inside code; code organisation combined to variable names should be enough to be read by a human, then comment can be used:

  • a comment should explain why the code is written this way
  • a comment should not tell what the code does; code should be self-explanatory
  • as a last resort in the event of a complex piece of code, a comment can be used to describe what the code actually does - or at least its intention

On the other hand, documentation is more than welcome as it provides information from the outside without having to read the code. Enfusion uses Doxygen.

Files Organisation

See Directory Structure to know how/where to organise script files (Scripts\GameCode).
  • Have one class/enum per file
    • Small classes/enums can always be grouped together in the same file, provided they are part of the same system or only used there
  • Use (sub-)directories to group related classes together