
From Bohemia Interactive Community
Revision as of 11:11, 20 March 2020 by Lou Montana (talk | contribs) (Text replacement - "{{Informative|TokenNames common to most controls, such as x, y, w, h, text, idc... are not listed here.}}" to "{{Informative|TokenNames common to most controls, such as x, y, w, h, text, idc... can be found [[Arma:_GUI_Configuration...)
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TokenNames common to most controls, such as x, y, w, h, text, idc... can be found here.
Name Type Remark
ArrowEmpty/Full texture
color* color color of the control surrounding lines.
colorActive color
colorDisabled color
colorScrollBar color
colorSelect color array color of selected text.
colorSelectBackground* color array background color of selected lines.
from number 1980
to number 2020
maxHistoryDelay float
rowHeight* float the height of a single row in the elapsed box.
soundSelect sound array Maybe the sound if an item is selected. don't work at this time
soundExpand sound array Maybe the sound if the box expand. don't work at this time
soundCollapse sound array Maybe the sound if the box collapse. don't work at this time
ComboScrollBar class see DialogControls-Sliders
wholeHeight float the height of the elapsed box.

  • Example Config:
class RscCombo
  access = 0;
  type = CT_COMBO;
  style = ST_LEFT;
  h = 0.05;
  wholeHeight = 0.25;
  colorSelect[] = {0.6,0.6,0.6,1};
  colorText[] = {1,1,1,1};
  colorBackground[] = {0.2,0.2,0.2,1};
  colorScrollbar[] = {1,1,1,1};
  font = "TahomaB";
  sizeEx = 0.04;
  soundSelect[] = {"",0.1,1};
  soundExpand[] = {"",0.1,1};
  soundCollapse[] = {"",0.1,1};
  maxHistoryDelay = 1.0;
  shadow = 0;
  class ComboScrollBar : ScrollBar
    color[] = {1,1,1,0.6};
    colorActive[] = {1,1,1,1};
    colorDisabled[] = {1,1,1,0.3};
    thumb = "#(argb,8,8,3)color(1,1,1,1)";
    arrowEmpty = "#(argb,8,8,3)color(1,1,1,1)";
    arrowFull = "#(argb,8,8,3)color(1,1,1,1)";
    border = "#(argb,8,8,3)color(1,1,1,1)";
    shadow = 0;

class Dialog
  class Controls
    class Values: RscCombo
      idc = 102;
      x = 0.3025;
      y = 0.14;
      w = 0.1375;
      h = 0.03;
      sizeEx = 0.025;
      rowHeight = 0.025;
      wholeHeight = 4 * 0.025; // 3 lines to display + 1 line of the unelapsed control

Example (A3 1.28 Template)

WuChaoRen lbSortByValue.png

  • Example Config:
class _CT_COMBO
  access = 0; // Control access (0 - ReadAndWrite, 1 - ReadAndCreate, 2 - ReadOnly, 3 - ReadOnlyVerified)
  idc = CT_COMBO; // Control identification (without it, the control won't be displayed)
  type = CT_COMBO; // Type is 4
  style = ST_LEFT + LB_TEXTURES; // Style
  default = 0; // Control selected by default (only one within a display can be used)
  blinkingPeriod = 0; // Time in which control will fade out and back in. Use 0 to disable the effect.

  x = 1 * GUI_GRID_CENTER_W + GUI_GRID_CENTER_X; // Horizontal coordinates
  y = 9 * GUI_GRID_CENTER_H + GUI_GRID_CENTER_Y; // Vertical coordinates
  w = 10 * GUI_GRID_CENTER_W; // Width
  h = 1 * GUI_GRID_CENTER_H; // Height

  colorBackground[] = {0.2,0.2,0.2,1}; // Fill color
  colorSelectBackground[] = {1,0.5,0,1}; // Selected item fill color

  sizeEx = GUI_GRID_CENTER_H; // Text size
  font = GUI_FONT_NORMAL; // Font from CfgFontFamilies
  shadow = 0; // Shadow (0 - none, 1 - N/A, 2 - black outline)
  colorText[] = {1,1,1,1}; // Text and frame color
  colorDisabled[] = {1,1,1,0.5}; // Disabled text color
  colorSelect[] = {1,1,1,1}; // Text selection color

  pictureColor[] = {1,0.5,0,1}; // Picture color
  pictureColorSelect[] = {1,1,1,1}; // Selected picture color
  pictureColorDisabled[] = {1,1,1,0.5}; // Disabled picture color

  tooltip = "CT_COMBO"; // Tooltip text
  tooltipColorShade[] = {0,0,0,1}; // Tooltip background color
  tooltipColorText[] = {1,1,1,1}; // Tooltip text color
  tooltipColorBox[] = {1,1,1,1}; // Tooltip frame color

  arrowEmpty = "\A3\ui_f\data\GUI\RscCommon\rsccombo\arrow_combo_ca.paa"; // Expand arrow
  arrowFull = "\A3\ui_f\data\GUI\RscCommon\rsccombo\arrow_combo_active_ca.paa"; // Collapse arrow

  wholeHeight = 5 * GUI_GRID_CENTER_H; // Maximum height of expanded box (including the control height)
  maxHistoryDelay = 1; // Time since last keyboard type search to reset it

  soundExpand[] = {"\A3\ui_f\data\sound\RscCombo\soundExpand",0.1,1}; // Sound played when the list is expanded
  soundCollapse[] = {"\A3\ui_f\data\sound\RscCombo\soundCollapse",0.1,1}; // Sound played when the list is collapsed
  soundSelect[] = {"\A3\ui_f\data\sound\RscCombo\soundSelect",0.1,1}; // Sound played when an item is selected

  // Scrollbar configuration (applied only when LB_TEXTURES style is used)
  class ComboScrollBar
    width = 0; // width of ComboScrollBar
    height = 0; // height of ComboScrollBar
    scrollSpeed = 0.01; // scrollSpeed of ComboScrollBar

    arrowEmpty = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\cfg\scrollbar\arrowEmpty_ca.paa"; // Arrow
    arrowFull = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\cfg\scrollbar\arrowFull_ca.paa"; // Arrow when clicked on
    border = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\cfg\scrollbar\border_ca.paa"; // Slider background (stretched vertically)
    thumb = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\cfg\scrollbar\thumb_ca.paa"; // Dragging element (stretched vertically)

    color[] = {1,1,1,1}; // Scrollbar color

  onCanDestroy = "systemChat str ['onCanDestroy',_this]; true";
  onDestroy = "systemChat str ['onDestroy',_this]; false";
  onSetFocus = "systemChat str ['onSetFocus',_this]; false";
  onKillFocus = "systemChat str ['onKillFocus',_this]; false";
  onKeyDown = "systemChat str ['onKeyDown',_this]; false";
  onKeyUp = "systemChat str ['onKeyUp',_this]; false";
  onMouseButtonDown = "systemChat str ['onMouseButtonDown',_this]; false";
  onMouseButtonUp = "systemChat str ['onMouseButtonUp',_this]; false";
  onMouseButtonClick = "systemChat str ['onMouseButtonClick',_this]; false";
  onMouseButtonDblClick = "systemChat str ['onMouseButtonDblClick',_this]; false";
  onMouseZChanged = "systemChat str ['onMouseZChanged',_this]; false";
  onMouseMoving = "";
  onMouseHolding = "";

  onLBSelChanged = "systemChat str ['onLBSelChanged',_this]; false";