Eden Editor: Object Categorization

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3den objectCategorization.png

Mode Sorting

  1. Mode - All objects placed in Objects mode
  2. Submode - Characters and vehicles are sorted per side (e.g., BLUFOR), the rest is under Props

Object Sorting

  1. Category - the topmost tree hierarchy item. Characters and vehicles are usually sorted by faction (e.g., NATO), while props are sorted by some shared functionality (e.g., Furniture)
  2. Subcategory - more detailed categorization specific to the main category.
  3. Object - the object asset which can be actually placed. Identified by an icon; categories don't have one.


For the list of all config properties, see CfgVehicles Config Reference

// All objects are configured in CfgVehicles (even those which are not technically vehicles)
class CfgVehicles
	class MyObject: Car
		// The side decides under which submode (e.g., BLUFOR) is the object sorted
		// When the class doesn't inherit from AllVehicles or its child classes (e.g., Car),
		// the side is ignored and the object will be a Prop
		side = 1;

		// Two ways how to set it exist. When both are present, editorCategory has priority.
		editorCategory = "MyCategory"; // Class from CfgEditorCategories. Usually used for props.
		faction = "MyCategory"; // Class from CfgFactionClasses. Usually used for characters and vehicles.

		// Two ways how to set it exist. When both are present, editorSubcategory has priority.
		editorSubcategory = "MySubcategory"; // Class from CfgEditorSubcategories. Should be used everywhere.
		vehicleClass = "MySubcategory"; // Class from CfgVehicleClasses. Depreciated, should not be used anymore.

Categories and Subcategories

WIP - list of all available category and subcategory classes will be added here

Characters and Vehicles

Characters and vehicles
are using faction
EdSubcat_AAs Anti-Air Vehicles specifically equipped for neutralizing air threats.
EdSubcat_APCs APCs Vehicles which were designed as Armored Vehicle Carriers. A tank with passenger seats (e.g., M4A2 Slammer) is not an APC, because such functionality is not its main purpose.
EdSubcat_Artillery Artillery Vehicles which were designed to engage distant targets. Generally reserved only with vehicles where gunner can access the ballistic computer.
EdSubcat_Boats Boats Naval vehicles.
EdSubcat_Cars Cars Lightly armored wheeled vehicles.
EdSubcat_Drones Drones Vehicles which doesn't need crew and are controlled using UAV interface.
EdSubcat_Helicopters Helicopters Rotary wing aircrafts.
EdSubcat_Personnel Men Default characters folder.
EdSubcat_Personnel_African Men (African) Civilians with African identity sets.
EdSubcat_Personnel_Asian Men (Asian) Civilians with Asian identity sets.
EdSubcat_Personnel_Camo_Arctic Men (Arctic) Characters in arctic (snow) camouflage uniforms.
EdSubcat_Personnel_Camo_Arid Men (Arid) Characters in arid camouflage uniforms.
EdSubcat_Personnel_Camo_Desert Men (Desert) Characters in desert camouflage uniforms.
EdSubcat_Personnel_Camo_Jungle Men (Jungle) Characters in jungle camouflage uniforms.
EdSubcat_Personnel_Camo_Urban Men (Urban) Characters in urban camouflage uniforms.
EdSubcat_Personnel_Camo_Woodland Men (Woodland) Characters in woodland camouflage uniforms.
EdSubcat_Personnel_European Men (European) Civilians with European identity sets.
EdSubcat_Personnel_SpecialForces Men (Special Forces) Characters with special purpose (e.g., recon, snipers, divers, etc.)
EdSubcat_Personnel_Story Men (Story) Special story characters, usually with specific names and identities already assigned.
EdSubcat_Personnel_VR Men (Virtual Reality) Virtual characters.
EdSubcat_Planes Planes Fixed wing aircrafts.
EdSubcat_Submersibles Submersibles Vehicles operating underwater.
EdSubcat_Tanks Tanks Armored vehicles with main purpose to neutralize other armored vehicles.
EdSubcat_Targets Targets Virtual targets for AI.
EdSubcat_Turrets Turrets Static weapons, e.g., fixed machine guns or mortars. This subcategory has priority over others (e.g., mortar is an artillery as well, but it's a turret first).
