Rtm Binarised File Format

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UnBinarised Format

For unbinarised see Rtm (Animation) File Format

Binarised format

Binarised rtm was introduced for the Arma2 engine.


  RTMBHeader       Header;
  byte             Always1;              // ??
  XYZTriplet       Displacement;
  ulong            nFrames;              // 55 eg
  ulong            Generally0;           // ??
  ulong            nBones;               // same value as NoOfBones
  ulong            NoOfBones;            // 128 eg
  Asciiz           BoneNames[NoOfBones]; // "weapon\0\rightarm\leftarm\etc..."
  FrameTimes       FrameTimes;           // CompressedFloats
  FramePosition    FramePositions[nFrames];// CompressedFrames

BoneNames are the traditional Bis catenated strings. One after the other separated by '\0'. Unlike most others encountered in Bis file architecture, there is no final terminating double null because the count is already known.


 char[4]       Type;          //"BMTR" 
 ulong         Version;       // =3

FrameTimes (compressed)

 ulong nFrameTimes;          // should always be same as nFrames
 float Array[nFrameTimes];

This is the traditional Bis potentially compressed structure, where, if, the total bytes stored >=1024, the array is compressed (in lzo format). All bones are 'held' in a position and orientation (specified by FramePosition) for the duration of that frametime period.

FramePosition (compressed)

 ulong   ThisFrameNoOfBones;               // Should always be same as nBones
 Transform  Transforms[ThisFrameNoOfBones];

Each bone is held in this position and orientation for this frametime. ThisFrameNoOfBones is irrelevant to the engine and always must be the nBones value. It is present however because of efficiencies in using the standard bis lzo compression methods which rely on this 'count'.


  byte  Quartnion[4]; //wxyz Rotation
  float Unknown;      // a mulitplier? range 0->2.1
  short CompressedXYZ[3];

The short values are compressed floats. Conversion to float is:

float ShortToFloat(short value) {return ((float)1.0 / (65534)) * (value + 32767);}

this is suspiciously similar to ofp compressed floats

float = short * 0.045