Take On Helicopters CfgBase

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Every world is allowed to have one heliport. All settings are placed in CfgBase under classname matching those of CfgWorlds class (and returned value worldName).

class CfgBase { //--- World name (matches CfgWorlds class) class United_States_H { //--- Heliport name (visible in menus) displayName = $STR_HSIM_CfgBase_United_States_H; //--- Script executed every time heliport is loaded init = "\hsim\Modules_H\base\United_States_H\init.sqf"; //--- Starting date of heliport. Every completed mission adds one day initDate[] = {2013,8,5,10,0}; //--- Starting money initMoney = 1985;
//--- Subclasses (see below) class Mission { ... }; class Helicopters { ... }; ...etc... }; };


Includes mission.sqm of heliport mission. Used mainly dor debugging object positions in case the mission wasn't loaded previously.

class Mission
	#include "\hsim\Missions_H\campaign\missions\United_States_H.United_States_H\mission.sqm"


Procedural missions (Contracts).

class Missions { class Visit { //--- Name visible in mission list on heliport displayName = $STR_HSIM_CfgBase_United_States_H_Missions_Visit; //--- List of helicopter classes used as default. One of them is selected randomly. helicoptersDefault[] = {MISSION_HELICOPTERS_LM}; //--- When 1, replaying the mission will still earn player money repeat = 1; //--- faction ID faction = 2; //--- Mission reward price = 15000; //--- Classes of missions required before mission is displayed in menu requiredMissions[] = { US_C_01 }; //--- Helicopter tags required for mission to be enabled in menu requiredHelicopters[] = { {light,medium} }; //--- Helicopter component required for mission to be enabled in menu requiredHelicopterUpgrades[] = { doors }; //--- Company logo displayed in heliport menu overviewLogo = "hsim\ui_h\data\logos\logo_larkin_ca.paa"; }; };




Every helicopter or component is marked with tags, and missions can require helicopters or components with such tags to be owned by player before they can be played. Otherwise "Show Requirements" button is active instead of "Play" in heliport mission selection. Clicking on the button will display tag descriptions defined in this class.

class Tags { class Light { //--- Name visible in 'Show Requirements' message box displayName = $STR_HSIM_CfgBase_United_States_H_tags_Light; }; };


Factions serves as mission categories (e.g. Story, Government, Tutorials, ...). class Factions { class CORE { //--- Name visible in Contracts menu displayName = $STR_HSIM_CfgBase_United_States_H_Factions_CORE; //--- Unique faction id, used for mission categoriting (see Missions) id = 0; //--- Listbox icon image = "hsim\ui_h\data\igui_sidebriefing_civil_ca.paa"; }; };






No-fly zones created automatically by BIS_fnc_noFlyZonesCreate. class Factions { class P51 { //--- Zone position position[] = {2018.7,45494.7,0}; //--- Zone area (matches triggerArea format)) area[] = {4500,3000,90,1}; //--- Zone type (see below) type = 2; }; };

Zone types (siplified representation of airspace classes):

  • 0 - Airport (Class D Airspace)
  • 1 - International Airport (Class B Airspace)
  • 2 - Restricted zone