exitWith – Talk

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Revision as of 06:06, 26 August 2007 by Doolittle (talk | contribs)
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It seems this command exits the current "scope" (is this the correct term?), rather than the current script file. Is this correct?

Example code, started using execVM:

for "_j" from 1 to _value do 
  if (<exit condition>) exitWith {player sideChat "Cancelled"};
player sideChat "Complete";

If the exit condition is true, both sideChats are executed. Any comments? Or am I just stating the obvious? :) --Ceeeb 10:04, 7 May 2007 (CEST)

Seems so, yes. Good find. --raedor 12:33, 7 May 2007 (CEST)
Yes, it only exits the current level (or "block" or "scope" or whatever). So that behaviour would be expected.
Do this, for example, and it should become a bit more obvious:
for "_j" from 1 to 10 do
player sideChat format["%1",_j];
if (_j==5) exitWith {player sideChat "5 is enough"};
player sideChat "Complete";
--Kronzky 16:37, 7 May 2007 (CEST)

Note this command cannot be used as a way to return a value in a function!

Not correct: myFunc = { if (alive player) exitwith {true}; false };

Good: anotherFunc = { _return = objnull; { if (alive _x) exitwith {_return = _x}; // here we use it just to break out of the loop } foreach _array; _return }; --Doolittle 06:06, 26 August 2007 (CEST)