R3vo/Sandbox – User

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m (Blanked the page)
Tag: Blanking
mNo edit summary
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"==== access ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== scope ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== reversed ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== autocenter ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== animated ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== shadow ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== featureType ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== vehicleClass ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== icon ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== side ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== faction ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== displayName ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== speechSingular ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== speechPlural ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== maxDetectRange ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== detectSkill ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== mineAlertIconRange ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== killFriendlyExpCoef ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== weaponSlots ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== camouflage ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== audible ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== accuracy ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== spotableDarkNightLightsOff ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== spotableNightLightsOff ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== spotableNightLightsOn ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== accuracyDarkNightLightsOff ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== accuracyNightLightsOff ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== accuracyNightLightsOn ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== attenuationEffectType ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== insideSoundCoef ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== outsideSoundFilter ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== occludeSoundsWhenIn ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== obstructSoundsWhenIn ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== obstructSoundLFRatio ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== occludeSoundLFRatio ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== unloadInCombat ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== antiRollbarForceCoef ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== antiRollbarForceLimit ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== antiRollbarSpeedMin ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== antiRollbarSpeedMax ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== slowSpeedForwardCoef ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== normalSpeedForwardCoef ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== epeImpulseDamageCoef ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== gunnerHasFlares ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== enableManualFire ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== sensitivity ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== sensitivityEar ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== picture ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== portrait ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== ghostPreview ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== simulation ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== destrType ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== armor ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== armorLights ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== armorStructural ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== crewVulnerable ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== damageResistance ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== crewCrashProtection ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== replaceDamaged ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== replaceDamagedLimit ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== replaceDamagedHitpoints ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== keepInEPESceneAfterDeath ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== fuelCapacity ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== fuelConsumptionRate ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== extCameraPosition ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== groupCameraPosition ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== extCameraParams ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== steerAheadSimul ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== steerAheadPlan ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== cameraSmoothSpeed ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== minFireTime ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== predictTurnSimul ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== predictTurnPlan ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== indirectHitEnemyCoefAI ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== indirectHitFriendlyCoefAI ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== indirectHitCivilianCoefAI ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== indirectHitUnknownCoefAI ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== precision ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== brakeDistance ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== formationX ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== formationZ ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== formationTime ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== alwaysTarget ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== irTarget ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== irScanRangeMin ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== irScanRangeMax ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== irScanToEyeFactor ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== irScanGround ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== laserTarget ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== laserScanner ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== nvTarget ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== nvScanner ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== artilleryTarget ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== artilleryScanner ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== canUseScanners ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== preferRoads ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== unitInfoType ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== unitInfoTypeLite ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== hideUnitInfo ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== nightVision ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== commanderCanSee ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== gunnerCanSee ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== driverCanSee ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== showCrewAim ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== radarType ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== maxSpeed ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== limitedSpeedCoef ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== secondaryExplosion ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== hasDriver ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== driverForceOptics ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== hideWeaponsDriver ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== hideWeaponsCargo ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== getInRadius ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== selectionClan ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== selectionDashboard ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== selectionShowDamage ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== selectionBackLights ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== memoryPointSupply ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== supplyRadius ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== enableGPS ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== enableWatch ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== enableRadio ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== lockDetectionSystem ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== incomingMissileDetectionSystem ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== headGforceLeaningFactor ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== usePreciseGetInAction ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== allowTabLock ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== showAllTargets ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== dustFrontLeftPos ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== dustFrontRightPos ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== dustBackLeftPos ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== dustBackRightPos ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== wheelCircumference ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== waterLeakiness ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== waterResistanceCoef ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== waterLinearDampingCoefX ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== waterLinearDampingCoefY ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== waterAngularDampingCoef ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== showNVGDriver ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== showNVGCommander ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== showNVGGunner ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== showNVGCargo ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== soundAttenuationCargo ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== countsForScoreboard ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== hullDamageCauseExplosion ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== diffuse ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== ambient ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== brightness ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== blinking ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== onlyInNvg ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== initAngleX ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== minAngleX ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== maxAngleX ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== initAngleY ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== minAngleY ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== maxAngleY ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== minAngleZ ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== maxAngleZ ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== rotZRadius ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== minFov ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== maxFov ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== initFov ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== minMoveX ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== maxMoveX ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== minMoveY ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== maxMoveY ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== minMoveZ ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== maxMoveZ ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== speedZoomMaxSpeed ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== speedZoomMaxFOV ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== showHeadPhones ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== transportSoldier ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== transportAmmo ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== transportMaxMagazines ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== transportMaxWeapons ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== transportMaxBackpacks ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== isbackpack ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== transportFuel ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== transportRepair ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== transportVehiclesCount ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== transportVehiclesMass ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== attendant ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== engineer ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== uavHacker ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== soundEngine ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== soundEnviron ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== soundCrash ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== soundLandCrash ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== soundWaterCrash ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== soundGetIn ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== soundGetOut ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== soundServo ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== soundElevation ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== sounddamage ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== soundEngineOnInt ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== soundEngineOffInt ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== soundEngineOnExt ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== soundEngineOffExt ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== soundGearUp ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== soundGearDown ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== soundFlapsUp ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== soundFlapsDown ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== cabinOpenSound ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== cabinCloseSound ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== cabinOpenSoundInternal ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== cabinCloseSoundInternal ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== soundCrashes ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== soundLandCrashes ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== soundWaterCrashes ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== emptySound ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== soundWoodCrash ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== soundBushCrash ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== soundBuildingCrash ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== soundArmorCrash ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== soundLocked ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== soundIncommingMissile ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== soundDammage ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== weapons ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== magazines ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== type ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== threat ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== typicalCargo ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== aggregateReflectors ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== getInAction ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== getOutAction ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== driverAction ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== driverInAction ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== cargoGetInAction ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== cargoGetOutAction ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== cargoAction ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== cargoIsCoDriver ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== driverCompartments ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== cargoCompartments ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== driverOpticsModel ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== driverOpticsEffect ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== driverOpticsColor ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== hideProxyInCombat ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== forceHideDriver ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== canHideDriver ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== castDriverShadow ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== castCargoShadow ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== viewDriverShadow ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== viewDriverShadowDiff ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== viewDriverShadowAmb ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== viewCargoShadow ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== viewCargoShadowDiff ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== viewCargoShadowAmb ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== ejectDeadDriver ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== ejectDeadCargo ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== crew ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== hiddenSelections ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== hiddenSelectionsTextures ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== hiddenSelectionsMaterials ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== hiddenUnderwaterSelections ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== shownUnderWaterSelections ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== hiddenUnderwaterSelectionsTextures ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== selectionFireAnim ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== tex ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== mat ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== selectionDamage ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== HeadAimDown ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== position ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== intensity ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== interval ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== lifeTime ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== cargoCanEject ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== driverCanEject ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== fireResistance ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== airCapacity ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== waterResistance ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== waterDamageEngine ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== maxFordingDepth ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== impactEffectsSea ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== damageTexDelay ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== coefInside ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== coefInsideHeur ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== coefSpeedInside ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== windSockExist ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== slingLoadCargoMemoryPoints ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== slingLoadCargoMemoryPointsDir ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== numberPhysicalWheels ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== damageHalf ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== damageFull ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== power ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== frequency ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== distance ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== minSpeed ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== duration ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== minGForce ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== maxGForce ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== gForceShakeAttenuation ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== attenuation ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== weaponsGroup1 ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== weaponsGroup2 ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== weaponsGroup3 ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== weaponsGroup4 ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== soundTurnIn ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== soundTurnOut ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== soundTurnInInternal ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== soundTurnOutInternal ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== features ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== author ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== mapSize ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== textSingular ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== textPlural ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== nameSound ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== _generalMacro ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== model ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== cost ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== insideDetectCoef ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== fsmFormation ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== fsmDanger ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== scopeCurator ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== name ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== color ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== memoryPointDriverOptics ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== memoryPointsGetInDriver ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== memoryPointsGetInDriverDir ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== memoryPointsGetInCargo ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== memoryPointsGetInCargoDir ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== memoryPointsGetInCoDriver ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== memoryPointsGetInCoDriverDir ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== memoryPointsGetInDriverPrecise ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== memoryPointsGetInCargoPrecise ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== memoryPointsLeftWaterEffect ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== memoryPointsRightWaterEffect ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== memoryPointTaskMarker ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== memoryPointTaskMarkerOffset ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== body ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== gun ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== animationSourceBody ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== animationSourceGun ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== animationSourceHatch ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== animationSourceCamElev ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== proxyType ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== proxyIndex ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== gunnerName ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== gunnerType ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== primaryGunner ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== primaryObserver ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== minElev ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== maxElev ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== initElev ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== minTurn ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== maxTurn ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== initTurn ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== minOutElev ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== maxOutElev ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== initOutElev ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== minOutTurn ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== maxOutTurn ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== initOutTurn ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== maxHorizontalRotSpeed ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== maxVerticalRotSpeed ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== minCamElev ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== maxCamElev ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== initCamElev ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== stabilizedInAxes ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== primary ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== hasGunner ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== commanding ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== gunnerGetInAction ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== gunnerGetOutAction ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== turretCanSee ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== continuous ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== gunnerOpticsModel ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== gunnerOpticsColor ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== gunnerForceOptics ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== gunnerOpticsShowCursor ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== turretInfoType ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== gunnerOutOpticsModel ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== gunnerOutOpticsColor ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== gunnerOpticsEffect ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== gunnerOutOpticsEffect ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== memoryPointGunnerOutOptics ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== gunnerOutForceOptics ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== gunnerOutOpticsShowCursor ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== gunnerFireAlsoInInternalCamera ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== gunnerOutFireAlsoInInternalCamera ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== gunnerUsesPilotView ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== castGunnerShadow ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== viewGunnerShadow ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== viewGunnerShadowDiff ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== viewGunnerShadowAmb ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== ejectDeadGunner ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== hideWeaponsGunner ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== canHideGunner ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== forceHideGunner ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== outGunnerMayFire ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== inGunnerMayFire ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== showHMD ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== viewGunnerInExternal ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== lockWhenDriverOut ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== lockWhenVehicleSpeed ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== gunnerCompartments ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== LODTurnedIn ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== LODTurnedOut ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== startEngine ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== memoryPointsGetInGunnerPrecise ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== missileBeg ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== missileEnd ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== material ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== visual ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== passThrough ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== explosionShielding ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== forceNVG ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== isCopilot ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== canEject ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== gunnerLeftHandAnimName ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== gunnerRightHandAnimName ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== gunnerLeftLegAnimName ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== gunnerRightLegAnimName ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== gunnerDoor ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== preciseGetInOut ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== turretFollowFreeLook ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== dontCreateAI ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== disableSoundAttenuation ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== slingLoadOperator ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== playerPosition ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== allowLauncherIn ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== allowLauncherOut ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== turnOffset ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== gunnerInAction ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== gunnerAction ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== gunBeg ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== gunEnd ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== memoryPointGunnerOptics ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== memoryPointsGetInGunner ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== memoryPointsGetInGunnerDir ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== memoryPointGun ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== sound ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== volume ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== tracksSpeed ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== selectionLeftOffset ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== selectionRightOffset ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== cargoProxyIndexes ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== driverLeftHandAnimName ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== driverRightHandAnimName ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== driverLeftLegAnimName ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== driverRightLegAnimName ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== driverDoor ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== cargoDoors ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== hasTerminal ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== getInOutOnProxy ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== cargoPreciseGetInOut ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== availableForSupportTypes ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== waterPPInVehicle ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== htMin ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== htMax ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== afMax ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== mfMax ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== mFact ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== tBody ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== impactEffectSpeedLimit ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== isPersonTurret ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== showAsCargo ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== curatorInfoType ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== curatorInfoTypeEmpty ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== wheelDamageThreshold ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== wheelDestroyThreshold ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== wheelDamageRadiusCoef ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== wheelDestroyRadiusCoef ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== selectionBrakeLights ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== memoryPointMissile ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== memoryPointMissileDir ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== direction ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== effect ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== engineStartSpeed ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== leftDustEffect ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== rightDustEffect ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== leftWaterEffect ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== rightWaterEffect ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== leftFastWaterEffect ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== rightFastWaterEffect ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== hitpoint ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== selection ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== size ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== explosionEffect ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== steeringPIDWeights ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== speedPIDWeights ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== convoyPIDWeights ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== doRemapSpeed ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== remapSpeedRange ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== remapSpeedScalar ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== doPredictForward ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== predictForwardRange ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== steerAheadSaturation ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== speedPredictionMethod ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== wheelAngleCoef ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== forwardAngleCoef ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== steeringAngleCoef ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== differenceAngleCoef ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== stuckMaxTime ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== allowOvertaking ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== allowDrifting ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== allowCollisionAvoidance ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== maxWheelAngleDiff ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== minSpeedToKeep ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== commandTurnFactor ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== fuelExplosionPower ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== canFloat ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== collisionEffect ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== holdOffroadFormation ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== convexComponent ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== alphaTracks ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== memoryPointTrackFLL ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== memoryPointTrackFLR ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== memoryPointTrackBLL ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== memoryPointTrackBLR ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== memoryPointTrackFRL ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== memoryPointTrackFRR ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== memoryPointTrackBRL ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== memoryPointTrackBRR ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== memoryPointCirculumReference ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== gearBox ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== Scudeffect ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== turnCoef ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== terrainCoef ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== waterSpeedFactor ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== soundGear ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== scudModel ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== damperSize ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== damperForce ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== damperDamping ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== inputTurnCurve ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== turnIncreaseConst ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== turnIncreaseLinear ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== turnIncreaseTime ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== turnDecreaseConst ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== turnDecreaseLinear ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== turnDecreaseTime ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== maxTurnHundred ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== editorSubcategory ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== rightDustEffects ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== leftDustEffects ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== enabled ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== isBicycle ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== textureTrackWheel ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== memoryPointTrack1L ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== memoryPointTrack1R ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== memoryPointTrack2L ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== memoryPointTrack2R ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== source ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== predictForwardMaxSpeed ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== allowTurnAroundInPoint ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== memoryPointCargoLight ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== bounding ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== fireDustEffect ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== tankTurnForce ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== isMan ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== impactEffectsBlood ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== impactEffectsNoBlood ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== impactDamageMultiplier ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== genericNames ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== aiBrainType ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== steerAheadSimulDiving ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== steerAheadPlanDiving ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== maxTurnAngularVelocity ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== costTurnCoef ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== lyingLimitSpeedHiding ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== crouchProbabilityHiding ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== lyingLimitSpeedCombat ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== crouchProbabilityCombat ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== crouchProbabilityEngage ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== lyingLimitSpeedStealth ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== canHideBodies ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== canDeactivateMines ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== useInternalLODInVehicles ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== radius ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== minimalHit ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== oxygenCapacity ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== minGunElev ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== maxGunElev ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== minGunTurn ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== maxGunTurn ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== minGunTurnAI ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== maxGunTurnAI ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== respawnWeapons ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== respawnMagazines ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== respawnItems ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== respawnLinkedItems ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== grenadeThrowDir ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== microMimics ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== minHeadTurnAI ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== maxHeadTurnAI ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== ISangleMod ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== ISrecoilMod ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== ISspeedMod ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== ISmaxTurn ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== ISanimMod ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== backpack ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== canCarryBackPack ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== boneHead ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== boneHeadCutScene ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== identityTypes ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== glassesEnabled ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== triggerAnim ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== selectionHeadWound ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== selectionBodyWound ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== selectionLArmWound ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== selectionRArmWound ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== selectionLLegWound ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== selectionRLegWound ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== selectionLArmWound1 ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== selectionRArmWound1 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== selectionLLegWound1 ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== selectionRLegWound1 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== selectionLArmWound2 ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== selectionRArmWound2 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== selectionLLegWound2 ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== selectionRLegWound2 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== selectionHeadHide ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== memoryPointPilot ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== memoryPointLStep ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== memoryPointRStep ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== memoryPointAim ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== memoryPointCameraTarget ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== memoryPointAimingAxis ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== memoryPointLeaningAxis ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== memoryPointHeadAxis ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== memoryPointWaterSurface ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== memoryPointHandGrenade ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== memoryPointCommonDamage ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== selectionPersonality ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== selectionPersonalityHL ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== selectionGlasses ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== selectionLBrow ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== selectionMBrow ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== selectionRBrow ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== selectionLMouth ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== selectionMMouth ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== selectionRMouth ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== selectionEyelid ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== selectionLip ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== hitSound1 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== hitSound2 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== hitSound3 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== hitSound4 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== hitSound5 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== hitSound6 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== hitSound7 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== hitSound8 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== hitSound9 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== hitSound10 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== hitSound11 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== hitSound12 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== hitSound13 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== hitSound14 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== hitSound15 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== hitSound16 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== hitSound17 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== hitSound18 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== hitSound19 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== hitSound20 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== hitSounds ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== moves ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== movesFatigue ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== gestures ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== vegetationSounds ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== additionalSound ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== normalExt ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== normal ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== road ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== rock ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== water ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== gravel ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== sand ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== drygrass ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== grass ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== forest ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== mud ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== wood ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== metal ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== snow ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== hallway ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== fallbody ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== laydown ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== standup ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== crawl ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== civilian ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== soldier ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== secondary ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== breath ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== cloudletGrowUp ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== cloudletFadeIn ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== cloudletFadeOut ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== cloudletDuration ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== cloudletAlpha ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== cloudletAccY ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== cloudletMinYSpeed ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== cloudletMaxYSpeed ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== sourceSize ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== leftArmToElbow ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== leftArmFromElbow ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== leftWrist ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== leftShoulder ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== leftHand ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== leftArmPoints ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== rightArmToElbow ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== rightArmFromElbow ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== rightWrist ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== rightShoulder ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== rightHand ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== rightArmPoints ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== leftLegToKnee ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== leftLegFromKnee ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== leftHeel ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== leftHip ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== leftFoot ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== leftLegPoints ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== rightLegToKnee ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== rightLegFromKnee ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== rightHeel ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== rightHip ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== rightFoot ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== rightLegPoints ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== weaponBone ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== launcherBone ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== handGunBone ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== characterID ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== primaryAmmoCoef ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== secondaryAmmoCoef ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== handgunAmmoCoef ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== allowedUniformSides ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== allowedHeadgearSides ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== minHeight ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== avgHeight ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== maxHeight ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== breathingBubblesPoint ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== breathingBubblesPointDir ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== breathingBubblesEffect ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== breathingBubblesInteval ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== keepHorizontalPlacement ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== role ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== weight ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== isFish ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== hasGeometry ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== killMassLimit ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== killSpeedLimit ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== editorCategory ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== gearsUpFrictionCoef ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== airBrakeFrictionCoef ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== airFrictionCoefs2 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== airFrictionCoefs1 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== airFrictionCoefs0 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== altFullForce ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== altNoForce ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== drawLight ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== drawLightSize ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== drawLightCenterSize ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== activeLight ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== dayLight ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== useFlare ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== start ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== constant ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== linear ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== quadratic ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== hardLimitStart ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== hardLimitEnd ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== blinkingPattern ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== blinkingPatternGuarantee ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== flareVelocity ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== markerLight ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== memoryPointCM ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== memoryPointCMDir ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== radarTarget ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== radarTargetSize ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== visualTarget ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== visualTargetSize ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== irTargetSize ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== LockDetectionSystem ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== countermeasureActivationRadius ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== count ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== gearRetracting ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== dustEffect ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== waterEffect ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== washDownStrength ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== washDownDiameter ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== gearUpTime ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== gearDownTime ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== gearMinAlt ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== mainRotorSpeed ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== backRotorSpeed ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== startDuration ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== mainBladeRadius ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== maxMainRotorDive ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== maxBackRotorDive ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== minMainRotorDive ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== minBackRotorDive ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== neutralBackRotorDive ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== neutralMainRotorDive ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== liftForceCoef ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== cyclicAsideForceCoef ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== cyclicForwardForceCoef ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== backRotorForceCoef ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== bodyFrictionCoef ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== selectionHRotorStill ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== selectionHRotorMove ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== selectionVRotorStill ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== selectionVRotorMove ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== memoryPointLMissile ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== memoryPointRMissile ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== memoryPointLRocket ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== memoryPointRRocket ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== _mainBladeCenter ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== ammoExplosionEffect ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== enableSweep ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== envelope ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== soundLandingGear ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== minSmokeDamage ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== maxSmokeDamage ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== RTDconfig ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== hasAPU ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== maxTorque ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== autoHoverCorrection ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== maxMainRotorStress ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== maxTailRotorStress ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== maxHorizontalStabilizerLeftStress ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== maxHorizontalStabilizerRightStress ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== maxVerticalStabilizerStress ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== stressDamagePerSec ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== retreatBladeStallWarningSpeed ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== horizontalWingsAngleCollMin ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== horizontalWingsAngleCollMax ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== defaultCollective ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== vrsShakepowerCoef ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== slingLoadMemoryPoint ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== slingLoadMaxCargoMass ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== damageEffect ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== dammageHalf ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== dammageFull ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== minTotalDamageThreshold ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== raw ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== mainBladeCenter ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== tailBladeCenter ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== tailBladeRadius ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== tailBladeVertical ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== slingLoadMinCargoMass ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== landingSpeed ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== flapsFrictionCoef ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== wheelSteeringSensitivity ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== cabinOpening ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== durationGetIn ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== durationGetOut ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== flaps ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== airBrake ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== vtol ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== tailHook ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== lightOnGear ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== ejectSpeed ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== ejectDamageLimit ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== gunAimDown ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== rudderInfluence ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== angleOfIndicence ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== draconicForceXCoef ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== draconicForceYCoef ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== draconicForceZCoef ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== draconicTorqueXCoef ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== draconicTorqueYCoef ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== thrustCoef ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== elevatorCoef ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== aileronCoef ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== rudderCoef ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== elevatorControlsSensitivityCoef ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== aileronControlsSensitivityCoef ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== rudderControlsSensitivityCoef ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== aileronSensitivity ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== elevatorSensitivity ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== VTOLYawInfluence ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== VTOLPitchInfluence ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== VTOLRollInfluence ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== landingAoa ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== stallWarningTreshold ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== selectionRotorStill ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== selectionRotorMove ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== memoryPointLDust ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== memoryPointRDust ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== effectName ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== borderLeft ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== borderRight ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== borderTop ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== borderBottom ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== helmetMountedDisplay ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== helmetPosition ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== helmetRight ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== helmetDown ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== camShakeCoef ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== safeDepth ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== verticalTurnCoef ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== ShipSteerCoef ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== periscopeDepth ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== pointPilot ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== pointCommander ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== leftEngineEffect ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== rightEngineEffect ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== memoryPointsLeftEngineEffect ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== memoryPointsRightEngineEffect ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== animationOpen ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== animationDrop ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== Icon ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== ladders ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== maxRelLenght ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== maxExtraLenght ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== ilsPosition ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== ilsDirection ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== ilsTaxiIn ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== ilsTaxiOff ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== placement ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== animationFlag ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== selectionWhiteLight ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== selectionRedLight ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== selectionOffLight ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== vasiRed ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== vasiWhite ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== vasiSlope ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== submerged ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== submergeSpeed ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== airFriction2 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== airFriction1 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== airFriction0 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== airRotation ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== gravityFactor ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== timeToLive ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== disappearAtContact ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== innerRadius ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== outerRadius ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== windStrength ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== windRotation ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== windWaveTimeCoef ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== windWaveOuterAmplitudeCoef ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== windWaveInnerAmplitudeCoef ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== canBeTransported ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== componentType ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== resource ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== gunnerReversedGetOut ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== optics ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== displayNameDefault ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== onlyForPlayer ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== condition ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== statement ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== crewExplosionProtection ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== fired ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== isUav ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== maximumLoad ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== objectIsSimple ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== qualityLevel ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== forceSupply ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== showWeaponCargo ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== isLockingDisabled ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== pilotLight ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== collisionLight ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== control ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== data ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== tooltip ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== editorPreview ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== eden ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== animate ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== hide ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== verticalOffset ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== verticalOffsetWorld ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== init ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== property ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== expression ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== defaultValue ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== DLC ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== function ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== isGlobal ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== isTriggerActivated ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== description ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== value ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== default ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== positionDisabled ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== positionEnabled ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== directionDisabled ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== directionEnabled ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== duplicate ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== duplicateDisabled ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== duplicateEnabled ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== vehicle ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== sync ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== optional ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== is3DEN ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== functionPriority ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== canSetArea ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== canSetAreaHeight ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== canSetAreaShape ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== category ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== size3 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== isRectangle ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== isPersistent ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== deleted ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== AttributesChanged3DEN ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== ConnectionChanged3DEN ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== RegisteredToWorld3DEN ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== UnregisteredFromWorld3DEN ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== Dragged3DEN ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== unique ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== validate ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== typeName ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== effectFunction ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== isLocalized ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== synced ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== area ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== global ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== ispersistent ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== preview ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== isDisposable ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== featuresize ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== cone ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== slope ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== angleLimitV ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== angleLimitH ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== numberOfDoors ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== initPhase ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== animPeriod ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== soundPosition ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== priority ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== actionNamedSel ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== aiMaxRange ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== actionBegin1 ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== actionEnd1 ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== numberOfWindows ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== flareSize ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== flareMaxDistance ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== innerAngle ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== outerAngle ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== coneFadeCoef ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== actionBegin2 ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== actionEnd2 ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== actionBegin3 ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== actionEnd3 ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== actionBegin4 ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== actionEnd4 ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== actionBegin5 ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== actionEnd5 ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== actionBegin6 ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== actionEnd6 ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== actionBegin7 ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== actionEnd7 ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== featureSize ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== numberOfPosters ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== actionBegin8 ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== actionEnd8 ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== animations ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== disableInventory ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== compatibleWires ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== killed ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== actionBegin9 ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== actionEnd9 ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== actionBegin10 ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== actionEnd10 ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== actionBegin11 ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== actionEnd11 ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== actionBegin12 ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== actionEnd12 ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== actionBegin13 ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== actionEnd13 ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== actionBegin14 ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== actionEnd14 ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== actionBegin15 ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== actionEnd15 ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== actionBegin16 ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== actionEnd16 ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== actionBegin17 ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== actionEnd17 ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== actionBegin18 ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== actionEnd18 ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== actionBegin19 ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== actionEnd19 ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== actionBegin20 ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== actionEnd20 ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== actionBegin21 ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== actionEnd21 ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== actionBegin22 ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== actionEnd22 ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== numberOfHatches ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== hitPart ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== driveThroughEnabled ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== posterSize ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== bonePrimaryWeapon ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== agentTasks ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== woman ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== faceType ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== boneLEye ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== boneREye ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== boneLEyelidUp ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== boneREyelidUp ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== boneLEyelidDown ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== boneREyelidDown ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== boneLPupil ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== boneRPupil ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== _threatMaxRadius ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== _runDistanceMax ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== _movePrefer ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== _formationPrefer ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== _scareLimit ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== _dangerLimit ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== _expSafe ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== _expDanger ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== straightDistance ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== turning ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== canBleed ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== _walkSpeed ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== postinit ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== hiddenselections ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== hiddenselectionstextures ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== isGround ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== ammo ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== transportMaxItems ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== weapon ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== magazine ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== allowedSlots ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== mass ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== backpackSimulation ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== ParachuteClass ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== descriptionShort ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== libTextDesc ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== formationTimeDiving ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== formationTimeSwimming ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== AnimEffectShortExhaust ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== AnimEffectShortRest ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== depends ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== selectionNeckHide ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== slotType ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== sample0 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== sample1 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== sample2 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== sample3 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== Person1 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== Person2 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== Person3 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== Person4 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== Person5 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== Person6 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== Person7 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== Person8 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== Person9 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== Person10 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== Person11 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== Person12 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== Person13 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== Person14 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== Person15 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== Person16 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== Person17 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== Person18 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== breath1 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== breath2 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== breath3 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== breath4 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== breath5 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== breath6 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== breath7 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== breath8 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== breath9 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== breath10 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== breath11 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== breath12 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== breath13 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== breath14 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== breath15 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== breath16 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== breath17 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== breath18 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== breathSwimming1 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== breathSwimming2 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== breathSwimming3 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== breathSwimming4 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== breathSwimming5 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== breathSwimming6 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== breathSwimming7 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== breathSwimming8 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== breathSwimming9 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== breathSwimming10 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== breathSwimming11 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== breathSwimming12 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== breathSwimming13 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== breathSwimming14 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== breathSwimming15 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== breathSwimming16 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== breathSwimming17 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== breathSwimming18 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== person1 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== person2 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== person3 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== person4 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== person5 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== person6 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== person7 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== person8 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== person9 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== person10 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== person11 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== person12 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== person13 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== person14 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== person15 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== person16 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== person17 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== person18 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== person_moan1 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== person_moan2 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== person_moan3 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== person_moan4 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== person_moan5 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== person_moan6 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== person_moan7 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== person_moan8 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== person_moan9 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== person_moan10 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== person_moan11 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== person_moan12 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== person_moan13 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== person_moan14 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== person_moan15 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== person_moan16 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== person_moan17 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== person_moan18 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== breath0 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== generic ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== stony ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== tiling ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== debris ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== concrete ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== dirt ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== wavymetal ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== virtual ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== int_concrete ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== int_wood ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== int_metal ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== int_tiles ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== tarmac ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== concrete_exp ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== int_concrete_exp ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== pavement_exp ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== int_pavement_exp ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== stones_exp ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== int_solidwood_exp ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== softwood_exp ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== int_softwood_exp ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== steel_exp ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== metalplate_exp ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== int_metalplate_exp ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== metalplatepressed_exp ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== wavymetal_exp ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== gridmetal_exp ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== int_carpet_exp ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== int_mat_exp ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== mud_exp ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== straw_exp ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== lino_exp ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== int_lino_exp ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== rooftiles_exp ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== gravel_exp ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== dirt_exp ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== asphalt_exp ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== water_exp ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== grass_exp ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== grasstall_exp ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== sand_exp ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== seabed_exp ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== forest_exp ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== vegetation0 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== vegetation1 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== vegetation2 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== vegetation3 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== vegetation4 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== vegetation5 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== vegetation6 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== vegetation7 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== vegetation8 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== vegetation9 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== vegetation10 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== vegetation11 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== vegetation01 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== vegetation02 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== vegetation03 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== vegetation04 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== vegetation05 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== vegetation06 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== vegetation07 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== vegetation08 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== vegetation09 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== vegetation12 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== vegetation13 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== vegetation14 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== vegetation15 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== vegetation16 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== modelSides ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== nakedUniform ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== uniformClass ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== linkedItems ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== headgearList ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== isPlayableLogic ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== sideVirtual ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== expansion ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== Items ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== RespawnItems ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== uniformAccessories ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== respawnlinkedItems ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== overviewPicture ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== items ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== shownUnderwaterSelections ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== respawnweapons ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== respawnmagazines ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== respawnitems ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== headgearProbability ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== allowedHeadgear ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== allowedHeadgearB ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== hideProxySelections ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== gunnerNotSpawned ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== soundWaterCollision1 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== soundWaterCollision2 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== buildCrash0 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== buildCrash1 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== buildCrash2 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== buildCrash3 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== WoodCrash0 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== WoodCrash1 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== WoodCrash2 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== WoodCrash3 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== armorCrash0 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== armorCrash1 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== armorCrash2 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== armorCrash3 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== Crash0 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== Crash1 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== Crash2 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== Crash3 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== soundSets ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== getinAction ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== getoutaction ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== precisegetinout ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== EjectionSeatEnabled ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== EjectionDual ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== EjectionSeatClass ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== CanopyClass ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== EjectionSeatHideAnim ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== EjectionSeatRailAnim ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== CanopyHideAnim ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== EjectionSeatPos ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== CanopyPos ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== EjectionSoundExt ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== EjectionSoundInt ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== EjectionParachute ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== EjectionSeatForce ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== CanopyForce ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== maxOmega ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== clutchStrength ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== dampingRateFullThrottle ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== boneName ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== steering ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== center ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== boundary ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== width ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== MOI ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== dampingRate ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== dampingRateDamaged ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== dampingRateDestroyed ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== maxBrakeTorque ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== maxHandBrakeTorque ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== suspTravelDirection ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== suspForceAppPointOffset ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== tireForceAppPointOffset ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== maxCompression ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== maxDroop ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== sprungMass ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== springStrength ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== springDamperRate ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== longitudinalStiffnessPerUnitGravity ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== latStiffX ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== latStiffY ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== frictionVsSlipGraph ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== stallSpeed ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== driveOnComponent ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== engineIndex ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== wheel ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== shortcut ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== onlyforplayer ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== showWindow ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== hideOnUse ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== hit ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== driverWeaponsInfoType ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== opticsDisplayName ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== directionStabilized ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== visionMode ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== thermalMode ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== opticsPPEffects ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== maxXRotSpeed ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== maxYRotSpeed ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== maxMouseXRotSpeed ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== maxMouseYRotSpeed ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== pilotOpticsShowCursor ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== controllable ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== minRange ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== maxRange ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== objectDistanceLimitCoef ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== viewDistanceLimitCoef ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== angleRangeHorizontal ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== angleRangeVertical ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== maxTrackableSpeed ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== animDirection ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== range ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== defaultDisplay ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== defaultUserMFDvalues ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== topLeft ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== topRight ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== bottomLeft ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== enableParallax ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== pos ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== pos0 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== pos10 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== limit ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== aspectRatio ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== angle ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== limits ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== sourceScale ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== min ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== max ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== minPos ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== maxPos ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== minAngle ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== maxAngle ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== pos3 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== alpha ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== clipTL ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== clipBR ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== points ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== sourcePrecision ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== align ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== scale ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== right ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== down ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== blinkingStartsOn ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== text ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== horizontal ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== top ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== bottom ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== lineXleft ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== lineYright ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== lineXleftMajor ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== lineYrightMajor ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== majorLineEach ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== numberEach ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== step ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== stepSize ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== sourceLength ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== sensorPosition ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== dampersBumpCoef ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== accelAidForceYOffset ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== BushCrash1 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== BushCrash2 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== BushCrash3 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== buildCrash4 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== buildCrash5 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== woodCrash0 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== woodCrash1 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== woodCrash2 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== woodCrash3 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== woodCrash4 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== woodCrash5 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== ArmorCrash0 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== ArmorCrash1 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== ArmorCrash2 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== ArmorCrash3 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== ArmorCrash4 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== ArmorCrash5 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== soundSetsInt ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== soundSetsExt ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== brakeIdleSpeed ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== engineMOI ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== enginePower ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== minOmega ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== redRpm ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== idleRpm ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== peakTorque ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== torqueCurve ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== thrustDelay ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== dampingRateZeroThrottleClutchEngaged ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== dampingRateZeroThrottleClutchDisengaged ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== latency ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== switchTime ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== changeGearType ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== changeGearOmegaRatios ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== GearboxRatios ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== transmissionRatios ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== gearBoxMode ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== moveOffGear ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== driveString ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== neutralString ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== reverseString ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== tankTurnForceAngMinSpd ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== tankTurnForceAngSpd ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== accelAidForceCoef ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== accelAidForceSpd ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== dampingRateInAir ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== font ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== emissive ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== refreshRate ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== turret ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== sourceIndex ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== driverInfoPanelCameraPos ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== LODDriverTurnedin ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== LODDriverTurnedOut ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== LODDriverOpticsIn ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== viewDriverInExternal ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== armorComponent ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== renderTarget ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== pointPosition ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== pointDirection ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== renderVisionMode ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== renderQuality ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== fov ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== BBoxes ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== point ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== smokeLauncherGrenadeCount ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== smokeLauncherVelocity ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== smokeLauncherOnTurret ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== smokeLauncherAngle ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== soundServoVertical ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== gunnerforceoptics ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== usePip ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== animationSourceStickX ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== animationSourceStickY ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== LODOpticsIn ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== personTurretAction ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== isTurret ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== isGun ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== discreteDistance ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== discreteDistanceInitIndex ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== forceAnimatePhase ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== forceAnimate ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== forceAnimate2 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== animationList ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== effectRadius ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== ignoreFuel ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== usepip ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== MainTurret ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== CommanderOptics ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== limitsArrayTop ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== limitsArrayBottom ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== textureList ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== textures ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== factions ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== idleRPM ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== redRPM ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== driverforceoptics ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== engineLosses ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== transmissionLosses ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== TransmissionRatios ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== transmissionDelay ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== LODDriverTurnedIn ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== brakeTorque ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== longStiff ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== wheelMask ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== buildCrash6 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== buildCrash7 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== WoodCrash4 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== WoodCrash5 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== WoodCrash6 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== WoodCrash7 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== armorCrash4 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== armorCrash5 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== armorCrash6 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== armorCrash7 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== Crash4 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== Crash5 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== Crash6 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== Crash7 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== BushCrash4 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== differentialType ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== frontRearSplit ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== frontBias ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== rearBias ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== centreBias ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== changeGearMinEffectivity ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== sourceOffset ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== acceleration ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== FlareSize ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== forceInGarage ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== deprecated ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== initCargoAngleY ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== gearUpMaxCoef ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== gearDownMaxCoef ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== gearUpMinCoef ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== gearDownMinCoef ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== getInProxyOrder ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== materials ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== lockCargoAnimationPhase ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== lockCargo ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== userActionID ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== onlyForplayer ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== decals ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== textToolTip ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== radiusView ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== showIn3D ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== available ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== engineShiftY ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== animationSourceElevation ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== Laser ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== AmphibiousRatios ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== parachuteClass ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== parachuteHeightLimit ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== dimensions ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== engineBrakeCoef ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== overSpeedBrakeCoef ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== DriverLeftHandAnimName ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== DriverRightHandAnimName ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== sourceAddress ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== section ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== minValue ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== maxValue ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== offset0 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== offset1 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== engineEffectSpeed ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== base ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== assembleTo ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== dissasembleTo ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== UiPicture ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== gunnergetInAction ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== gunnergetOutAction ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== uavCameraGunnerPos ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== uavCameraGunnerDir ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== useModelOptics ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== opticsFlare ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== opticsDisablePeripherialVision ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== cameraDir ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== LODOpticsOut ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== useSource ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== displayname ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== EPEImpulseDamageCoef ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== elevationMode ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== discreteDistanceCameraPoint ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== minelev ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== maxelev ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== unitInfoTypeRTD ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== isComponent ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== rtd_center ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== hasdriver ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== soundGeneralCollision1 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== soundGeneralCollision2 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== soundGeneralCollision3 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== soundBushCollision1 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== soundBushCollision2 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== soundBushCollision3 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== rotorDamageInt ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== rotorDamageOut ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== rotorDamage ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== tailDamageInt ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== tailDamageOut ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== tailDamage ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== landingSoundInt0 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== landingSoundInt1 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== landingSoundInt ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== landingSoundOut0 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== landingSoundOut1 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== landingSoundOut ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== slingCargoAttach0 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== slingCargoAttach1 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== slingCargoAttach ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== slingCargoDetach0 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== slingCargoDetach1 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== slingCargoDetach ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== slingCargoDetachAir0 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== slingCargoDetachAir1 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== slingCargoDetachAir ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== slingCargoRopeBreak0 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== slingCargoRopeBreak1 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== slingCargoRopeBreak ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== cameraBegin ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== cameraEnd ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== onPhaseChanged ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== DisplayName ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== headAimDown ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== CargoTurret_01 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== showMiniMapInOptics ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== showUAVViewpInOptics ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== showSlingLoadManagerInOptics ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== uiPicture ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== attachment ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== hardpoints ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== UIposition ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== mirroredMissilePos ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== CargoTurret_04 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== soundAttenuationTurret ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== CargoTurret_03 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== CargoTurret_02 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== NeverEatSeaWeed ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== thrustDeccel ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== thrustNormal ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== thrustAccel ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== minRotationZ ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== maxRotationZ ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== minRotationX ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== maxRotationX ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== maxSensitivityHorizontal ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== maxSensitivityVertical ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== deltaValueVertical ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== deltaValueHorizontal ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== turnForceScale ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== minGravity ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== normalGravity ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== maxGravity ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== distanceLevel1 ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== distanceLevel2 ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== minLiftThrust ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== maxLiftThrust ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== minLiftDuration ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== maxLiftDuration ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== liftThreshold ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== airInfluence ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== liftGravity ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== openingTime ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== aimdown ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== groundNoiseDistanceCoef ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== maxGroundNoiseDistance ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== minSpeedThreshold ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== maxSpeedThreshold ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== aimDown ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== CanEject ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== projection ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== gearUpExt ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== gearUpInt ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== gearUp ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== gearDownInt ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== gearDownExt ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== gearDown ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== pylon ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== bay ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== bayOpenTime ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== openBayWhenWeaponSelected ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== autoCloseWhenEmptyDelay ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== sourceoffset ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== GunnerDoor ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== enabledByAnimationSource ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== showUAVViewInOptics ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== StepSize ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== maxweight ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== disabled ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== reportRemoteTargets ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== receiveRemoteTargets ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== typeRecognitionDistance ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== rudderForceCoef ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== rudderForceCoefAtMaxSpeed ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== waterEffectSpeed ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== waterFastEffectSpeed ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== explosionSHielding ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== vehicleHasTurnout ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== availableforsupporttypes ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== artilleryscanner ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== usePiP ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== CargoTurret_L2 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== CargoTurret_L3 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== CargoTurret_L4 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== CargoTurret_L5 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== CargoTurret_L1 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== CargoTurret_R5 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== CargoTurret_R2 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== CargoTurret_R3 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== CargoTurret_R4 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== CargoTurret_R1 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== MainRotorSpeed ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== sourceindex ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== canopyExplodes ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== uavCameraDriverPos ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== uavCameraDriverDir ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== reportOwnPosition ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== GunnerCompartments ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== landingSoundInt2 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== landingSoundInt3 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== landingSoundInt4 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== landingSoundOut2 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== landingSoundOut3 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== landingSoundOut4 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== engineMoi ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== disableWheelsWhenDestroyed ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== laserscanner ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== UIPicture ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== cargoCanControlUAV ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== ejectDeadCommander ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== vehicleCategory ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== respawnType ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== respawnNearbyPlayers ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== disassembled ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== animalType ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== animalSound ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== curatorCost ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== moduleCAStype ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== curatorAttributeType ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== curatorCanAttach ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== explosive ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== IsRectangle ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== respawnSide ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== animatedSelection ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== storeShooterDataByDefault ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== popup ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== popupDelayDefault ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== popupDelayMin ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== popupDelayMax ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== lbColumns ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== ContainerOpened ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== ContainerClosed ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== hiddenselectionsTextures ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== GetInAction ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== CargoTurret_06 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== CargoTurret_07 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== CargoTurret_08 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== CargoTurret_05 ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== editorForceEmpty ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== keepInEpeScene ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== explostionShielding ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== dontCreateAi ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== initPhaseArray ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== libEnable ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== geardowntime ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== gearuptime ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== throttleToThrustLogFactor ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== particlesDir ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== particlesPos ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== memoryPointGunBone ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== cargoBayDimensions ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== disableHeightLimit ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== maxLoadMass ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== cargoAlignment ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== cargoSpacing ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== exits ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== unloadingInterval ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== loadingDistance ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== loadingAngle ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== parachuteClassDefault ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== parachuteHeightLimitDefault ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== respawnWeaponsp ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== radartype ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== minturn ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== maxturn ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== turretinfotype ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== viewgunnerinExternal ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== gunbeg ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== gunend ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== particlespos ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== particlesdir ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== gunnerlefthandanimname ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== gunnerrighthandanimname ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== RadarUsageAI ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== namesound ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== maxTrackableATL ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== soundSetSonicBoom ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== forceAnimatePhase2 ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== ArrestHookAnimationList ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== ArrestHookAnimationStates ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== ArrestHookMemoryPoint ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== ArrestMaxAllowedSpeed ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== ArrestSlowDownStep ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== ArrestVelocityReduction ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== LaunchVelocity ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== LaunchVelocityIncrease ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== LaunchAccelerationStep ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== LaunchBarMemoryPoint ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== wingStateControl ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== wingFoldAnimations ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== wingStateFolded ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== wingStateUnFolded ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== wingAutoUnFoldSpeed ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== landing ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== landingcanceled ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== engine ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== gear ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== sourcescale ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== mapsize ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== multiStructureParts ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== attributesChanged3DEN ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== dragged3DEN ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== registeredToWorld3DEN ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== unregisteredFromWorld3DEN ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== memoryPoint ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== dirOffset ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== launchActionName ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== detachActionName ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== isCarrier ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== drawTaxiway ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== HitPart ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== soundposition ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== dlc ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== mineDetectorRange ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== canAccessMineDetector ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== unitInsignia ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== tanoa ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== stratis ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== altis ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== malden ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== enoch ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== other ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== switchtime ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== gunnerCanEject ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== triggerAreaSizeX ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== triggerAreaSizeY ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== triggerAreaSizeZ ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== cargoBayAnimationSelection ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== supportedVehicleOffsetsZ ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== memoryPointPosLoad ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== explosionEffects ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== hitpointClass ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== plateFont ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== plateFormat ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== plateLetters ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== visualSize ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== animationSourceTurret ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== elevationAnimSourceSpeed ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== camPos ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== camDir ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== nvgTarget ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== questType ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== numberOfLODs ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== colorDisabled ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== alphaDisabled ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== layer ===="
"Data type: SCALAR"
"==== shape ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== brush ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== offset ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== LODs ===="
"Data type: ARRAY"
"==== title ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== img ===="
"Data type: STRING"
"==== connectionChanged3DEN ===="
"Data type: STRING"

Revision as of 17:31, 19 July 2021

"==== access ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== scope ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== reversed ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== autocenter ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== animated ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== shadow ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== featureType ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== vehicleClass ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== icon ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== side ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== faction ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== displayName ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== speechSingular ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== speechPlural ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== maxDetectRange ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== detectSkill ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== mineAlertIconRange ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== killFriendlyExpCoef ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== weaponSlots ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== camouflage ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== audible ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== accuracy ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== spotableDarkNightLightsOff ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== spotableNightLightsOff ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== spotableNightLightsOn ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== accuracyDarkNightLightsOff ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== accuracyNightLightsOff ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== accuracyNightLightsOn ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== attenuationEffectType ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== insideSoundCoef ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== outsideSoundFilter ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== occludeSoundsWhenIn ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== obstructSoundsWhenIn ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== obstructSoundLFRatio ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== occludeSoundLFRatio ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== unloadInCombat ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== antiRollbarForceCoef ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== antiRollbarForceLimit ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== antiRollbarSpeedMin ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== antiRollbarSpeedMax ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== slowSpeedForwardCoef ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== normalSpeedForwardCoef ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== epeImpulseDamageCoef ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== gunnerHasFlares ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== enableManualFire ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== sensitivity ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== sensitivityEar ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== picture ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== portrait ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== ghostPreview ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== simulation ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== destrType ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== armor ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== armorLights ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== armorStructural ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== crewVulnerable ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== damageResistance ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== crewCrashProtection ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== replaceDamaged ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== replaceDamagedLimit ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== replaceDamagedHitpoints ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== keepInEPESceneAfterDeath ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== fuelCapacity ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== fuelConsumptionRate ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== extCameraPosition ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== groupCameraPosition ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== extCameraParams ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== steerAheadSimul ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== steerAheadPlan ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== cameraSmoothSpeed ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== minFireTime ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== predictTurnSimul ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== predictTurnPlan ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== indirectHitEnemyCoefAI ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== indirectHitFriendlyCoefAI ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== indirectHitCivilianCoefAI ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== indirectHitUnknownCoefAI ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== precision ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== brakeDistance ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== formationX ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== formationZ ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== formationTime ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== alwaysTarget ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== irTarget ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== irScanRangeMin ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== irScanRangeMax ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== irScanToEyeFactor ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== irScanGround ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== laserTarget ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== laserScanner ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== nvTarget ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== nvScanner ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== artilleryTarget ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== artilleryScanner ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== canUseScanners ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== preferRoads ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== unitInfoType ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== unitInfoTypeLite ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== hideUnitInfo ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== nightVision ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== commanderCanSee ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== gunnerCanSee ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== driverCanSee ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== showCrewAim ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== radarType ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== maxSpeed ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== limitedSpeedCoef ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== secondaryExplosion ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== hasDriver ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== driverForceOptics ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== hideWeaponsDriver ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== hideWeaponsCargo ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== getInRadius ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== selectionClan ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== selectionDashboard ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== selectionShowDamage ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== selectionBackLights ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== memoryPointSupply ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== supplyRadius ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== enableGPS ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== enableWatch ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== enableRadio ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== lockDetectionSystem ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== incomingMissileDetectionSystem ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== headGforceLeaningFactor ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== usePreciseGetInAction ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== allowTabLock ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== showAllTargets ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== dustFrontLeftPos ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== dustFrontRightPos ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== dustBackLeftPos ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== dustBackRightPos ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== wheelCircumference ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== waterLeakiness ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== waterResistanceCoef ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== waterLinearDampingCoefX ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== waterLinearDampingCoefY ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== waterAngularDampingCoef ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== showNVGDriver ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== showNVGCommander ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== showNVGGunner ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== showNVGCargo ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== soundAttenuationCargo ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== countsForScoreboard ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== hullDamageCauseExplosion ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== diffuse ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== ambient ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== brightness ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== blinking ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== onlyInNvg ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== initAngleX ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== minAngleX ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== maxAngleX ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== initAngleY ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== minAngleY ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== maxAngleY ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== minAngleZ ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== maxAngleZ ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== rotZRadius ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== minFov ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== maxFov ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== initFov ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== minMoveX ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== maxMoveX ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== minMoveY ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== maxMoveY ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== minMoveZ ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== maxMoveZ ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== speedZoomMaxSpeed ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== speedZoomMaxFOV ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== showHeadPhones ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== transportSoldier ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== transportAmmo ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== transportMaxMagazines ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== transportMaxWeapons ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== transportMaxBackpacks ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== isbackpack ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== transportFuel ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== transportRepair ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== transportVehiclesCount ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== transportVehiclesMass ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== attendant ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== engineer ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== uavHacker ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== soundEngine ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== soundEnviron ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== soundCrash ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== soundLandCrash ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== soundWaterCrash ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== soundGetIn ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== soundGetOut ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== soundServo ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== soundElevation ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== sounddamage ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== soundEngineOnInt ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== soundEngineOffInt ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== soundEngineOnExt ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== soundEngineOffExt ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== soundGearUp ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== soundGearDown ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== soundFlapsUp ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== soundFlapsDown ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== cabinOpenSound ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== cabinCloseSound ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== cabinOpenSoundInternal ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== cabinCloseSoundInternal ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== soundCrashes ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== soundLandCrashes ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== soundWaterCrashes ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== emptySound ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== soundWoodCrash ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== soundBushCrash ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== soundBuildingCrash ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== soundArmorCrash ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== soundLocked ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== soundIncommingMissile ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== soundDammage ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== weapons ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== magazines ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== type ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== threat ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== typicalCargo ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== aggregateReflectors ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== getInAction ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== getOutAction ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== driverAction ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== driverInAction ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== cargoGetInAction ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== cargoGetOutAction ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== cargoAction ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== cargoIsCoDriver ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== driverCompartments ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== cargoCompartments ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== driverOpticsModel ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== driverOpticsEffect ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== driverOpticsColor ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== hideProxyInCombat ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== forceHideDriver ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== canHideDriver ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== castDriverShadow ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== castCargoShadow ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== viewDriverShadow ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== viewDriverShadowDiff ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== viewDriverShadowAmb ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== viewCargoShadow ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== viewCargoShadowDiff ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== viewCargoShadowAmb ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== ejectDeadDriver ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== ejectDeadCargo ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== crew ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== hiddenSelections ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== hiddenSelectionsTextures ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== hiddenSelectionsMaterials ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== hiddenUnderwaterSelections ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== shownUnderWaterSelections ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== hiddenUnderwaterSelectionsTextures ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== selectionFireAnim ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== tex ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== mat ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== selectionDamage ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== HeadAimDown ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== position ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== intensity ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== interval ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== lifeTime ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== cargoCanEject ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== driverCanEject ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== fireResistance ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== airCapacity ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== waterResistance ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== waterDamageEngine ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== maxFordingDepth ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== impactEffectsSea ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== damageTexDelay ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== coefInside ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== coefInsideHeur ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== coefSpeedInside ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== windSockExist ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== slingLoadCargoMemoryPoints ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== slingLoadCargoMemoryPointsDir ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== numberPhysicalWheels ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== damageHalf ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== damageFull ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== power ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== frequency ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== distance ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== minSpeed ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== duration ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== minGForce ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== maxGForce ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== gForceShakeAttenuation ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== attenuation ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== weaponsGroup1 ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== weaponsGroup2 ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== weaponsGroup3 ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== weaponsGroup4 ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== soundTurnIn ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== soundTurnOut ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== soundTurnInInternal ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== soundTurnOutInternal ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== features ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== author ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== mapSize ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== textSingular ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== textPlural ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== nameSound ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== _generalMacro ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== model ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== cost ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== insideDetectCoef ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== fsmFormation ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== fsmDanger ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== scopeCurator ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== name ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== color ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== memoryPointDriverOptics ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== memoryPointsGetInDriver ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== memoryPointsGetInDriverDir ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== memoryPointsGetInCargo ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== memoryPointsGetInCargoDir ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== memoryPointsGetInCoDriver ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== memoryPointsGetInCoDriverDir ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== memoryPointsGetInDriverPrecise ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== memoryPointsGetInCargoPrecise ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== memoryPointsLeftWaterEffect ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== memoryPointsRightWaterEffect ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== memoryPointTaskMarker ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== memoryPointTaskMarkerOffset ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== body ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== gun ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== animationSourceBody ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== animationSourceGun ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== animationSourceHatch ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== animationSourceCamElev ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== proxyType ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== proxyIndex ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== gunnerName ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== gunnerType ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== primaryGunner ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== primaryObserver ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== minElev ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== maxElev ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== initElev ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== minTurn ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== maxTurn ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== initTurn ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== minOutElev ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== maxOutElev ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== initOutElev ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== minOutTurn ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== maxOutTurn ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== initOutTurn ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== maxHorizontalRotSpeed ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== maxVerticalRotSpeed ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== minCamElev ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== maxCamElev ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== initCamElev ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== stabilizedInAxes ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== primary ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== hasGunner ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== commanding ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== gunnerGetInAction ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== gunnerGetOutAction ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== turretCanSee ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== continuous ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== gunnerOpticsModel ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== gunnerOpticsColor ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== gunnerForceOptics ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== gunnerOpticsShowCursor ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== turretInfoType ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== gunnerOutOpticsModel ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== gunnerOutOpticsColor ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== gunnerOpticsEffect ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== gunnerOutOpticsEffect ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== memoryPointGunnerOutOptics ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== gunnerOutForceOptics ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== gunnerOutOpticsShowCursor ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== gunnerFireAlsoInInternalCamera ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== gunnerOutFireAlsoInInternalCamera ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== gunnerUsesPilotView ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== castGunnerShadow ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== viewGunnerShadow ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== viewGunnerShadowDiff ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== viewGunnerShadowAmb ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== ejectDeadGunner ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== hideWeaponsGunner ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== canHideGunner ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== forceHideGunner ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== outGunnerMayFire ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== inGunnerMayFire ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== showHMD ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== viewGunnerInExternal ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== lockWhenDriverOut ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== lockWhenVehicleSpeed ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== gunnerCompartments ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== LODTurnedIn ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== LODTurnedOut ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== startEngine ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== memoryPointsGetInGunnerPrecise ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== missileBeg ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== missileEnd ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== material ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== visual ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== passThrough ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== explosionShielding ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== forceNVG ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== isCopilot ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== canEject ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== gunnerLeftHandAnimName ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== gunnerRightHandAnimName ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== gunnerLeftLegAnimName ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== gunnerRightLegAnimName ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== gunnerDoor ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== preciseGetInOut ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== turretFollowFreeLook ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== dontCreateAI ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== disableSoundAttenuation ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== slingLoadOperator ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== playerPosition ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== allowLauncherIn ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== allowLauncherOut ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== turnOffset ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== gunnerInAction ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== gunnerAction ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== gunBeg ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== gunEnd ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== memoryPointGunnerOptics ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== memoryPointsGetInGunner ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== memoryPointsGetInGunnerDir ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== memoryPointGun ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== sound ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== volume ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== tracksSpeed ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== selectionLeftOffset ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== selectionRightOffset ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== cargoProxyIndexes ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== driverLeftHandAnimName ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== driverRightHandAnimName ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== driverLeftLegAnimName ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== driverRightLegAnimName ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== driverDoor ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== cargoDoors ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== hasTerminal ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== getInOutOnProxy ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== cargoPreciseGetInOut ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== availableForSupportTypes ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== waterPPInVehicle ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== htMin ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== htMax ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== afMax ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== mfMax ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== mFact ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== tBody ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== impactEffectSpeedLimit ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== isPersonTurret ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== showAsCargo ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== curatorInfoType ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== curatorInfoTypeEmpty ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== wheelDamageThreshold ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== wheelDestroyThreshold ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== wheelDamageRadiusCoef ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== wheelDestroyRadiusCoef ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== selectionBrakeLights ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== memoryPointMissile ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== memoryPointMissileDir ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== direction ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== effect ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== engineStartSpeed ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== leftDustEffect ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== rightDustEffect ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== leftWaterEffect ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== rightWaterEffect ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== leftFastWaterEffect ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== rightFastWaterEffect ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== hitpoint ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== selection ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== size ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== explosionEffect ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== steeringPIDWeights ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== speedPIDWeights ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== convoyPIDWeights ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== doRemapSpeed ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== remapSpeedRange ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== remapSpeedScalar ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== doPredictForward ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== predictForwardRange ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== steerAheadSaturation ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== speedPredictionMethod ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== wheelAngleCoef ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== forwardAngleCoef ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== steeringAngleCoef ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== differenceAngleCoef ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== stuckMaxTime ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== allowOvertaking ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== allowDrifting ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== allowCollisionAvoidance ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== maxWheelAngleDiff ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== minSpeedToKeep ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== commandTurnFactor ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== fuelExplosionPower ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== canFloat ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== collisionEffect ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== holdOffroadFormation ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== convexComponent ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== alphaTracks ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== memoryPointTrackFLL ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== memoryPointTrackFLR ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== memoryPointTrackBLL ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== memoryPointTrackBLR ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== memoryPointTrackFRL ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== memoryPointTrackFRR ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== memoryPointTrackBRL ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== memoryPointTrackBRR ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== memoryPointCirculumReference ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== gearBox ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== Scudeffect ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== turnCoef ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== terrainCoef ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== waterSpeedFactor ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== soundGear ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== scudModel ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== damperSize ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== damperForce ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== damperDamping ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== inputTurnCurve ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== turnIncreaseConst ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== turnIncreaseLinear ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== turnIncreaseTime ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== turnDecreaseConst ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== turnDecreaseLinear ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== turnDecreaseTime ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== maxTurnHundred ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== editorSubcategory ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== rightDustEffects ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== leftDustEffects ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== enabled ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== isBicycle ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== textureTrackWheel ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== memoryPointTrack1L ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== memoryPointTrack1R ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== memoryPointTrack2L ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== memoryPointTrack2R ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== source ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== predictForwardMaxSpeed ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== allowTurnAroundInPoint ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== memoryPointCargoLight ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== bounding ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== fireDustEffect ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== tankTurnForce ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== isMan ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== impactEffectsBlood ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== impactEffectsNoBlood ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== impactDamageMultiplier ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== genericNames ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== aiBrainType ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== steerAheadSimulDiving ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== steerAheadPlanDiving ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== maxTurnAngularVelocity ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== costTurnCoef ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== lyingLimitSpeedHiding ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== crouchProbabilityHiding ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== lyingLimitSpeedCombat ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== crouchProbabilityCombat ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== crouchProbabilityEngage ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== lyingLimitSpeedStealth ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== canHideBodies ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== canDeactivateMines ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== useInternalLODInVehicles ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== radius ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== minimalHit ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== oxygenCapacity ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== minGunElev ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== maxGunElev ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== minGunTurn ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== maxGunTurn ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== minGunTurnAI ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== maxGunTurnAI ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== respawnWeapons ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== respawnMagazines ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== respawnItems ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== respawnLinkedItems ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== grenadeThrowDir ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== microMimics ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== minHeadTurnAI ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== maxHeadTurnAI ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== ISangleMod ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== ISrecoilMod ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== ISspeedMod ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== ISmaxTurn ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== ISanimMod ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== backpack ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== canCarryBackPack ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== boneHead ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== boneHeadCutScene ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== identityTypes ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== glassesEnabled ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== triggerAnim ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== selectionHeadWound ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== selectionBodyWound ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== selectionLArmWound ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== selectionRArmWound ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== selectionLLegWound ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== selectionRLegWound ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== selectionLArmWound1 ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== selectionRArmWound1 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== selectionLLegWound1 ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== selectionRLegWound1 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== selectionLArmWound2 ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== selectionRArmWound2 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== selectionLLegWound2 ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== selectionRLegWound2 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== selectionHeadHide ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== memoryPointPilot ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== memoryPointLStep ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== memoryPointRStep ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== memoryPointAim ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== memoryPointCameraTarget ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== memoryPointAimingAxis ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== memoryPointLeaningAxis ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== memoryPointHeadAxis ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== memoryPointWaterSurface ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== memoryPointHandGrenade ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== memoryPointCommonDamage ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== selectionPersonality ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== selectionPersonalityHL ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== selectionGlasses ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== selectionLBrow ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== selectionMBrow ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== selectionRBrow ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== selectionLMouth ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== selectionMMouth ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== selectionRMouth ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== selectionEyelid ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== selectionLip ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== hitSound1 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== hitSound2 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== hitSound3 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== hitSound4 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== hitSound5 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== hitSound6 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== hitSound7 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== hitSound8 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== hitSound9 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== hitSound10 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== hitSound11 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== hitSound12 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== hitSound13 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== hitSound14 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== hitSound15 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== hitSound16 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== hitSound17 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== hitSound18 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== hitSound19 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== hitSound20 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== hitSounds ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== moves ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== movesFatigue ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== gestures ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== vegetationSounds ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== additionalSound ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== normalExt ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== normal ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== road ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== rock ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== water ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== gravel ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== sand ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== drygrass ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== grass ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== forest ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== mud ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== wood ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== metal ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== snow ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== hallway ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== fallbody ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== laydown ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== standup ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== crawl ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== civilian ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== soldier ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== secondary ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== breath ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== cloudletGrowUp ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== cloudletFadeIn ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== cloudletFadeOut ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== cloudletDuration ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== cloudletAlpha ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== cloudletAccY ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== cloudletMinYSpeed ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== cloudletMaxYSpeed ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== sourceSize ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== leftArmToElbow ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== leftArmFromElbow ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== leftWrist ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== leftShoulder ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== leftHand ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== leftArmPoints ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== rightArmToElbow ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== rightArmFromElbow ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== rightWrist ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== rightShoulder ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== rightHand ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== rightArmPoints ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== leftLegToKnee ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== leftLegFromKnee ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== leftHeel ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== leftHip ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== leftFoot ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== leftLegPoints ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== rightLegToKnee ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== rightLegFromKnee ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== rightHeel ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== rightHip ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== rightFoot ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== rightLegPoints ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== weaponBone ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== launcherBone ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== handGunBone ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== characterID ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== primaryAmmoCoef ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== secondaryAmmoCoef ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== handgunAmmoCoef ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== allowedUniformSides ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== allowedHeadgearSides ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== minHeight ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== avgHeight ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== maxHeight ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== breathingBubblesPoint ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== breathingBubblesPointDir ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== breathingBubblesEffect ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== breathingBubblesInteval ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== keepHorizontalPlacement ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== role ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== weight ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== isFish ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== hasGeometry ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== killMassLimit ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== killSpeedLimit ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== editorCategory ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== gearsUpFrictionCoef ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== airBrakeFrictionCoef ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== airFrictionCoefs2 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== airFrictionCoefs1 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== airFrictionCoefs0 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== altFullForce ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== altNoForce ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== drawLight ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== drawLightSize ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== drawLightCenterSize ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== activeLight ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== dayLight ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== useFlare ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== start ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== constant ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== linear ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== quadratic ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== hardLimitStart ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== hardLimitEnd ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== blinkingPattern ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== blinkingPatternGuarantee ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== flareVelocity ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== markerLight ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== memoryPointCM ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== memoryPointCMDir ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== radarTarget ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== radarTargetSize ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== visualTarget ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== visualTargetSize ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== irTargetSize ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== LockDetectionSystem ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== countermeasureActivationRadius ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== count ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== gearRetracting ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== dustEffect ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== waterEffect ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== washDownStrength ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== washDownDiameter ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== gearUpTime ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== gearDownTime ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== gearMinAlt ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== mainRotorSpeed ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== backRotorSpeed ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== startDuration ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== mainBladeRadius ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== maxMainRotorDive ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== maxBackRotorDive ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== minMainRotorDive ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== minBackRotorDive ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== neutralBackRotorDive ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== neutralMainRotorDive ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== liftForceCoef ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== cyclicAsideForceCoef ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== cyclicForwardForceCoef ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== backRotorForceCoef ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== bodyFrictionCoef ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== selectionHRotorStill ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== selectionHRotorMove ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== selectionVRotorStill ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== selectionVRotorMove ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== memoryPointLMissile ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== memoryPointRMissile ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== memoryPointLRocket ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== memoryPointRRocket ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== _mainBladeCenter ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== ammoExplosionEffect ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== enableSweep ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== envelope ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== soundLandingGear ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== minSmokeDamage ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== maxSmokeDamage ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== RTDconfig ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== hasAPU ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== maxTorque ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== autoHoverCorrection ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== maxMainRotorStress ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== maxTailRotorStress ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== maxHorizontalStabilizerLeftStress ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== maxHorizontalStabilizerRightStress ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== maxVerticalStabilizerStress ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== stressDamagePerSec ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== retreatBladeStallWarningSpeed ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== horizontalWingsAngleCollMin ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== horizontalWingsAngleCollMax ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== defaultCollective ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== vrsShakepowerCoef ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== slingLoadMemoryPoint ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== slingLoadMaxCargoMass ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== damageEffect ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== dammageHalf ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== dammageFull ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== minTotalDamageThreshold ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== raw ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== mainBladeCenter ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== tailBladeCenter ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== tailBladeRadius ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== tailBladeVertical ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== slingLoadMinCargoMass ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== landingSpeed ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== flapsFrictionCoef ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== wheelSteeringSensitivity ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== cabinOpening ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== durationGetIn ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== durationGetOut ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== flaps ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== airBrake ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== vtol ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== tailHook ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== lightOnGear ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== ejectSpeed ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== ejectDamageLimit ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== gunAimDown ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== rudderInfluence ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== angleOfIndicence ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== draconicForceXCoef ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== draconicForceYCoef ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== draconicForceZCoef ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== draconicTorqueXCoef ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== draconicTorqueYCoef ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== thrustCoef ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== elevatorCoef ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== aileronCoef ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== rudderCoef ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== elevatorControlsSensitivityCoef ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== aileronControlsSensitivityCoef ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== rudderControlsSensitivityCoef ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== aileronSensitivity ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== elevatorSensitivity ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== VTOLYawInfluence ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== VTOLPitchInfluence ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== VTOLRollInfluence ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== landingAoa ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== stallWarningTreshold ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== selectionRotorStill ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== selectionRotorMove ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== memoryPointLDust ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== memoryPointRDust ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== effectName ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== borderLeft ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== borderRight ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== borderTop ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== borderBottom ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== helmetMountedDisplay ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== helmetPosition ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== helmetRight ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== helmetDown ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== camShakeCoef ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== safeDepth ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== verticalTurnCoef ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== ShipSteerCoef ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== periscopeDepth ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== pointPilot ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== pointCommander ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== leftEngineEffect ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== rightEngineEffect ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== memoryPointsLeftEngineEffect ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== memoryPointsRightEngineEffect ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== animationOpen ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== animationDrop ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== Icon ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== ladders ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== maxRelLenght ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== maxExtraLenght ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== ilsPosition ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== ilsDirection ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== ilsTaxiIn ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== ilsTaxiOff ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== placement ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== animationFlag ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== selectionWhiteLight ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== selectionRedLight ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== selectionOffLight ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== vasiRed ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== vasiWhite ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== vasiSlope ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== submerged ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== submergeSpeed ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== airFriction2 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== airFriction1 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== airFriction0 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== airRotation ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== gravityFactor ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== timeToLive ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== disappearAtContact ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== innerRadius ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== outerRadius ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== windStrength ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== windRotation ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== windWaveTimeCoef ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== windWaveOuterAmplitudeCoef ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== windWaveInnerAmplitudeCoef ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== canBeTransported ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== componentType ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== resource ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== gunnerReversedGetOut ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== optics ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== displayNameDefault ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== onlyForPlayer ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== condition ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== statement ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== crewExplosionProtection ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== fired ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== isUav ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== maximumLoad ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== objectIsSimple ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== qualityLevel ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== forceSupply ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== showWeaponCargo ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== isLockingDisabled ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== pilotLight ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== collisionLight ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== control ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== data ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== tooltip ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== editorPreview ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== eden ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== animate ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== hide ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== verticalOffset ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== verticalOffsetWorld ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== init ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== property ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== expression ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== defaultValue ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== DLC ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== function ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== isGlobal ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== isTriggerActivated ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== description ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== value ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== default ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== positionDisabled ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== positionEnabled ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== directionDisabled ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== directionEnabled ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== duplicate ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== duplicateDisabled ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== duplicateEnabled ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== vehicle ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== sync ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== optional ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== is3DEN ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== functionPriority ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== canSetArea ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== canSetAreaHeight ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== canSetAreaShape ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== category ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== size3 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== isRectangle ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== isPersistent ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== deleted ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== AttributesChanged3DEN ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== ConnectionChanged3DEN ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== RegisteredToWorld3DEN ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== UnregisteredFromWorld3DEN ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== Dragged3DEN ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== unique ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== validate ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== typeName ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== effectFunction ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== isLocalized ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== synced ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== area ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== global ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== ispersistent ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== preview ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== isDisposable ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== featuresize ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== cone ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== slope ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== angleLimitV ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== angleLimitH ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== numberOfDoors ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== initPhase ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== animPeriod ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== soundPosition ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== priority ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== actionNamedSel ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== aiMaxRange ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== actionBegin1 ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== actionEnd1 ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== numberOfWindows ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== flareSize ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== flareMaxDistance ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== innerAngle ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== outerAngle ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== coneFadeCoef ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== actionBegin2 ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== actionEnd2 ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== actionBegin3 ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== actionEnd3 ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== actionBegin4 ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== actionEnd4 ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== actionBegin5 ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== actionEnd5 ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== actionBegin6 ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== actionEnd6 ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== actionBegin7 ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== actionEnd7 ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== featureSize ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== numberOfPosters ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== actionBegin8 ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== actionEnd8 ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== animations ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== disableInventory ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== compatibleWires ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== killed ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== actionBegin9 ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== actionEnd9 ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== actionBegin10 ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== actionEnd10 ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== actionBegin11 ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== actionEnd11 ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== actionBegin12 ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== actionEnd12 ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== actionBegin13 ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== actionEnd13 ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== actionBegin14 ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== actionEnd14 ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== actionBegin15 ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== actionEnd15 ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== actionBegin16 ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== actionEnd16 ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== actionBegin17 ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== actionEnd17 ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== actionBegin18 ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== actionEnd18 ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== actionBegin19 ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== actionEnd19 ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== actionBegin20 ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== actionEnd20 ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== actionBegin21 ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== actionEnd21 ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== actionBegin22 ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== actionEnd22 ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== numberOfHatches ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== hitPart ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== driveThroughEnabled ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== posterSize ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== bonePrimaryWeapon ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== agentTasks ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== woman ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== faceType ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== boneLEye ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== boneREye ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== boneLEyelidUp ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== boneREyelidUp ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== boneLEyelidDown ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== boneREyelidDown ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== boneLPupil ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== boneRPupil ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== _threatMaxRadius ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== _runDistanceMax ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== _movePrefer ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== _formationPrefer ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== _scareLimit ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== _dangerLimit ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== _expSafe ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== _expDanger ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== straightDistance ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== turning ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== canBleed ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== _walkSpeed ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== postinit ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== hiddenselections ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== hiddenselectionstextures ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== isGround ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== ammo ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== transportMaxItems ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== weapon ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== magazine ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== allowedSlots ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== mass ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== backpackSimulation ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== ParachuteClass ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== descriptionShort ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== libTextDesc ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== formationTimeDiving ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== formationTimeSwimming ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== AnimEffectShortExhaust ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== AnimEffectShortRest ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== depends ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== selectionNeckHide ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== slotType ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== sample0 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== sample1 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== sample2 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== sample3 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== Person1 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== Person2 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== Person3 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== Person4 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== Person5 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== Person6 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== Person7 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== Person8 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== Person9 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== Person10 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== Person11 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== Person12 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== Person13 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== Person14 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== Person15 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== Person16 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== Person17 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== Person18 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== breath1 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== breath2 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== breath3 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== breath4 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== breath5 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== breath6 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== breath7 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== breath8 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== breath9 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== breath10 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== breath11 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== breath12 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== breath13 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== breath14 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== breath15 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== breath16 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== breath17 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== breath18 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== breathSwimming1 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== breathSwimming2 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== breathSwimming3 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== breathSwimming4 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== breathSwimming5 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== breathSwimming6 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== breathSwimming7 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== breathSwimming8 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== breathSwimming9 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== breathSwimming10 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== breathSwimming11 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== breathSwimming12 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== breathSwimming13 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== breathSwimming14 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== breathSwimming15 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== breathSwimming16 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== breathSwimming17 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== breathSwimming18 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== person1 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== person2 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== person3 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== person4 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== person5 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== person6 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== person7 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== person8 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== person9 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== person10 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== person11 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== person12 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== person13 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== person14 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== person15 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== person16 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== person17 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== person18 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== person_moan1 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== person_moan2 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== person_moan3 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== person_moan4 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== person_moan5 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== person_moan6 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== person_moan7 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== person_moan8 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== person_moan9 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== person_moan10 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== person_moan11 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== person_moan12 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== person_moan13 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== person_moan14 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== person_moan15 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== person_moan16 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== person_moan17 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== person_moan18 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== breath0 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== generic ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== stony ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== tiling ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== debris ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== concrete ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== dirt ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== wavymetal ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== virtual ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== int_concrete ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== int_wood ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== int_metal ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== int_tiles ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== tarmac ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== concrete_exp ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== int_concrete_exp ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== pavement_exp ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== int_pavement_exp ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== stones_exp ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== int_solidwood_exp ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== softwood_exp ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== int_softwood_exp ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== steel_exp ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== metalplate_exp ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== int_metalplate_exp ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== metalplatepressed_exp ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== wavymetal_exp ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== gridmetal_exp ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== int_carpet_exp ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== int_mat_exp ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== mud_exp ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== straw_exp ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== lino_exp ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== int_lino_exp ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== rooftiles_exp ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== gravel_exp ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== dirt_exp ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== asphalt_exp ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== water_exp ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== grass_exp ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== grasstall_exp ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== sand_exp ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== seabed_exp ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== forest_exp ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== vegetation0 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== vegetation1 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== vegetation2 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== vegetation3 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== vegetation4 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== vegetation5 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== vegetation6 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== vegetation7 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== vegetation8 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== vegetation9 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== vegetation10 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== vegetation11 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== vegetation01 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== vegetation02 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== vegetation03 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== vegetation04 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== vegetation05 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== vegetation06 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== vegetation07 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== vegetation08 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== vegetation09 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== vegetation12 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== vegetation13 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== vegetation14 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== vegetation15 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== vegetation16 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== modelSides ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== nakedUniform ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== uniformClass ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== linkedItems ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== headgearList ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== isPlayableLogic ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== sideVirtual ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== expansion ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== Items ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== RespawnItems ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== uniformAccessories ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== respawnlinkedItems ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== overviewPicture ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== items ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== shownUnderwaterSelections ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== respawnweapons ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== respawnmagazines ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== respawnitems ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== headgearProbability ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== allowedHeadgear ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== allowedHeadgearB ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== hideProxySelections ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== gunnerNotSpawned ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== soundWaterCollision1 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== soundWaterCollision2 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== buildCrash0 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== buildCrash1 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== buildCrash2 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== buildCrash3 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== WoodCrash0 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== WoodCrash1 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== WoodCrash2 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== WoodCrash3 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== armorCrash0 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== armorCrash1 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== armorCrash2 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== armorCrash3 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== Crash0 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== Crash1 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== Crash2 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== Crash3 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== soundSets ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== getinAction ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== getoutaction ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== precisegetinout ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== EjectionSeatEnabled ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== EjectionDual ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== EjectionSeatClass ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== CanopyClass ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== EjectionSeatHideAnim ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== EjectionSeatRailAnim ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== CanopyHideAnim ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== EjectionSeatPos ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== CanopyPos ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== EjectionSoundExt ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== EjectionSoundInt ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== EjectionParachute ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== EjectionSeatForce ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== CanopyForce ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== maxOmega ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== clutchStrength ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== dampingRateFullThrottle ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== boneName ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== steering ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== center ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== boundary ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== width ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== MOI ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== dampingRate ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== dampingRateDamaged ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== dampingRateDestroyed ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== maxBrakeTorque ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== maxHandBrakeTorque ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== suspTravelDirection ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== suspForceAppPointOffset ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== tireForceAppPointOffset ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== maxCompression ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== maxDroop ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== sprungMass ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== springStrength ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== springDamperRate ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== longitudinalStiffnessPerUnitGravity ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== latStiffX ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== latStiffY ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== frictionVsSlipGraph ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== stallSpeed ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== driveOnComponent ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== engineIndex ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== wheel ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== shortcut ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== onlyforplayer ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== showWindow ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== hideOnUse ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== hit ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== driverWeaponsInfoType ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== opticsDisplayName ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== directionStabilized ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== visionMode ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== thermalMode ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== opticsPPEffects ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== maxXRotSpeed ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== maxYRotSpeed ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== maxMouseXRotSpeed ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== maxMouseYRotSpeed ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== pilotOpticsShowCursor ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== controllable ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== minRange ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== maxRange ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== objectDistanceLimitCoef ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== viewDistanceLimitCoef ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== angleRangeHorizontal ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== angleRangeVertical ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== maxTrackableSpeed ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== animDirection ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== range ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== defaultDisplay ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== defaultUserMFDvalues ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== topLeft ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== topRight ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== bottomLeft ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== enableParallax ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== pos ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== pos0 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== pos10 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== limit ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== aspectRatio ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== angle ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== limits ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== sourceScale ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== min ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== max ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== minPos ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== maxPos ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== minAngle ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== maxAngle ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== pos3 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== alpha ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== clipTL ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== clipBR ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== points ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== sourcePrecision ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== align ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== scale ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== right ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== down ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== blinkingStartsOn ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== text ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== horizontal ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== top ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== bottom ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== lineXleft ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== lineYright ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== lineXleftMajor ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== lineYrightMajor ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== majorLineEach ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== numberEach ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== step ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== stepSize ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== sourceLength ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== sensorPosition ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== dampersBumpCoef ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== accelAidForceYOffset ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== BushCrash1 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== BushCrash2 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== BushCrash3 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== buildCrash4 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== buildCrash5 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== woodCrash0 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== woodCrash1 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== woodCrash2 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== woodCrash3 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== woodCrash4 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== woodCrash5 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== ArmorCrash0 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== ArmorCrash1 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== ArmorCrash2 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== ArmorCrash3 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== ArmorCrash4 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== ArmorCrash5 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== soundSetsInt ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== soundSetsExt ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== brakeIdleSpeed ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== engineMOI ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== enginePower ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== minOmega ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== redRpm ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== idleRpm ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== peakTorque ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== torqueCurve ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== thrustDelay ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== dampingRateZeroThrottleClutchEngaged ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== dampingRateZeroThrottleClutchDisengaged ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== latency ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== switchTime ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== changeGearType ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== changeGearOmegaRatios ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== GearboxRatios ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== transmissionRatios ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== gearBoxMode ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== moveOffGear ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== driveString ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== neutralString ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== reverseString ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== tankTurnForceAngMinSpd ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== tankTurnForceAngSpd ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== accelAidForceCoef ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== accelAidForceSpd ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== dampingRateInAir ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== font ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== emissive ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== refreshRate ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== turret ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== sourceIndex ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== driverInfoPanelCameraPos ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== LODDriverTurnedin ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== LODDriverTurnedOut ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== LODDriverOpticsIn ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== viewDriverInExternal ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== armorComponent ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== renderTarget ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== pointPosition ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== pointDirection ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== renderVisionMode ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== renderQuality ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== fov ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== BBoxes ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== point ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== smokeLauncherGrenadeCount ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== smokeLauncherVelocity ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== smokeLauncherOnTurret ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== smokeLauncherAngle ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== soundServoVertical ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== gunnerforceoptics ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== usePip ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== animationSourceStickX ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== animationSourceStickY ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== LODOpticsIn ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== personTurretAction ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== isTurret ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== isGun ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== discreteDistance ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== discreteDistanceInitIndex ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== forceAnimatePhase ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== forceAnimate ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== forceAnimate2 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== animationList ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== effectRadius ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== ignoreFuel ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== usepip ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== MainTurret ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== CommanderOptics ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== limitsArrayTop ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== limitsArrayBottom ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== textureList ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== textures ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== factions ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== idleRPM ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== redRPM ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== driverforceoptics ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== engineLosses ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== transmissionLosses ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== TransmissionRatios ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== transmissionDelay ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== LODDriverTurnedIn ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== brakeTorque ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== longStiff ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== wheelMask ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== buildCrash6 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== buildCrash7 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== WoodCrash4 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== WoodCrash5 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== WoodCrash6 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== WoodCrash7 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== armorCrash4 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== armorCrash5 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== armorCrash6 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== armorCrash7 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== Crash4 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== Crash5 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== Crash6 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== Crash7 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== BushCrash4 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== differentialType ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== frontRearSplit ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== frontBias ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== rearBias ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== centreBias ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== changeGearMinEffectivity ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== sourceOffset ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== acceleration ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== FlareSize ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== forceInGarage ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== deprecated ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== initCargoAngleY ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== gearUpMaxCoef ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== gearDownMaxCoef ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== gearUpMinCoef ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== gearDownMinCoef ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== getInProxyOrder ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== materials ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== lockCargoAnimationPhase ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== lockCargo ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== userActionID ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== onlyForplayer ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== decals ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== textToolTip ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== radiusView ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== showIn3D ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== available ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== engineShiftY ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== animationSourceElevation ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== Laser ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== AmphibiousRatios ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== parachuteClass ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== parachuteHeightLimit ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== dimensions ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== engineBrakeCoef ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== overSpeedBrakeCoef ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== DriverLeftHandAnimName ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== DriverRightHandAnimName ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== sourceAddress ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== section ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== minValue ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== maxValue ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== offset0 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== offset1 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== engineEffectSpeed ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== base ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== assembleTo ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== dissasembleTo ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== UiPicture ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== gunnergetInAction ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== gunnergetOutAction ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== uavCameraGunnerPos ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== uavCameraGunnerDir ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== useModelOptics ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== opticsFlare ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== opticsDisablePeripherialVision ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== cameraDir ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== LODOpticsOut ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== useSource ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== displayname ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== EPEImpulseDamageCoef ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== elevationMode ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== discreteDistanceCameraPoint ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== minelev ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== maxelev ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== unitInfoTypeRTD ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== isComponent ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== rtd_center ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== hasdriver ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== soundGeneralCollision1 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== soundGeneralCollision2 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== soundGeneralCollision3 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== soundBushCollision1 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== soundBushCollision2 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== soundBushCollision3 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== rotorDamageInt ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== rotorDamageOut ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== rotorDamage ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== tailDamageInt ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== tailDamageOut ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== tailDamage ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== landingSoundInt0 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== landingSoundInt1 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== landingSoundInt ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== landingSoundOut0 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== landingSoundOut1 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== landingSoundOut ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== slingCargoAttach0 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== slingCargoAttach1 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== slingCargoAttach ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== slingCargoDetach0 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== slingCargoDetach1 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== slingCargoDetach ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== slingCargoDetachAir0 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== slingCargoDetachAir1 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== slingCargoDetachAir ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== slingCargoRopeBreak0 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== slingCargoRopeBreak1 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== slingCargoRopeBreak ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== cameraBegin ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== cameraEnd ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== onPhaseChanged ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== DisplayName ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== headAimDown ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== CargoTurret_01 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== showMiniMapInOptics ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== showUAVViewpInOptics ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== showSlingLoadManagerInOptics ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== uiPicture ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== attachment ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== hardpoints ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== UIposition ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== mirroredMissilePos ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== CargoTurret_04 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== soundAttenuationTurret ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== CargoTurret_03 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== CargoTurret_02 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== NeverEatSeaWeed ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== thrustDeccel ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== thrustNormal ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== thrustAccel ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== minRotationZ ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== maxRotationZ ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== minRotationX ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== maxRotationX ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== maxSensitivityHorizontal ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== maxSensitivityVertical ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== deltaValueVertical ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== deltaValueHorizontal ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== turnForceScale ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== minGravity ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== normalGravity ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== maxGravity ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== distanceLevel1 ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== distanceLevel2 ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== minLiftThrust ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== maxLiftThrust ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== minLiftDuration ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== maxLiftDuration ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== liftThreshold ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== airInfluence ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== liftGravity ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== openingTime ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== aimdown ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== groundNoiseDistanceCoef ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== maxGroundNoiseDistance ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== minSpeedThreshold ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== maxSpeedThreshold ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== aimDown ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== CanEject ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== projection ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== gearUpExt ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== gearUpInt ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== gearUp ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== gearDownInt ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== gearDownExt ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== gearDown ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== pylon ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== bay ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== bayOpenTime ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== openBayWhenWeaponSelected ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== autoCloseWhenEmptyDelay ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== sourceoffset ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== GunnerDoor ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== enabledByAnimationSource ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== showUAVViewInOptics ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== StepSize ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== maxweight ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== disabled ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== reportRemoteTargets ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== receiveRemoteTargets ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== typeRecognitionDistance ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== rudderForceCoef ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== rudderForceCoefAtMaxSpeed ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== waterEffectSpeed ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== waterFastEffectSpeed ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== explosionSHielding ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== vehicleHasTurnout ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== availableforsupporttypes ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== artilleryscanner ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== usePiP ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== CargoTurret_L2 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== CargoTurret_L3 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== CargoTurret_L4 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== CargoTurret_L5 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== CargoTurret_L1 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== CargoTurret_R5 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== CargoTurret_R2 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== CargoTurret_R3 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== CargoTurret_R4 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== CargoTurret_R1 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== MainRotorSpeed ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== sourceindex ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== canopyExplodes ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== uavCameraDriverPos ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== uavCameraDriverDir ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== reportOwnPosition ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== GunnerCompartments ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== landingSoundInt2 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== landingSoundInt3 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== landingSoundInt4 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== landingSoundOut2 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== landingSoundOut3 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== landingSoundOut4 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== engineMoi ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== disableWheelsWhenDestroyed ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== laserscanner ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== UIPicture ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== cargoCanControlUAV ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== ejectDeadCommander ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== vehicleCategory ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== respawnType ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== respawnNearbyPlayers ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== disassembled ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== animalType ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== animalSound ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== curatorCost ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== moduleCAStype ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== curatorAttributeType ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== curatorCanAttach ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== explosive ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== IsRectangle ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== respawnSide ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== animatedSelection ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== storeShooterDataByDefault ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== popup ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== popupDelayDefault ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== popupDelayMin ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== popupDelayMax ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== lbColumns ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== ContainerOpened ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== ContainerClosed ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== hiddenselectionsTextures ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== GetInAction ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== CargoTurret_06 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== CargoTurret_07 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== CargoTurret_08 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== CargoTurret_05 ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== editorForceEmpty ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== keepInEpeScene ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== explostionShielding ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== dontCreateAi ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== initPhaseArray ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== libEnable ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== geardowntime ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== gearuptime ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== throttleToThrustLogFactor ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== particlesDir ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== particlesPos ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== memoryPointGunBone ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== cargoBayDimensions ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== disableHeightLimit ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== maxLoadMass ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== cargoAlignment ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== cargoSpacing ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== exits ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== unloadingInterval ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== loadingDistance ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== loadingAngle ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== parachuteClassDefault ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== parachuteHeightLimitDefault ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== respawnWeaponsp ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== radartype ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== minturn ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== maxturn ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== turretinfotype ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== viewgunnerinExternal ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== gunbeg ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== gunend ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== particlespos ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== particlesdir ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== gunnerlefthandanimname ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== gunnerrighthandanimname ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== RadarUsageAI ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== namesound ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== maxTrackableATL ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== soundSetSonicBoom ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== forceAnimatePhase2 ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== ArrestHookAnimationList ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== ArrestHookAnimationStates ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== ArrestHookMemoryPoint ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== ArrestMaxAllowedSpeed ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== ArrestSlowDownStep ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== ArrestVelocityReduction ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== LaunchVelocity ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== LaunchVelocityIncrease ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== LaunchAccelerationStep ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== LaunchBarMemoryPoint ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== wingStateControl ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== wingFoldAnimations ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== wingStateFolded ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== wingStateUnFolded ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== wingAutoUnFoldSpeed ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== landing ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== landingcanceled ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== engine ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== gear ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== sourcescale ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== mapsize ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== multiStructureParts ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== attributesChanged3DEN ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== dragged3DEN ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== registeredToWorld3DEN ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== unregisteredFromWorld3DEN ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== memoryPoint ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== dirOffset ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== launchActionName ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== detachActionName ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== isCarrier ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== drawTaxiway ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== HitPart ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== soundposition ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== dlc ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== mineDetectorRange ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== canAccessMineDetector ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== unitInsignia ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== tanoa ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== stratis ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== altis ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== malden ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== enoch ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== other ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== switchtime ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== gunnerCanEject ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== triggerAreaSizeX ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== triggerAreaSizeY ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== triggerAreaSizeZ ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== cargoBayAnimationSelection ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== supportedVehicleOffsetsZ ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== memoryPointPosLoad ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== explosionEffects ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== hitpointClass ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== plateFont ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== plateFormat ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== plateLetters ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== visualSize ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== animationSourceTurret ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== elevationAnimSourceSpeed ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== camPos ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== camDir ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== nvgTarget ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== questType ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== numberOfLODs ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== colorDisabled ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== alphaDisabled ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== layer ====" "Data type: SCALAR" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== shape ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== brush ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== offset ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== LODs ====" "Data type: ARRAY" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== title ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== img ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" "" "==== connectionChanged3DEN ====" "Data type: STRING" "Description:
TBD" "Description:
TBD" ""