R3vo/Sandbox – User

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Since Arma 3 Jets DLC (v1.68) it is possible to catapult Jets off an aircraft carrier. For this system to work properly a few new definitions need to be made inside the plane's config. This page will show an overview over the definitions and explain what they do.

Aircraft Configuration


  • Compatible aircraft must have an animation for arrest/tail hook selection defined in CfgVehicles and modeled in 3D model (model.cfg)
  • Compatible aircraft must have a memory point for cable attach position

CarrierOpsCompatability Sub-Class

This class contains all the definitions needed for the catapult and tailhook functionality to work.

class CfgVehicles
	class B_Plane_Fighter_01_F
		tailHook = true;																		// Allow to land on carrier
		class CarrierOpsCompatability
			ArrestHookAnimationList[] = {"tailhook", "tailhook_door_l", "tailhook_door_r"};		// List of animation played to animate tailhook. Defined in model.cfg (type user)
			ArrestHookAnimationStates[] = {0,0.53,1};											// Tailhook animation states when down, hooked, up.
			ArrestHookMemoryPoint = "pos_tailhook";												// TailHook memory point in plane model.p3d
			ArrestMaxAllowedSpeed = 275;														// Max speed km/h allowed for successful landing
			ArrestSlowDownStep = 0.8;															// Simulation step for calcualting how smooth plane will be slowed down.
			ArrestVelocityReduction = -12;														// Speed reduced per simulation step
			LaunchVelocity = 300;																// Speed required for take off
			LaunchVelocityIncrease = 10;														// Speed increased per simulation step
			LaunchAccelerationStep = 0.001;														// Simulation step for calcualting how smooth plane will launched from carrier catapult.
			LaunchBarMemoryPoint = "pos_gear_f_hook";											// LaunchBar memory point

AircraftAutomatedSystems Sub-Class

This class contains all definitions needed for the foldable wings to work.

class CfgVehicles
	class B_Plane_Fighter_01_F
		class AircraftAutomatedSystems
			wingStateControl = 1;																				//enable automated wing state control to prevent player to take off with folded wings
			wingFoldAnimations[] = {"wing_fold_l","wing_fold_r","wing_fold_cover_l", "wing_fold_cover_r"};		//foldable wing animation list
			wingStateFolded = 1;																				//animation state when folded
			wingStateUnFolded = 0;																				//animation state when un-folded
			wingAutoUnFoldSpeed = 40;																			//speed treshold when triger this feature, and unfold wings for player

Aircraft Carrier Configuration

class CfgVehicles
	class Land_Carrier_01_base_F
		// Defines all the parts the carrier is build out of
		multiStructureParts[] = {["Land_Carrier_01_hull_01_F","pos_hull_1"],["Land_Carrier_01_hull_02_F","pos_hull_2"],["Land_Carrier_01_hull_03_1_F","pos_hull_3_1"],["Land_Carrier_01_hull_03_2_F","pos_hull_3_2"],["Land_Carrier_01_hull_04_1_F","pos_hull_4_1"],["Land_Carrier_01_hull_04_2_F","pos_hull_4_2"],["Land_Carrier_01_hull_05_1_F","pos_hull_5_1"],["Land_Carrier_01_hull_05_2_F","pos_hull_5_2"],["Land_Carrier_01_hull_06_1_F","pos_hull_6_1"],["Land_Carrier_01_hull_06_2_F","pos_hull_6_2"],["Land_Carrier_01_hull_07_1_F","pos_hull_7_1"],["Land_Carrier_01_hull_07_2_F","pos_hull_7_2"],["Land_Carrier_01_hull_08_1_F","pos_hull_8_1"],["Land_Carrier_01_hull_08_2_F","pos_hull_8_2"],["Land_Carrier_01_hull_09_1_F","pos_hull_9_1"],["Land_Carrier_01_hull_09_2_F","pos_hull_9_2"],["Land_Carrier_01_island_01_F","pos_island_1"],["Land_Carrier_01_island_02_F","pos_island_2"],["Land_Carrier_01_island_03_F","pos_island_3"],["DynamicAirport_01_F","pos_Airport"]}; 
		class Eventhandlers
			init = "_this call BIS_fnc_Carrier01Init;"; 							// Initializes the carrier's functionality
			attributesChanged3DEN = "_this call BIS_fnc_Carrier01PosUpdate;"; 		// Handles position changes when attributes are changed in Eden Editor
			dragged3DEN = "_this call BIS_fnc_Carrier01PosUpdate;"; 				// Handles position changes when attributes are changed in Eden Editor
			registeredToWorld3DEN = "_this call BIS_fnc_Carrier01EdenInit;";  		// Initializes the carrier's functionality when it's created in Eden Editor
			unregisteredFromWorld3DEN = "_this call BIS_fnc_Carrier01EdenDelete;"; 	// Handles deletion of all parts when its deleted in Eden Editor