R3vo/Sandbox – User

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< User:R3vo
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Variable Name Data Type Default Value Locality Description
SPE_IFS_pairingtriesperbattery Scalar
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_targetblacklist Array
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_progresscallwheninvalid Boolean GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_planes_ind Array
["SPE_P47", 1]
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_allprojectiles_ger Array
["", "spe_sc250_timed_short_bomb", "spe_sc250_timed_short_bomb_submunition", "spe_sc50_timed_short_bomb", "spe_sc50_timed_short_bomb_submunition", "spe_s_105l28_gr38", "spe_b_20x82_he", "spe_b_13x64_hei", "spe_sh_81_he", "spe_sh_fa_mle_1932_he"]
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_emergencycallbaseinterval Array
[[30, 45, 60, 90, 45], [30, 45, 60, 90, 45], [30, 45, 60, 90, 45], [30, 45, 60, 90, 45]]
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_calledsupportproviders Array
[[[], [], []], [[], [], []], [[], [], []], [[], [], []]]
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_rdtable Array
[ [ [ "spe_grw278_1" ], "spe_grw278_1", [ [ "Single1", [ [ 42, 577 ], 2 ] ], [ "Single2", [ [ 71, 997 ], 4 ] ], [ "Single3", [ [ 102, 1425 ], 6 ] ], [ "Single4", [ [ 142, 1991 ], 7 ] ], [ "Single5", [ [ 164, 2309 ], 8 ] ], [ "Single6", [ [ 194, 2722 ], 9 ] ], [ "Single7", [ [ 220, 3092 ], 10 ] ] ] ], [ [ "spe_lefh18" ], "spe_lefh18_l28", [ [ "Single1", [ [ 344, 1941 ], 10 ] ], [ "Single2", [ [ 772, 4369 ], 15 ] ], [ "Single3", [ [ 1610, 9116 ], 20 ] ] ] ], [ [ "spe_sdkfz251_2", "spe_st_sdkfz251_2" ], "spe_grwr34", [ [ "Single1", [ [ 116, 1263 ], 6 ] ], [ "Single2", [ [ 170, 1854 ], 8 ] ], [ "Single3", [ [ 222, 2421 ], 10 ] ] ] ], [ [ "spe_sdkfz251_w40", "spe_st_sdkfz251_w40" ], "spe_wurfrahmen_40", [ [ "Burst1", [ [ 400, 530 ], 5 ] ], [ "Burst2", [ [ 530, 670 ], 6 ] ], [ "Burst3", [ [ 670, 870 ], 7 ] ], [ "Burst4", [ [ 870, 1145 ], 8 ] ], [ "Burst5", [ [ 1145, 1490 ], 10 ] ], [ "Burst6", [ [ 1490, 1930 ], 15 ] ] ] ], [ [ "spe_m1_81" ], "spe_m1_81", [ [ "Single1", [ [ 42, 577 ], 2 ] ], [ "Single2", [ [ 71, 997 ], 4 ] ], [ "Single3", [ [ 102, 1425 ], 6 ] ], [ "Single4", [ [ 142, 1991 ], 7 ] ], [ "Single5", [ [ 164, 2309 ], 8 ] ], [ "Single6", [ [ 194, 2722 ], 9 ] ], [ "Single7", [ [ 220, 3092 ], 10 ] ] ] ], [ [ "spe_m4a1_t34_calliope" ], "spe_t34_l60", [ [ "Burst1", [ [ 430, 560 ], 5 ] ], [ "Burst2", [ [ 560, 730 ], 6 ] ], [ "Burst3", [ [ 730, 950 ], 7 ] ], [ "Burst4", [ [ 950, 1260 ], 8 ] ], [ "Burst5", [ [ 1260, 1650 ], 9 ] ], [ "Burst6", [ [ 1650, 2190 ], 10 ] ], [ "Burst7", [ [ 2190, 2910 ], 12 ] ], [ "Burst8", [ [ 2910, 3560 ], 12 ] ], [ "Burst9", [ [ 3560, 4230 ], 15 ] ] ] ] ]
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_debugswitch_systemchat Boolean GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_dsavailability_side Array
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_knowntargets_aa_e HashMap
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_knowntargets_aa Array
[[], [], [], []]
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_priorityartycalls Array
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_tankdefaulttemptation Array
[[0, 6, 12], [0, 6, 12], [0, 6, 12], [0, 6, 12]]
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_cas_horriblemode Boolean GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_requestedheavyartyeta Scalar
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_firedshells Array
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_knowntargets_aa_o HashMap
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_allarty Array
["spe_grw278_1", "spe_lefh18", "spe_m1_81", "spe_m4a1_t34_calliope", "spe_grw278_1", "spe_m1_81", "spe_m4a1_t34_calliope"]
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_knowntargets_aa_r HashMap
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_safetydistance_heavyarty Array
[100, 100, 100, 100]
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_requestedmortareta Scalar
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_allowadvancedhints Boolean GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_knowntargets_aa_w HashMap
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_requestedmortargunsamount Array
[3, 3, 3, 3]
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_limitshotstocurrentmagazinerounds Boolean GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_acc Scalar
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_requestedheavyartyamount Scalar
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_casweaponrytable_ind_ambient Array
[[1, 0.25, 3, 0.75], [0, 0.1, 1, 0.15, 2, 0.25, 3, 0.5], [0, 0.15, 1, 0.2, 2, 0.25, 3, 0.4], [0, 0.9, 1, 0.1, 2, 0, 3, 0]]
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_aadefaulttemptation Array
[[8, 8, 12], [8, 8, 12], [8, 8, 12], [8, 8, 12]]
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_temporarydebugmarkers Array
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_incomingnotificationrange Scalar
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_casweaponrytable_civ_emergency Array
[[0, 1], [0, 1]]
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_rocket Array
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_amount Scalar
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_cas_donttrackplayersincadet Array
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_casweaponrytable_civ_requested Array
[[0, 1], [0, 1], [0, 1], [0, 1], [0, 1]]
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_amountmultiplier Array
[[1, 1, 1], [0.33, 0.5, 1]]
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_aacapableassets Array
["spe_flak_30", "spe_flak_38", "spe_us_m16_halftrack", "spe_m45_quadmount"]
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_knowntargets_soft_e HashMap
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_iowamode Boolean GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_ds_providingtime Scalar
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_knowntargets_soft_o HashMap
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_infantrydefaulttemptation Array
[[12, 0, 0], [12, 0, 0], [12, 0, 0], [12, 0, 0]]
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_calledsupportspermanent Boolean GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_knowntargets_soft_r HashMap
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_requestedmortarspread Scalar
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_mapcenter Array
[6144, 6144]
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_casactivity Array
[ [ 0, 60, 300, 0, 0, [], [], 0 ], [ 0.1, 60, 300, 1, 2, [ "SPE_FW190F8", 1 ], [], 0 ], [ 0.25, 10, 300, 1, -1, [ "SPE_P47", 1 ], [], 0 ], [ 0, 60, 300, 0, 0, [], [], 0 ] ]
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_mort_spawndirection Array
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_spmortar Array
["o_mbt_02_arty_f", "b_mbt_01_arty_f"]
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_knowntargets_soft_w HashMap
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_cas_aimerrorspread Array
[[0, 0.6, 1], [0, 0, 1]]
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_fototargetmaxdistances Array
[50, 150, 250]
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_worthyinfantryradius Array
[ [ 100, 150, 25 ], [ 100, 150, 25 ], [ 100, 150, 25 ], [ 100, 150, 25 ] ]
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_dsradius Scalar
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_knowntargets_armored Array
[[], [], [], []]
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_casweaponrytable_west_ambient Array
[ [ 2, 0.1, 3, 0.9 ], [ 0, 0.1, 1, 0.15, 2, 0.25, 3, 0.5 ], [ 0, 0.15, 1, 0.2, 2, 0.25, 3, 0.4 ], [ 0, 0.5, 1, 0.5, 2, 0, 3, 0 ] ]
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_knowntargets_infantry_e HashMap
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_cas_aimerror Scalar
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_nocontrol Array
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_knowntargets_soft Array
[[], [], [], []]
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_knowntargets_infantry_o HashMap
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_enemieseast Array
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_knowntargets_infantry_r HashMap
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_knowntargets_infantry_w HashMap
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_safetydistance_mortararty Array
[25, 25, 25, 25]
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_ds_checkproviderlos Boolean GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_worthyinfantrytarget Array
[ [ 2, 4, 0 ], [ 2, 4, 0 ], [ 2, 4, 0 ], [ 2, 4, 0 ] ]
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_acceptedradiobackpacks Array
["b_spe_ger_radio", "b_spe_us_radio", "b_spe_us_radio_alt", "b_spe_us_radio_packboard", "b_spe_us_radio_packboard_light"]
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_knownenemiesmarkers Array
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_initcomplete Boolean GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_enemiesother Array
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_casactive Boolean GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_casavailability_side Array
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_add_other Array
[ [ [ "spe_grw278_1" ], [ "SPE_8Rnd_81mm_FA_Mle_1932_HE", "", "", "SPE_8Rnd_81mm_FA_Mle_1932_Smoke", "SPE_8Rnd_81mm_FA_Mle_1932_Illu" ] ], [ [ "spe_lefh18" ], [ "SPE_20x_Shell_105L28_Gr38_HE", "", "", "SPE_20x_Shell_105L28_Gr38_NB", "" ] ], [ [ "spe_m1_81" ], [ "SPE_8Rnd_81mmHE_M1_M43A1", "SPE_8Rnd_81mmWP_M1_M57", "", "SPE_8rnd_81mm_M1_M57_SmokeShell", "" ] ], [ [ "spe_m4a1_t34_calliope" ], [ "SPE_60Rnd_M8", "", "", "", "" ] ] ]
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_onephase Boolean GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_requestedsupportavailabilitydelay Array
[ [ 60, 180, 60 ], [ 60, 180, 60 ], [ 60, 180, 60 ], [ 60, 180, 60 ] ]
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_debug Boolean GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_areablacklist Array
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_lightartillery Array
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_allbullets Array
["", "spe_b_127x99_api_plane", "spe_b_20x82_he", "spe_b_13x64_hei"]
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_incomingmarkrange Scalar
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_planes_east Array
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_requestedheavyartygunsamount Array
[1, 3, 1, 1]
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_checkedpotentialartyclasses Array
["spe_grw278_1", "spe_m1_81", "spe_m4a1_t34_calliope"]
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_calledsupportsui Scalar
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_spottinground_called Boolean GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_casweaponrytable_ind_emergency Array
[ [ 1, 0.25, 3, 0.75 ], [ 1, 0.75, 3, 0.25 ] ]
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_interval Scalar
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_add_rocket Array
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_emergencycalloveruseinterval Array
[ [ 30, 45, 60, 90, 45 ], [ 30, 45, 60, 90, 45 ], [ 30, 45, 60, 90, 45 ], [ 30, 45, 60, 90, 45 ] ]
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_cas_spawndirection Array
[180, 180]
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_casweaponrytable_west_emergency Array
[[3, 1], [2, 0.75, 3, 0.25]]
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_svstart Boolean GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_2phwithoutfo Boolean GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_cas_originobjects Array
[[], [], [], []]
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_aibombhelper_disable Boolean GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_requestedmortarammo Array
["SPE_8Rnd_81mmHE_M1_M43A1", "SPE_8Rnd_81mm_FA_Mle_1932_HE", "SPE_8Rnd_81mmHE_M1_M43A1", "SPE_8Rnd_81mmHE_M1_M43A1"]
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_spottinground Array
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_mortar Array
["i_mortar_01_f", "o_mortar_01_f", "b_g_mortar_01_f", "b_mortar_01_f"]
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_foaccgain Scalar
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_enemiesresistance Array
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_addammo Scalar
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_casweaponrytable_ind_requested Array
[ [ 0, 0.15, 1, 0.2, 2, 0.25, 3, 0.4 ], [ 1, 0.25, 3, 0.75 ], [ 0, 0.1, 1, 0.15, 2, 0.25, 3, 0.5 ], [ 0, 0.15, 1, 0.2, 2, 0.25, 3, 0.4 ], [ 0, 0.9, 1, 0.1, 2, 0, 3, 0 ] ]
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_emergencyfireimmunity Boolean GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_allprojectiles_us Array
["", "spe_r_m8", "spe_r_m8_a3_module", "spe_r_m8_a3", "spe_r_m8_fly", "spe_us_500lb_timed_short_bomb", "spe_us_500lb_timed_short_bomb_submunition", "spe_b_127x99_api_plane", "spe_sh_m43a1_81_he", "spe_sh_m43a1_81_he_submunition"]
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_staticdefaulttemptation Array
[ [ 5, 5, 5 ], [ 5, 5, 5 ], [ 5, 5, 5 ], [ 5, 5, 5 ] ]
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_publicfunctions Boolean GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_wpclasses Array
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_casweaponrytable_west_requested Array
[ [ 0, 0.15, 1, 0.2, 2, 0.25, 3, 0.4 ], [ 2, 0.1, 3, 0.9 ], [ 0, 0.1, 1, 0.15, 2, 0.25, 3, 0.5 ], [ 0, 0.15, 1, 0.2, 2, 0.25, 3, 0.4 ], [ 0, 0.5, 1, 0.5, 2, 0, 3, 0 ] ]
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_counterbatteryfireispriority Boolean GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_shouldblacklistblockrequestedsupport Boolean GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_targetmaxspeeds Array
[10, 30]
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_fo Array
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_art_spawndirection Array
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_ds_checkfriendlyfire Boolean GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_add_spmortar Array
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_casweaponrytable_east_ambient Array
[ [ 0, 1 ], [ 0, 1 ], [ 0, 1 ], [ 0, 1 ], [ 0, 1 ] ]
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_ds_providerblacklist Array
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_requestedheavyartyspread Scalar
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_magazinesammodata HashMap
[ [ "SPE_8rnd_81mm_M1_M57_SmokeShell", [ 0.2, 0, , "shotshell" ] ], [ "SPE_8Rnd_81mm_FA_Mle_1932_Illu", [ 0.2, 2, bin\config.bin/CfgAmmo/SPE_Sh_FA_Mle_1932_ILLU/lightColor, "shotilluminating" ] ], [ "SPE_8Rnd_81mmWP_M1_M57", [ 3.5, 2, , "shotshell" ] ], [ "SPE_8Rnd_81mm_FA_Mle_1932_Smoke", [ 0.2, 0, , "shotshell" ] ], [ "SPE_8Rnd_81mmHE_M1_M43A1", [ 7.9 ] ], [ "SPE_60Rnd_M8", [ 19 ] ], [ "SPE_8Rnd_81mm_FA_Mle_1932_HE", [ 7.9 ] ] ]
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_knowntargets_infantry Array
[[], [], [], []]
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_monogamy Boolean GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_ds_interval Scalar
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_safetydistance_cas Array
[50, 50, 50, 50]
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_cas_currentplanes Array
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_enemieswest Array
[0, 2]
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_other Array
[ [ [ "spe_grw278_1" ], [ "SPE_8Rnd_81mm_FA_Mle_1932_HE", "", "", "SPE_8Rnd_81mm_FA_Mle_1932_Smoke", "SPE_8Rnd_81mm_FA_Mle_1932_Illu" ] ], [ [ "spe_lefh18" ], [ "SPE_20x_Shell_105L28_Gr38_HE", "", "", "SPE_20x_Shell_105L28_Gr38_NB", "" ] ], [ [ "spe_m1_81" ], [ "SPE_8Rnd_81mmHE_M1_M43A1", "SPE_8Rnd_81mmWP_M1_M57", "", "SPE_8rnd_81mm_M1_M57_SmokeShell", "" ] ], [ [ "spe_m4a1_t34_calliope" ], [ "SPE_60Rnd_M8", "", "", "", "" ] ], [ [ "spe_grw278_1" ], [ "SPE_8Rnd_81mm_FA_Mle_1932_HE", "", "", "", "SPE_8Rnd_81mm_FA_Mle_1932_Illu" ] ], [ [ "spe_m1_81" ], [ "SPE_8Rnd_81mmHE_M1_M43A1", "", "", "", "" ] ], [ [ "spe_m4a1_t34_calliope" ], [ "SPE_60Rnd_M8", "", "", "", "" ] ], [ [ "spe_grw278_1" ], [ "SPE_8Rnd_81mm_FA_Mle_1932_HE", "", "", "", "SPE_8Rnd_81mm_FA_Mle_1932_Illu" ] ], [ [ "spe_m1_81" ], [ "SPE_8Rnd_81mmHE_M1_M43A1", "", "", "", "" ] ], [ [ "spe_m4a1_t34_calliope" ], [ "SPE_60Rnd_M8", "", "", "", "" ] ] ]
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_knowntargets_arty Array
[[], [], [], []]
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_artyavailability_side Array
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_knowntargets_armored_e HashMap
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_enemysides Array
[[1], [0, 2], [1], []]
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_dsmaxrange Scalar
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_sides Array
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_immunefx_ringing Boolean GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_allowmortarsagainsttanks Boolean GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_knowntargets_armored_o HashMap
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_requestedmortaramount Scalar
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_knowntargets_armored_r HashMap
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_mortarclasses Array
["spe_m1_81", "spe_grw278_1"]
GEGlobal TBD
spe_ais_ifs_debugswitch Boolean GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_emergencycasdelay Scalar
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_knowntargets_armored_w HashMap
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_planedefaulttemptation Array
[ [ 15, 15, 15 ], [ 15, 15, 15 ], [ 15, 15, 15 ], [ 15, 15, 15 ] ]
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_availablecalls Array
[ [ -1, -1, -1 ], [ -1, -1, -1 ], [ -1, -1, -1 ], [ -1, -1, -1 ] ]
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_priokeys Array
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_add_mortar Array
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_casweaponrytable_east_emergency Array
[[0, 1], [0, 1]]
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_requestedheavyartyammo Array
["SPE_60Rnd_M8", "SPE_20x_Shell_105L28_Gr38_HE", "SPE_60Rnd_M8", "SPE_60Rnd_M8"]
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_pendingartycalls Array
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_emergencyartydelay Scalar
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_prioritycastargets Array
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_planes_west Array
["SPE_FW190F8", 1]
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_newpriorityartycalls Array
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_targetreportingdelay Array
[ [ 30, 30, 30, 30 ], [ 30, 30, 30, 30 ], [ 30, 30, 30, 30 ], [ 30, 30, 30, 30 ] ]
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_cas_spawndistance Array
[3000, 3000, 3000]
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_foclass Array
[ "spe_us_rangers_radioman", "spe_us_rangers_sniper", "spe_us_radioman", "spe_us_sniper", "spe_fr_sniper", "spe_fr_radioman", "spe_ger_radioman", "spe_ger_scout_assist_squadlead", "spe_ger_scout_ober_grenadier", "spe_ger_scout_lieutenant", "spe_ger_scout_mgunner2", "spe_ger_scout_mgunner", "spe_ger_scout_ober_rifleman", "spe_ger_scout_rifleman", "spe_ger_scout_squadlead", "spe_ger_scout_sniper", "spe_sturmtrooper_radioman", "spe_sturmtrooper_sniper" ]
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_cas_speedlimit Scalar
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_batterymarkers Array
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_casweaponrytable_civ_ambient Array
[ [ 0, 1 ], [ 0, 1 ], [ 0, 1 ], [ 0, 1 ], [ 0, 1 ] ]
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_vehicledefaulttemptation Array
[ [ 3, 3, 2 ], [ 3, 3, 2 ], [ 3, 3, 2 ], [ 3, 3, 2 ] ]
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_allprojectiles Array
[ "", "spe_r_m8", "spe_r_m8_a3_module", "spe_r_m8_a3", "spe_r_m8_fly", "spe_us_500lb_timed_short_bomb", "spe_us_500lb_timed_short_bomb_submunition", "spe_sc250_timed_short_bomb", "spe_sc250_timed_short_bomb_submunition", "spe_sc50_timed_short_bomb", "spe_sc50_timed_short_bomb_submunition", "spe_s_105l28_gr38", "spe_b_127x99_api_plane", "spe_b_20x82_he", "spe_b_13x64_hei", "spe_sh_81_he", "spe_sh_m43a1_81_he", "spe_sh_m43a1_81_he_submunition", "spe_sh_fa_mle_1932_he" ]
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_pause Boolean GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_heavyartillery Array
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_shellview Boolean GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_emergencyfireactive Boolean GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_active Boolean GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_casweaponrytable_east_requested Array
[ [ 0, 1 ], [ 0, 1 ], [ 0, 1 ], [ 0, 1 ], [ 0, 1 ] ]
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_cadetdifficulty Boolean GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_artyavtransmitterdst Array
[50, 25, 5, 5, 5]
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_lightartyclasses Array
["spe_m1_81", "spe_grw278_1"]
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_requestedheavyartygunsrof Array
[0.5, 5, 0.5, 0.5]
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_pendingcascalls Array
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_planes_civ Array
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_newprioritycascalls Array
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_artyactive Boolean GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_heavyartyclasses Array
["spe_lefh18", "spe_m4a1_t34_calliope"]
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_pendingcalls_logging Boolean GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_emergencycallslimit Array
[ [ -1, 5, 3, 1, 3 ], [ -1, 5, 3, 1, 3 ], [ -1, 5, 3, 1, 3 ], [ -1, 5, 3, 1, 3 ] ]
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_requestedmortargunsrof Array
[2, 2, 2, 2]
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_artyavailability_specific Array
[ "_unit getVariable ['SPE_IFS_Transmitter', false]", "(vehicle _unit) getVariable ['SPE_IFS_Transmitter', false]", "_unit isEqualTo (leader _unit)", "((toLower (backpack _unit)) in SPE_IFS_AcceptedRadioBackpacks)", "[_unit] call SPE_fnc_IFS_hasRadio", "(vehicle _unit) isKindOf 'Tank_F'", "((crew (vehicle _unit)) findIf {((_x getVariable ['SPE_IFS_Transmitter', false]) or {((toLower (backpack _x)) in SPE_IFS_AcceptedRadioBackpacks) or {[_x] call SPE_fnc_IFS_hasRadio}})} >= 0)", "((_unit nearEntities [['Tank_F'], ((vehicle _unit) getVariable ['SPE_IFS_ArtyAvTransmitterDst', SPE_IFS_ArtyAvTransmitterDst]) select (missionNamespace getVariable ['SPE_CDA_currentDifficulty', difficulty])]) findIf {((side _unit) getFriend (side _x)) >= 0.6}) >= 0", "((_unit nearEntities [['CAManBase'], ((vehicle _unit) getVariable ['SPE_IFS_ArtyAvTransmitterDst', SPE_IFS_ArtyAvTransmitterDst]) select (missionNamespace getVariable ['SPE_CDA_currentDifficulty', difficulty])]) findIf {(_x isEqualTo (leader _unit)) or (((toLower (backpack _x)) in SPE_IFS_AcceptedRadioBackpacks) and {(((side _unit) getFriend (side _x)) >= 0.6) and {not ((side _x) in [civilian, sideFriendly, sideLogic])}})}) >= 0", "((_unit nearEntities [['CAManBase', 'LandVehicle'], ((vehicle _unit) getVariable ['SPE_IFS_ArtyAvTransmitterDst', SPE_IFS_ArtyAvTransmitterDst]) select (missionNamespace getVariable ['SPE_CDA_currentDifficulty', difficulty])]) findIf {(_x getVariable ['SPE_IFS_Transmitter', false]) and {(((side _unit) getFriend (side _x)) >= 0.6) and {not ((side _x) in [civilian, sideFriendly, sideLogic])}}}) >= 0" ]
GEGlobal TBD
SPE_IFS_debugdeep Boolean GEGlobal TBD