Boecko – User talk

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Revision as of 00:11, 5 January 2007 by Boecko (talk | contribs)
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When you're replying to other people's posts on the talk pages, please don't break up their posts. It makes it impossible to see who said what, and is generally considered bad etiquette on Wikis. Thanks. --Kronzky 18:17, 13 December 2006 (CET)

ok .. next time i'll know it. I thought the context would be better. --Boecko 20:32, 13 December 2006 (CET)

"Give me logical reasons and I quit posting here." --Boecko 22:33, 4 January 2007 (CET)
Placebo has explained to you very clearly that there will be no bug tracking system. That's the end of the story. If you want to set up one on your own site, feel free to do so...
The issue is closed (at least for now), and any further discussion of it will be considered spamming and might get you banned. --Kronzky 22:58, 4 January 2007 (CET)

I try to follow your logic, but i can't. Placebo is^R^Rwas BIS. This is a community page and your talking about that BIS says "there will be no bugtracking system". Is BIS god? You should be aware that the best mod/demo/mission-sites are not from BIS, so why the community bugtracker should be here? Give me rationale and don't try to threat me with banning. That's poor. --Boecko 23:11, 4 January 2007 (CET)